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Standing in the Gap

Standing in the Gap: Intercession - Where an individual positions themselves between two parties, one in need and one with the answer, seeking to bring them together. Learn the significance of interceding from Exodus 32:30-32 as Moses pleaded for forgiveness on behalf of the people. Explore the true meaning of intercession with insights from Philip Yancey and discover how to proceed with this powerful practice. Discover the heart behind standing in the gap and the impact of heartfelt prayer.

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Standing in the Gap

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  1. Standing in the Gap

  2. Standing in the Gap Intercession- Where an individual positions themselves between two parties, one with a need and one with the answer. The individual seeks to bring the two parties together. Exodus 32:30-32 30 On the next day Moses said to the people, "You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin." 31 Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, "Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. 32 "But now, if You will, forgive their sin--and if not, please blot me out from Your book which you have written!"

  3. Standing in the Gap Exodus 32:30-32 30 On the next day Moses said to the people, "You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin." 31 Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, "Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. 32 "But now, if You will, forgive their sin--and if not, please blot me out from Your book which you have written!” What is it exactly that we hope to accomplish by interceding for someone with God? Philip Yancey “crudely put, I once envisioned intercession as bringing a request to God, that God may not have thought of, then talking God into granting them.”

  4. Standing in the Gap Exodus 32:30-32 30 On the next day Moses said to the people, "You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin." 31 Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, "Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. 32 "But now, if You will, forgive their sin--and if not, please blot me out from Your book which you have written!” What is it that we desire to happen? Is this “standing in the gap” us placing our burdens on God’s heart or is it allowing God to place His burdens on ours?

  5. Standing in the Gap How to proceed with “standing in the gap.” 1. Ask God to show you how to proceed. 2. Be specific in identifying how to pray. 3. Connect God’s heart, your heart, and the other’s heart.

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