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Ways to Engage Online in 2008

Learn how to engage with your audience online through tools such as email, social networking sites, fundraising, videos, blogs, media websites, and more. Discover the power of existing relationships to drive political outreach and achieve your goals.

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Ways to Engage Online in 2008

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  1. Ways to Engage Online in 2008 Colin Delany, Epolitics.com September 9, 2008

  2. Politics is driven by people

  3. Most successful political outreach is based on existing relationships… Online or Off!

  4. If you’re working on behalf of a campaign, you become its face

  5. The closer to home you work, the more your voice stands out.

  6. Tip: Start with the tools you already use.

  7. Goals: • Elect a candidate • Promote an organization or initiative • Change public policy • Change the terms of the public discussion

  8. Tools: Email, email, email • Still most widely used online communications tool • Crosses all demographics • The power of that crazy uncle

  9. Tools: Social Networking Sites • Facebook, MySpace, Linked-In • Also niche networks such as Eons • Extension of your real-world social network • Your whole profile has the potential to be • a promotional tool

  10. Tools: Fundraising • For campaigns and causes • Official or roll-your-own • Can drive via email, soc nets and other channels

  11. Tools: Video • Gone from difficult to easy in just a couple of years • YouTube: hosting is great, embedding is key • Tends to have an emotional connection

  12. Tools: Blogs • Individual citizen can have a loud voice • Still room for niche/local blogs • Even if you don’t have one, you can use them: leave • comments, pitch stories • Look beyond the national sites

  13. Tools: Media Websites • Media websites’ comments have become a new • public square • A chance to influence the conversation • Close to home = more effective

  14. Other Tools • Social news sites • Twitter • Viral marketing • Remember, start with the ones you use!

  15. Contact: Colin Delany, Epolitics.com 202-422-4682 cpd@epolitics.com

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