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START. Translation of process algebras to Java. Paul Bilokon Samuel Lau Andrew Roberts. Introduction. Modelling Finite State Processes (FSP) Threads and monitors Mission statement. Modelling. Simplicity: abstraction from irrelevant details Determination of relevant factors
Translation ofprocess algebras to Java Paul Bilokon Samuel Lau Andrew Roberts
Introduction • Modelling • Finite State Processes (FSP) • Threads and monitors • Mission statement
Modelling • Simplicity: abstraction from irrelevant details • Determination of relevant factors • Predict long term behaviour • “What if” scenarios
Finite State Processes (FSP) • “A process calculus is a small language that allows us to give precise descriptions of the essential properties of concurrent and communicating programs.” • FSP is a process calculus. • FSP is finite, so we can do proofs, safety checks, etc. • Example:SUPREMA_GROUP = (enter -> present -> leave -> SUPREMA_GROUP).AUDIENCE = (yawn -> sleep -> wakeUp -> AUDIENCE).||FUN = (SUPREMA_GROUP || AUDIENCE). • Wishful thinking:yawnsleepenterwakeUppresentleave…
Mission statement • Investigate the relationship between FSP and Java • Restrict the subset of FSP under consideration • Consider examples, develop the theory • Discover interesting patterns and methods • Formalize it, if possible, using mathematical notation • Evaluate the results. Refine the model, if necessary • Could we use these results to build an automated FSP to Java translator? Would this be a useful tool?
Translation • The action prefix and simple processes • Guarded actions • Choice • Variables • Simple parallel composition • Parallel composition of dependent processes • Other FSP constructs
P1 = (a1 -> a2 -> … -> an -> STOP). Quick FSP Recap Actions • FSP Processes Java classes • FSP Actions Java Methods • Guards While-wait loop • Choice External factor allows choice Guarded Actions P = (when(B) a -> STOP). Choice DRINKS_MACHINE = (red -> coffee -> DRINKS_MACHINE |blue -> tea -> DRINKS_MACHINE).
public class Store { private int i; public Store() { this.i = 0; } synchronized public int put(int i) { this.i = i; } } //END class Variables • FSP Constructor Java constructor • STORE has a state variable, represented in Java as a field variable • ‘put’ has an action variable, represented as a parameter for the put method range T = 0..5 STORE = STORE[0], STORE[i:T]=(put[i:T]->STORE[i]).
Simple parallel composition ||COMPOSITION = (a1 || a2 || … || an), No shared actions! public class Composition { protected A1 _a1; protected A2 _a2; … protected An _an; public Composition() { new Thread(_a1 = new A1()); new Thread(_a2 = new A2()); … new Thread(_an = new An()); } } • Instantiate and start threads • Non-simple composition uses similar composite class
Composition: caller/callee pattern • Two shared actions: designate one the caller and the other callee • Caller is part of a thread • Calls callee method, which is part of a monitor • Only works with 2 shared actions! public class Caller implements Runnable { public run() { … Callee.a(); … } } public class Callee { synchronized public void a() { //do something } }
Composition: semaphores • Uses semaphores – not intuitive Java • Works for many shared actions – can become complex! public class Bill implements Runnable { public void run() { play(); release(A); acquire(B); eat(); } } //END class BILL = (play -> meet -> eat -> STOP). BEN = (work -> meet -> sleep -> STOP). public class Ben implements Runnable { public void run() { work(); acquire(A); release(B); sleep(); } } //END class
General composition of processes • P1 = (… -> a -> … -> STOP).P2 = (… -> a -> … -> STOP).…P(n – 1) = (… -> a -> … -> STOP).Pn = (… -> a -> … -> STOP). • Method 1. Extend the semaphore method. For n shared methods, (2n-2) semaphores required. Initialize to an ‘acquired’ state. • Method 2.Synchronization object. Uses Java’s inbuilt synchronization. This object is a monitor and counts in the shared actions. Once they have all ‘reported in’ it will let all the threads continue.
Case study: Roller Coaster • Apology • Monitors and threads revisited • Caller/callee pattern • Problem: parameters or return values? • Problem: action order • Well-formed FSP
Caller/callee pattern • Only one type of process interaction – monitor/thread. • In general, this is the most common form of process communication. • ‘Directionality’ is an important criterion for preferring this design pattern. E.g. the thread Passengers tells the monitor Controller that a newPassenger has arrived.
Problem: parameters vs return • COASTERCAR has action getPassenger[i:1..MCar] with a ‘free’ variable (cf. Prolog). • CONTROLLER has action getPassenger[carSize]. The variable carSize is bound. • A method of Coastercar (thread) to be called from Controller (monitor)? • Use return values instead:synchronized public int getPassenger()in Controller.
Problem: action order • PLATFORMACCESS = (arrive -> depart -> PLATFORMACCESS). • PLATFORMACCESS = ({arrive -> depart} -> PLATFORMACCESS). publicclass PlatformAccess { public boolean arrive_done = false; synchronized public void arrive() { while (arrive_done) wait(); arrive_done = true; } synchronized public void depart() { while (! arrive_done) wait(); arrive_done = false; } }
Well-formed FSP • Is this translation ‘natural’? • Does Java ‘match’ FSP? • Is it easy for an automated FSP2Java program to spot this? • Could ask the user to re-write the FSP to comply with a well-formed FSP standard. • For example…
Well-formed FSP II • PLATFORMACCESS = (arrive -> depart -> PLATFORMACCESS). • PLATFORMACCESS = PLATFORMACCESS[0],PLATFORMACCESS[i:0..1]= (when(i=0) arrive->PLATFORMACCESS[1] |when(i=1) arrive->PLATFORMACCESS[0] ).
Conclusions • What is a good translation? • A subset of FSP • Limitation • Automatic Translation • Further work • FSP modification • Validation of translation • Rest of FSP
What is a good translation? The factors are: • Complexity • Readability We would like to read and understand the Java code easily. We have found out that the Caller/Callee pattern is the most intuitive. However, this pattern cannot be used for more than 2 shared actions.
Limitation • Caller/Callee pattern: Monitor? Thread? • Data flow between processes can be difficult to translate. One solution is to rewrite the FSP and merge the actions. • A FSP can send more than 1 item of data but Java cannot.
Automatic translation • Given more time, we may write a program that automatically translates FSP to Java. • Closer relation between FSP and Java code • Humans have benefit of context, which will effect implementation • Is this feasible?
FSP modification • We may rewrite the FSP in some circumstances. • Aim: Make the translation more effective and concise.
Validation of translation • We are able to translate a large subset of FSP. • But how can we prove that the Java code actually corresponds to the FSP given? • Very difficult: Logic reasoning?
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