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The gender gap in education. Numbers. Number : a high number - a low number Figures : it is important to give the exact figures of ... / a round figure Digit : chiffre a double-digit number A double-digit increase in
Numbers • Number : a highnumber - a lownumber • Figures : itis important to give the exact figures of ... / a round figure • Digit : chiffre • a double-digit number • A double-digit increase in • Rate (literacy rate, birth rate, death rate, drop-out rate) • Average : on average ... • An average 60% of youths attend schoolregularly • Outnumber (=be more numerousthan) • Girls diagnosedwithanorexiaoutnumber boys. • A percentage • A threshold: un seuil
15,300 : fifteenthousandthreehundred people PAS DE ‘S’ • DOZEN, MILLION, THOUSAND, HUNDRED sont invariables sauf avant of : dozens of students... • la plupart de: most Observe the use of the article: Most unrulyschoolchildren are boys. Most of the childrenwhocompletedtheirstudy course werechildrenwith no behavior issue. L’emploi de l’article n’est pas lié à la traduction de ‘la’ dans ‘la plupart’ mais à la détermination éventuelle du nom en anglais. In most cases, the gender gap isbeingbridged. In most of the cases thatwerereported in thisenquiry, the childrenfailedatschool.
Quantities • Significantquantities (sizeableamounts of): many / much (u) Manypupilsunderachieve. Much work and patience isrequired to succeed. somany /much ... that Twice (three times, half…) as many / much as Twice as many black pupils as white ones are punishedatschool. • A LOT OF - LOTS OF – hoards of, loads of • Small quantity of: FEW (a few) / LITTLE Very few youthsreportedbeingseverelybullied. A few werelying. Verylittlehopeisleft. • Any s’emploie dans les phrases négatives, le plus souvent + hardly, barely. There washardlyanyproblemwhichremainedunexplored. • Dans les phrases negativesany peut laisser place à no si l’on veut insister sur la négation. There isn’tany case in whichmisbehaviourwas not punished. In no case didmisbehaviourremainunpunished.
ALL + pluriel: All the parents reportedbeingworried for their kids’ well-being. • EVERY + sing: Everychildrequiresequal attention. Everyone, everywhere • EACH ou EVERY ? Study each case separately. I have read every article in the libraryabout boys’ underachievemnt. • SOME (positive, yetindeterminatequantity) Someone, somewhere, somehow • NO / NONE (of) How many of these theories do you know ? None of them. None of the solutions the principal experimentedworkedout. • ABOUT : approximatively / an estimatedthree million people ... • BOTH Both articles demonstrate girls outperform boys in philosophy. • PROPORTION : one third - one quarter 1 personne sur trois : one person out of/ in 3
Commentary • Over a twelve-yearperiod, the situation has remainedfairly stable. • Within a decade, no major dramatic / significant / noticeable change canbeobserved. • On the whole, one maysaythatschoolachievement has steadilyincreased. There has been a steadyincrease in grades. • Over the givenperiod, girls’ gardes are roughly 10 points higherthan boys’. Girls stilloutperform boys.
This bar chartindicatesthat girls do betterthan boys in reading. The differencebetween girls and boys widenswith time: the older the pupils, the wider the gap. 9 year-oldschool girls do better in math thantheir male counterparts but afterwards boys getmuchbetterresults and remain the bestachievers. The largestdifference in terms of achivementbetween girls and boys isthat in readingwhenthey are 17 year of age. Differences in terms of achievementgetmore and more important.
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