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Launch and Landing Pads. Mathematics. ICT. R.E. Control- Imputing instructions into a Bee-Bot and put together a sequence of instructions. Word Processing
Launch and Landing Pads Mathematics ICT R.E Control- Imputing instructions into a Bee-Bot and put together a sequence of instructions. Word Processing Improving keyboard and mouse skills. Using the computer to write stories and present text. Combining text and graphics to create a story. Launch: A fire being set to demonstrate the Fire of London. Landing: Fire service to show modern day fire fighting.. Properties of numbers, number sequences and rounding numbers up and down. Addition, subtraction. Money and time using real life problems. Shape and measures. Who made the world? Looking at the creation story. Identify What is beautiful in the world and what we have to do to make sure we keep the world beautiful. Harvest- saying ‘Thank-you’ The Christmas Story focussing on the story of the 3 Wise Men. Communication/Literacy Theme: The Great Fire of London Year: 2 Term: Autumn 2012 Story writing – based on Dogger, The Lost Toys and Crispin the Selfish Pig, Instructions – writing instructions for a catching a Dragon Poetry – ‘Each Peach Pear Plum MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) Science History/Geography As Historians we will be studying As Geographers we will be Review counting to 10 and saying ‘Hello’. Use of classroom language. Spanish songs. Health and Growth Changing and growing up, different types of food –eating healthily, how exercise keeps us healthy, safe use of medicines. Electricity - Where does electricity come from? What is electricity used for? Safe uses of electricity. Making electrical circuits to help the light house keeper light make his light work. The Great Fire of London – Cause and effect. Use of sources. Important people and events– Guy Fawkes, Remembrance Day and Christmas times in history and around the world. London- Identify and compare landmarks of London with their own environment. Art /D&T As Design Technologists we will be As Artists we will be Colour mixing: making and using hot and cold colours – linked to the Fire of London creating hot colours for flames and cold colours for the River Thames. Photo Frames: investigating and making stable structures. Designing and making photo frames. P.E Music Gymnastics- Developing and refining sequences using high and low body movements. Games: Ball skills such as rolling, kicking, throwing and dribbling. Group singing. Use a range of percussion instruments. Identify long and short sounds. Enterprise Environment Spiritual and moral Communities As enterprising people we will: Encourage others to think about the value of food when studying Harvest and making bread. As people concerned with our environment we will: Look at how we maintain our beautiful world by recycling, saving energy, not wasting water ot littering. In our spiritual and moral development we will look at the class and school rules and see how our actions effect others. We will develop our sense of empathy when we study the Great Fire of London and think about the people who lived there. As members of a community we will look at how our local fire service is there to keep us safe. We will also hink about how looking after our environment keeps are local area nice.