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  1. BusinessPriority: i. Risk & ComplianceManagement Sector:HealthCare Sub Sector: LifeSciences INFOCUSREPORT ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement “How is digital innovation a"ecting thepharmaceutical The GrowthEnabler InFocus reports uniquely address the top priorities for technology leaders and their teams; by recommending potential solutions, in the context of business growth. Each business priority is broken down to point level/function-specific solutions that are further linked to technologies with a list of vendors. Business Solutions are sourced from GrowthEnabler Pii, our intelligence gateway to over 525K high growth tech companies. This report is designed to navigatetheever-changingtechnologylandscape,andenablemoreinformed,andquicker,decisionmaking. industry?” 3 Step Guide Document Created for the: CIO, CDO,CTO, CSO,CEO ReadingTime: 15minutes ©2018 / All rightsreserved

  2. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement Contents • Introduction • / How will this impactgrowth? • / Identifying businesspriorities • / From business priorities to solutions, in 3steps ii. The 3Steps Risk &ComplianceManagement / Clinical Trial and DrugRegulation / Compliance ManagementSoftware / IntegratedGRC / RiskManagement Research&Development / New ProductDevelopment / Faster DrugDesign / Improve Clinical TrialCycles / Genome Sequencing Datamanagement / Clinical Research IntelligenceSourcing / Streamline research knowledge management inlabs / Patient Recruitment andEngagement iii.Recommendations 19. / How is digital innovation transforming the Pharmaceuticalindustry? 21. / How should corporates work withStartups? iv.Methodology 23. / GrowthEnabler ResearchMethodology ©2018 / All rightsreserved

  3. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement Anintroduction How will digital innovation impactgrowth? The changing demands of consumers is an important consideration and Precision medicine methods that drive personalized therapies are the way forward. Embracing RPA can help clinical researchers improve the quality and accuracy of research processes in R&D and drug safety monitoring activities. Additionally, cross-functional team structure will enable businesses to break down silos, allowing knowledge to be shared freely among various therapeutic areas. The increased access to such real-world data will allow companies to streamline the development process and drive downcosts. Clinical innovation, operational e ciencies, customer engagement, cost/pricing and regulatory compliance requirements will continue to be top business priorities withinLifeSciences. As the pace of innovation gathers steam, companies should actively manage and capitalise on opportunities in areas such as Regulatory Enhancementsand Value-based contracting. They should also assess the impact of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Predictive analytics on their core business functions. For e.g. Businesses can streamline the drug discovery process by deploying AI algorithms to analyse large data sets from clinical trials and geneticprofiles. ©2018 / All rightsreserved 1

  4. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement BusinessPriorities Sub-segments Clinical Trial and DrugRegulation New Product Development Compliance Management Software Risk Management Risk & Compliance Research & Development FasterDrug Design ImproveClinical TrialCycles Integrated GRC ©2018 / All rightsreserved 2

  5. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement From Sub-segments toSolutions The 3Steps. 1. 2. 3. EMERGING SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE SCALING MATURE Startup Growth StageDefinitions EMERGING: SCALING: MATURE: Early stage startups typically at beta product stage and seeking investmentcapital Typically funded, with a market ready product and revenuepositive Established product, exploring new growth markets andpartnerships ©2018 / All rightsreserved 3

  6. 1. 2. 3. Risk & SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Compliance Management PrimeVigilance 26-28 Frederick Sanger Road,Surrey primevigilance.com Provides comprehensive pharmacovigilance services and medical information support for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Clinical Trial and DrugRegulation DrugSafety Monitoring A. Risk & Compliance Numerate 1501 Mariposa Street, SanFrancisco Numerate.com AI based molecule drug discovery. Developed ToxTool system: a computational assessment tool determining potential compound toxicity, and guiding the laboratory characterization of new chemical threatagents. Compliance ManagementSoftware DWLConsulting Wayne, NewJersey Dwlconsult.com Provider of expert safety consulting specializing in Quality Management Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety for pharmaceutical companies and Contract ResearchOrganizations. IntegratedGRC Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com RiskManagement B. Research & Development

  7. 1. 2. 3. Risk & SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Compliance Management NextDocs 26-28 Frederick Sanger Road,Surrey nextdocs.com Cloud based compliance document management software for LifeSciences firms enabling businesses in regulated industries to achieve compliance with FDA, EMA and otheragencies. Clinical Trial and DrugRegulation A. Risk & Compliance TrialScope 185 Hudson Street, Suite 2900,Jersey trialscope.com Cloud based clinical trial transparency and integrated compliance management solutions. LifeSciences GRC/Pharmaceuticals RegulationSoftware Compliance ManagementSoftware Complion Euclid Avenue, Suite 2150,Cleveland complion.com Software solutions for clinical trial regulations that can be used by both organizations and trialsites. IntegratedGRC Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com RiskManagement B. Research & Development

  8. 1. 2. 3. Risk & SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Compliance Management Clinical Trial and DrugRegulation A. Risk & Compliance Rsam One Harmon Plaza,Secaucus rsam.com Integrated GRC solution to automate governance, risk and compliance procedures in an organization to create a central risk depository to gain insights into businessrisks. Compliance ManagementSoftware LogicGate 214 West Ohio Street,Chicago logicgate.com Workflow automation software for enterpris- es to automate the business processes, mitigate risks, reduce costs and ensure compliance. LifeSciences GRC/Pharmaceuticals RegulationSoftware IntegratedGRC iGRC 7000 N. Mopac Expressway,Austin http://intelligent-grc.com Web-based integrated GRC solution to manage risk and ensure compliance for LifeSciencesvertical. RiskManagement B. Research & Development Find more solutions on GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com

  9. 1. 2. 3. Risk & SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Compliance Management Clinical Trial and DrugRegulation A. Risk & Compliance Compliance ManagementSoftware Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com IntegratedGRC UpGuard 650 Castro Street, MountainView upguard.com Provides hosted/on-premise software solution to enhance visibility into the server configuration, network devices and cloud apps within the enterprisepremises. IT security & Risk Management RiskManagement B. Research & Development SecurityScorecard 214 West 29th Street. FLR 5, NewYork securityscorecard.com Provides threat intelligence and risk awareness by automated real-time risk monitoring to safeguard data privacy and health providerinfrastructure.

  10. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement Recursion 630 S. Komas Drive, Salt Lake City,UT recursionpharma.com New Product Development Gene Editing/ GeneTherapy Drug discovery platform involving millions of rapid, automated experiments and analysis to discover new therapeutics for rare genetic diseases. A. Risk & Compliance Peptone Amsterdam, TheNetherlands peptone.io Helps predict protein features and characteristics that help researchers reduce complexity in protein design, detect production and characterisation issues, and discover novel drugdesigns. AI for DrugDiscovery andDiagnosis Faster DrugDesign Homology 45 Wiggins Ave, Bedford,MA homologymedicines.com Develops gene therapies for rare genetic diseases through a proprietary technology based on geneediting. ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Find more solutions on GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com

  11. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement BenevolentAI 40 Churchway,London benevolent.ai New Product Development Gene Editing/ GeneTherapy Developer of core deep learning based AI which is used to used to process medical data to aid in the process of drug discovery anddevelopment. A. Risk & Compliance Freenome 259 East Grand Avenue, SouthSan Francisco freenome.com Deep learning platform for detecting circulating cancer-related markers in patient bloodsamples. AI for DrugDiscovery andDiagnosis Faster DrugDesign OWKIN NewYork owkin.com Machine learning based solutions for drug discovery and precisionmedicine. ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Find more solutions on GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com

  12. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement BioSymetrics NewYork biosymetrics.com Uses AI to process raw phenotypic, imaging, drug, and genomic data that allows researchers to integrate rapid analytics and machine learning capabilities into existing businessprocesses. New Product Development A. Risk & Compliance ThoughtSpot 1 Palo Alto Square, Bldg 1, PaloAlto thoughtspot.com AI based natural language search on billions of rows of data from any source for speed analysis of clinical trial results and historical genomicsdata. Aggregate & SynthesizeInformation Faster DrugDesign Nference 101 Main Street, 15th floor,Cambridge nference.ai Helps researchers identify competitive white space, eliminate blind spots in research, and discover disease similarities by phenotype for clinical trial design usingAI. ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Find more solutions on GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com

  13. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement WuXi NextCODE 55 Cambridge Pkwy,Cambridge wuxinextcode.com Global platform for sequence analysis of genomic data with dataarchitecture optimized specifically for massive genomic data. New Product Development A. Risk & Compliance DNAnexus 703 Market Street, SanFrancisco dnanexus.com O"ers cloud-based genome informatics and data management tools for enterprises and organizations that are engagedin the development and delivery of genomic medicine. Genome Informatics / Sequencing DataAnalysis Faster DrugDesign BionanoGenomics 9640 Towne Centre Drive, SanDiego bionanogenomics.com Developed a platform for imaging single molecules of DNA at megabase lengths which can be used to detect structural variations and mutations in the sample DNA with a high level ofprecision. Clinical Trial Data Collection andManagement ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com ClinicalDecision Support Robotic automation/ Remote CloudLabs

  14. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement New Product Development A. Risk & Compliance MC10 10 Maguire Road, Building 3,Lexington mc10inc.com Bio-Sensor manufacturers to help collect data during clinical trials through near-field communication ofBioStamps. Genome Informatics / Sequencing DataAnalysis Faster DrugDesign Kayentis 228 North Market Street –Frederick kayentis.com Its web platform enables real-time monitoring and management of clinical trialdata. Clinical Trial Data Collection andManagement ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Exco-intouch 1818 Market St,Philadelphia excointouch.com Provides digital patient engagement and data capture solutions for clinical research and healthcareproviders. ClinicalDecision Support Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com Robotic automation/ Remote CloudLabs

  15. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement New Product Development A. Risk & Compliance Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com Genome Informatics / Sequencing DataAnalysis Faster DrugDesign Cota 1 State Street Plaza, NewYork cotahealthcare.com Clinical Trial Data Collection andManagement ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Data and technology platform for value-based precision medicine allows physicians to analyze and visualizes data to gain insights into real-world practice patterns, outcomes, costs, and quality acrosspatients. InsightRX San Francisco,CA insight-rx.com Its software platform provides an informed patient-specific dose by leveraging machine learning, patient demographics,physiological ClinicalDecision Support characteristics, pharmacogenomic data,drug EMERcoGnIcNeGntrations andbiomarkers. Emedgene Yigal Alon St 86, Tel Aviv-Yafo,Israel emedgene.com Knowledge management platform to support genetic tests' decision to support the full workflow of diagnosing patients and generates clinical insights for unknown geneticvariants. Robotic automation/ Remote CloudLabs

  16. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement New Product Development A. Risk & Compliance Genome Informatics / Sequencing DataAnalysis Faster DrugDesign Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com Clinical Trial Data Collection andManagement ImproveClinical TrialCycles B. Research & Development Transcriptic 3565 Haven Ave., Suite 3, MenloPark transcriptic.com Develops cloud-based remote robotic bio-lab executing experiments with the help of their proprietary automatedsystem. ClinicalDecision Support ECL 844 Dubuque Av, South SanFrancisco emeraldcloudlab.com Web-based lifesciences lab that scientists can remotely access via the Internet where automated robotics conduct experiments based on usespecifications. Robotic automation/ Remote CloudLabs 14

  17. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement SevenBridges 1 Main St, 5th Floor,Cambridge sevenbridges.com Cloud based platform to store and analyze genomic data aimed at researchers, labs, core facilities, and pharmaceutical companies to manage large amounts of NGSdata. GenomeSequencing Datamanagement Genome Informatics / Sequencing DataAnalysis A. Risk & Compliance Repositive 104 Hills Road,Cambridge repositive.io Web platform to facilitate data sharing for genomics research in cancer and other rare diseases. Clinical Research IntelligenceSourcing Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com Streamline research knowledgemanagement inlabs B. Research & Development PatientRecruitment & Engagement 15

  18. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement Scientist 125 N. Acacia Ave., SolanaBeach scientist.com The company operates an online network of commercial suppliers and CROs to help life sciences companies in outsourcing biomedical research services andsupplies. GenomeSequencing Datamanagement A. Risk & Compliance ZAGENO 1st courtyard left, Berlin,Germany zageno.com Marketplace and life science research community to search and buy biotech researchkits. Clinical Research IntelligenceSourcing LifeScience ResearchMarketplace HealthGorilla 800 W 34th St Ste 250, Austin healthgorilla.com Provides a marketplace for clinicians to order diagnostic tests and to get real-time access to results. Streamline research knowledgemanagement inlabs B. Research & Development Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com PatientRecruitment & Engagement 16

  19. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement GenomeSequencing Datamanagement A. Risk & Compliance Quartzy 550 Hamilton Ave Ste 150, PaloAlto quartzy.com Web based lab management platform for LifeSciencescommunity. Clinical Research IntelligenceSourcing Elemental 831 Mitten Rd # 205,Burlingame elementalmachines.io O"ers lab management solutions for maintaining experimental reproduciblity in life science researchlabs. Streamline research knowledgemanagement inlabs Clinical Trial Data Collection andManagement B. Research & Development Labguru 625 Massachusetts Ave,Cambridge labguru.com Web based lab management software that streamlines research logistics and knowledge management for life sciencelabs. PatientRecruitment & Engagement Find more solutions on GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com 17

  20. 1. 2. 3. Research& SUB-SEGMENTS OF BUSINESSPRIORITY SOLUTIONSTO CONSIDER STARTUPS TO EVALUATE Development Enhancement GenomeSequencing Datamanagement A. Risk & Compliance Find more solutionson GrowthEnablerPii... www.growthenabler.com Clinical Research IntelligenceSourcing Syapse 303 2nd St., Suite 650, SanFrancisco syapse.com Molecular profiling platform for diagnosing and treatingpatients. Streamline research knowledgemanagement inlabs B. Research & Development Antidote 39 Earlham Street,London antidote.me Meta-search engine for clinical trials that helps patients to explore, understand and access clinicaltrials. PatientRecruitment & Engagement Clinical Trial EnrollmentPlatform / Molecular ProfilingPlatform Deep 6AI 77 N Mentor Ave, Suite 200,Pasadena deep6.ai Uses AI technologies to understand the unstructured data from medical records to findmorepatientsforclinicaltrialseasily. 18

  21. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement RecommendationsI How is digital innovation transforming the Pharmaceuticalindustry? Driving clinicalinnovation: i. Organisations should Invest in R&D for cost containment or partner with companies providing technologies to streamline R&D and make the process more ecient. ii. Organisations should collaborate with startups that provide solutions in automated analysis for discovering new therapeutics. By combining techniques of bioinformatics and machine learning algorithms, firms will be able to discover new therapeutic opportunities for rate geneticdiseases. iii. Biopharma companies should use machine learning algorithms to achieve strategic design of drug compounds. Core deep learning based AI is able to help process medical data to generate insights and aid in the process of drug development. iv. Biopharma companies should use machine learning algorithms to achieve strategic design of drug compounds. Core deep learning based AI is able to help process medical data to generate insights and aid in the process of drug development. v. Partner with firms that provide clinical data reporting and visualization tools to achieve quality optimization and e ciency of clinical trials. There exist multiple platforms that use machine learning algorithms to process and analyze genomic data to arrive at clinicalinsights. ©2018 / All rightsreserved 19

  22. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement RecommendationsII How is digital innovation transforming the Pharmaceuticalindustry? Lifesciences organisations should implement Artificial Intelligence for Drug Safety monitoring. They should partner with startups developing solutions/tools that help pharmaceutical companies detect the presence or absence of active ingredients in their medications leveraging mobile technology. A counterfeit drug detection solution through IT has experienced traction in the US market; the AI platform leverages deep learning and works through spectrometers and a cloud dataset of spectral signatures of medicines to carry out non-destructive product authentication. This serves as a major cost cutting solution to pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors andwholesalers. Organisations should partner with an integrated GRC platform vendor for clinical trial compliance management and compliance process integration: GRC software solutionsfortheLifeSciencesindustryenablebusinessestoachievecompliancewithFDA,EMAandotheragencies. Some functionalities of the cloud based platforminclude: Product Information Management solution for the electronic exchange of drug information in the context of marketing authorizationapplications Enterprise-grade eCompliance and clinical trials management software products Regulatory information solution platform for organizational-specific regulatory operationsinformation Clinical trial disclosure platform to manage authoring, reviewing, editing, approving and publishing the clinical trial application and disclosuredata BioPharma companies should focus on Regulatory Intelligence. Regulatory intelligence platforms combined with analytics provides features such as a 360-degree view of policy landscape, identify legal issues, analyze public sentiments, and augment decision making by a knowledge repository of federal regulations. Integrated Compliance Management is achieved through online compliance software that gives global compliance teams an all-in-one platform to manage compliance policies, train management systems and for policy document management, reporting &monitoring. ©2018 / All rightsreserved 20

  23. Sector: HealthCare • Sub sector: Life Sciences • Business Priority: i. Risk & Compliance Management ii. Research & DevelopmentEnhancement Managing Risk andCompliance How should Corporates work withStartups? Startups bring critical innovation, problem solving and the potential of entirely new markets to Corporates. Innovation is high on the CIO agenda today; however partnerships that drive this innovation are becoming harder tofind. Creating real change by fighting against static bureaucracy is one such stumbling block in the successof startup-corporatecollaboration. Corporates can run accelerators and invest/partner with small firms directly. Through this initiative, big firms can o"er startups professional operation management, programming resources and core research facilities. Firms can collaborate with academic institutions, biotech firms and pharmaceutical companiesondrugdiscoverythroughouttheclinicaldeploymentprocess. Large companies should look to nurture collaborations, where both the parties benefit - pharmaceutical companies receive the tech expertise of the startups while startups receive aid in their growth of business. One of the most e"ective way for a pharmaceutical company to benefit from digital innovations is to partner with multiple, compatible digital health startups, and to have these startups build innovative patient and provider-facing digital healthsolutions. ©2018 / All rightsreserved 21

  24. Find out more about GrowthEnablerResearch Methodology ©2018 / All rightsreserved

  25. Proprietary Research INTRODUCTION GrowthEnabler uses its proprietary research methodologies to analyse the business impact of disruptive technologies and digital innovations on the future growth of large corporations and their industries. GrowthEnabler applies its deep-data analysis tools, scoring logic and algorithms to create intelligence that enables senior executives to make informed business growthdecisions. The GrowthEnabler Personalised Intelligence Interface (Pii) is an interactive platform that provides corporates the ability to Find, Select, Connect and Manage global Startups based on their business priorities andproblems. 1. MARKETANALYSIS To create and report leading technology-related market trends and industry analysis with a focus on industry sub-sectors, real-life implementations, industry and market landscapes and competitor dynamics, GrowthEnabler analyses large sets of data and information aggregated from various private and public sources, including online databases, market reports, online surveys, journals, and in-depth phoneinterviews. To further enrich the e cacy of analysis, GrowthEnabler undertakes formal and informal interviews and RFI’s and surveys with key decision makers and executives in corporates, as well as founders and owners of Startups. Following this exercise, large volumes of data is categorised and curated, based on, industry and market drivers, risks, opportunities and challenges specific to an industry vertical or technology area, and then injected into a pre-configured regression model to forecast and predict market movements and trends. GrowthEnabler ResearchMethodology 2. STARTUP TECHNOLOGY LANDSCAPE &ANALYSIS The major sources of Secondary researchare: Global Startupwebsites Dataaggregators VC and Investorportfolios NewsFeeds Industryreports Regional Company registrationwebsites SocialSources(SocialSites,Blogs,Articles,Mediasites) A total of 57 data-points and parameters are applied in analysing and predicting the growth potential and health of a Startup,including: Companyinformation LeadershipTeam BusinessModel Financial Strength/Funding/acquisitiondata Product Innovation - patent data and core features and functions analysis Customer value& sentiments Social Media and Brandingcoverage Business Traction andprogress Out of the total 57, 30 parameters are classified under 5broad categories used to calculate the GE PiiScore. Product &Innovation LeadershipTeam MarketTraction FinancialStrength Social media andBranding The Startup eco-system is built using an exhaustive primary and secondary research analysis model, led by dedicated team of tech analysts and subject matter experts (SMEs), who also use Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies for data mining andcuration. Primary Research – The Primary research data is sourced directly from GrowthEnabler Market Surveys, RFI’s with Startups, One-on-One Interviews, Calls and Product briefings, including Startup and Client Registration Information available on the GrowthEnabler Piiplatform. Secondary Research – A team of Machine Learning and NLP experts scan thousands of private and public data sources using data scraping and crawling methods to extract relevant secondary data, which is then validated and verified using GrowthEnabler automated data-cleansing methods,industry and technology segmentation taxonomies and mapping protocols and core intelligence from pre-populated Startup profiles andreviews. Analyst Validation – A team of Analysts and Subject Matter Experts validate both the primary and secondary data while using internal peer reviews to substantiate core assumptions and data points, and external discussions with senior decisionmakers to assess business relevancy, timing andneed. ©2018 / All rightsreserved 23

  26. FurtherResources: 01. AR & VR Market Pulse Report UK(2016) / Download itat: 02. [Title] /Sub-point 03. [Title] /Sub-point 04. [Title] /Sub-point 05. [Title] /Sub-point FurtherResources: 01. GrowthEnabler Tech PulseReport InsuranceTech2018 02. GrowthEnabler Tech PulseReport FinTech2018 03. ©2018 / All rightsreserved GrowthEnabler InFocusReport Insurance Contact us for access to thesereports: www.growthenabler.com

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