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The objective of criminal law

The objective of criminal law The purpose of criminal law is to punish people who commit crimes . The type of punishment depends on the crime .

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The objective of criminal law

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  1. Theobjective of criminal law Thepurpose of criminal lawistopunishpeoplewhocommitcrimes. Thetype of punishmentdependsonthecrime. Criminal whocommitminorcrimessuch as trespassingusuallyreceive a light punishment. Theyoftenget a fineor are putonprobation. Whencriminalsoffendmany times, theyget a heavierpunishment. Thegotojail. Criminalsalsogotojailwhenthey are dangeroustoothers. Forexample, someonewhocommitsassault and batterygetssenttojail.

  2. Capital punishmentisthemostseriouspunishment. Itisreservedfortheworstcrimes, such as murder. EXERCISES: 1Did Hannah receive a fine? A__ Yes, she has togotojailforthreemonths B__ Yes, she has topay $300 2Does thejudgeagreewith capital punishment? A__ Yes, he sentthe criminal tojailfortwoyears. B__ No, he thinksitiswrongtokillpeoplewhocommitcrimes.

  3. 3Why didMr Thomas trespassonMrsKennedy´sproperty? A__ Hisdoggotloose and ranintotheheryard B__ Sheaskedhimtohelphermovesomefurniture 4How do criminalsgetpunishedforcrimes? A__ Itdependsonwhatcrimetheycommitted. B__ They are arrestedbythepolice 5Did thejudgeput Denise onprobation? A__No, Denise wasn´ttherewhenthecrimehappened. B__ Yes, butnext time shegets in trouble, sheisgoingtojail.

  4. 1 Kevin waschargedwithassault and battery A Walkingonprivateland B attacking and hurtingsomeone C Killingsomeone 2Many criminalsoffendagainwhentheyleavejail A Commit a crime B Getputonprobation C are punishedheavily 3 Whensomeonecommits a crime, theyneedto be punished A attacks and hurtsanotherperson B causes someonetosufferfortheirbadbehavior C doessomethingwhichisagainstthelaw

  5. 4The manwasaccused of committingmurder A Killingsomeone B escapingfromjail C Goingonsomeone´slandwithoutpermission

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