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The global CDM Pipeline 全球 CDM 项目的开发情况. Jørgen Fenhann UNEP Risoe Centre, Denmark j.fenhann@risoe.dk. CDM Biomass Workshop Beijing, 12-15 November, 2007 生物质 CDM 研讨班 2007 年 11 月 12-15 日,北京. Contents 内容. How fast is the CDM Pipeline growing? CDM 项目的申报进展得有多快?
The global CDM Pipeline全球CDM项目的开发情况 Jørgen FenhannUNEP Risoe Centre, Denmarkj.fenhann@risoe.dk • CDM Biomass Workshop • Beijing, 12-15 November, 2007 • 生物质CDM研讨班 • 2007年11月12-15日,北京
Contents内容 • How fast is the CDM Pipeline growing? • CDM项目的申报进展得有多快? • How far have the projects proceeded in the CDM project cycle? • 项目在CDM项目周期中进展到什么程度? • What is the sectoral distribution of the CDM projects? • CDM项目在不同领域的分布 • What is the issuance success? • CER签发的情况 • Available CERs in 2012? • 截止到2012年的CERs总量 • Regional development over time • CDM项目在各地区的发展情况 • Which kind of projects in the Asian frontrunners China and India? • 作为亚洲先锋的中国和印度的项目类型是什么?
Status of CDM projects: 2701 in the pipelineCDM项目的现状:2701个项目在开发中
Expected CERs at 2012 from present projects (by project type)现有项目到2012年为止累计的CERs (项目类型)
Sectoral distribution of CDM projects: CDM项目的部门分布: Biomass energy projects are the second most popular type world wide. 生物质能项目是全球第二大最受欢迎的项目 Landfill gas no. 5 and Biogas no. 7 垃圾填埋气排名第五、沼气排名第七
About 85% of the projects get registered大约有85%的项目已注册
2021 MCERs issued in 2012, assuming 15,3 MCERs extra expected monthly until end-2010到2012年将签发20.21亿个CER,假定到2010年底每月增加1530万个CER
Expected CERs at 2012 from present projects (by host country)从现有的项目预计2012年的CERs( 由东道国提供)
How is Asia & Pacific doing?亚太地区的实施情况如何?
Source: UNEP Risoe CDM/JI Pipeline Analysis and Database UNEP Risoe Centre, 1 November 2007 For more information: 详情请见: www.cdmpipeline.org j.fenhann@risoe.dk Phone: +45 4677 5105 电话:+45 4677 5105