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LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!!. Jeopardy. Vocabulary. Vocabulary Again!. People. Athens or Sparta. Tough Questions!. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400.

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  2. Jeopardy Vocabulary Vocabulary Again! People Athens or Sparta Tough Questions! Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  3. $100 Question from Vocabulary • A government in which the power is given to the people to vote on government issues.

  4. $100 Answer from Vocabulary What is a democracy?

  5. $200 Question from Vocbulary • The term used for a Greek city-state.

  6. $200 Answer from Vocabulary What is a polis?

  7. $300 Question from Vocabulary • The term used for a slave in Spartan society.

  8. $300 Answer from Vocabulary What is a helot?

  9. $400 Question from Vocabulary DOUBLE JEOPARDY This government is controlled by rich landholding nobles.

  10. $400 Answer from Vocabulary What is an aristocracy?

  11. $500 Question from Vocabulary • A humorous Greek play

  12. $500 Answer from Vocabulary What is a comedy?

  13. $100 Question from Vocabulary Again! • A government controlled by a king or queen.

  14. $100 Answer from Vocabulary Again! • What is a monarchy?

  15. $200 Question from Vocabulary Again! • This government is controlled by a few citizens, which normally represent the merchant class.

  16. $200 Answer from Vocabulary Again! What is an oligarchy?

  17. $300 Question from Vocabulary Again! • A low lying hill in the center of a Greek polis. It was used for religious ceremonies.

  18. $300 Answer from Vocabulary Again! What is an acropolis?

  19. $400 Question from Vocabulary Again! • To absorb or adapt another culture

  20. $400 Answer from Vocabulary Again! What is assimilate?

  21. $500 Question from Vocabulary Again! • To banish someone or send away.

  22. $500 Answer from Vocabulary What is to ostracize (ostracism)?

  23. $100 Question from People DOUBLE JEOPARDY • He was a philosopher wrongly accused and executed for corrupting the youth of Athens.

  24. $100 Answer from People Who is Socrates?

  25. $200 Question from People • He was a student of Socrates. He is responsible for writing down the teachings of Socrates. He believed that the government should be controlled by philosopher kings.

  26. $200 Answer from People Who is Plato?

  27. $300 Question from People • He was a student of Plato. He believed that a government should be controlled by a strong, virtuous leader.

  28. $300 Answer from People Who is Aristotle?

  29. $400 Question from People • He was an Athenian leader. He was responsible for making government in Athens more accessible to male citizens and ordering the construction of the Parthenon.

  30. $400 Answer from People Who is Pericles?

  31. $500 Question from People • He was a GREAT leader. He conquered the largest empire in history. He also spread culture as he conquered different areas.

  32. $500 Answer from People Who is Alexander the Great?

  33. $100 Question from Athens or Sparta • This city-state had a democracy.

  34. $100 Answer from Athens or Sparta What is Athens?

  35. $200 Question from Athens or Sparta DOUBLE JEOPARDY • This city state sent young boys to the military at age 7.

  36. $200 Answer from Athens or Sparta What is Sparta?

  37. $300 Question from Athens or Sparta • The Council of Elders held the decision making power in this city state.

  38. $300 Answer from Athens or Sparta What is Sparta?

  39. $400 Question from Athens or Sparta • The Council of 500 proposed laws to be approved by the assembly in this city state.

  40. $400 Answer from Athens or Sparta What is Athens?

  41. $500 Question from Athens or Sparta • This city state’s government was better known as an oligarchy.

  42. $500 Answer from Athens or Sparta What is Sparta?

  43. $100 Question from Tough Questions! Sparta’s fear of Athen’s dominance, Athens forceful tactics to keep city states, and the tension between Athens and Sparta led to this war in Greece.

  44. $100 Answer from Tough Questions! What are the Peloponnesian Wars?

  45. $200 Question from Tough Questions! • This alliance wanted to wage war against the Persians and liberate any Greek city states under Persian control.

  46. $200 Answer from Tough Questions What is the Delian League?

  47. $300 Question from Tough Questions! • This alliance feared Athens’ dominance and wanted to stop it.

  48. $300 Answer from Tough Questions! What is the Spartan Confederacy?

  49. $400 Question from Tough Questions! • Athens gained wealth and became known as the strongest city-state in Greece because of this war.

  50. $400 Answer from Tough Questions! What are the Persian Wars?

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