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Exciting Verb Education: Unleashing Multiple Intelligences

Explore verb types through multiple intelligences. Engage in hands-on activities to express understanding of action, state of being, and helping verbs. Projects cater to various learning styles. Have fun learning with verbs!

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Exciting Verb Education: Unleashing Multiple Intelligences

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  1. Multiple Intelligences, Learning Styles, and VERBS! By Amy Barro

  2. Multiple Intelligences • This presentation will demonstrate how you can use the 8 multiple intelligences, or learning styles to “show what you know” about verbs. • But first, we need to review our verb types.

  3. What is an Action Verb? • Action verbs are used to show when somebody DOES something. • For example: jump, run, think, lick, brush, write, drink.

  4. What is a state of being verb? • State of being verbs are often called linking verbs because they link the subject of the sentence with information about it. There are eight state of being verbs: • is am are • was were • be being been PREDICATE SUBJECT

  5. What is a helping verb? • Helping verbs are just as their name suggests, they help the main verb in a sentence by extending the meaning of the verb. • The 23 helping verbs are listed below:am as are was were been be can has shall will do does did have should may might being would must could had 

  6. Are you ready to get started? • Here is a list of some supplies you may need: • Notebook Paper • Construction Paper • Markers • Ruler • Scissors • Glue

  7. Directions: • View the PowerPoint and carefully read each slide. • Choose one project that appeals to your learning style. • Work on your project, as a part of nightly homework this week. • This will be your way of showing what you know about verbs. • Good luck and have fun!

  8. Logical-Mathematical Understanding or “Number/Reasoning Smart” • Compare and contrast action, state of being and helping verbs. Use a double bubble map to show the similarities and differences. You must also include a written explanation of your comparisons.

  9. Spatial, Self Expressive or “Picture Smart” • Create a cartoon that shows how the three different types kinds of verb came into being.

  10. Intrapersonal or “Self Smart” • How does it feel to be a verb? Imagine that you are a verb. Use pictures and words to illustrate what your life is like. Include examples of action, state of being, and helping verbs.

  11. Interpersonal or ”People Smart” • With a partner, conduct an interview with Grandpa verb. One of you will assume the role of the interviewer and will write questions for Grandpa to answer, the other responds as Grandpa. Be sure Grandpa explains the relationship between his children (the action verbs), his grandchildren (the helping verbs), and his great-grandchildren (the state of being verbs).

  12. Kinesthetic or “Body Smart” • With a partner play a game of charades acting out verbs. Your partner must guess the verb and the verb type (action, helping, state of being) you are acting out. Be ready to perform for the class!

  13. Linguistic or “Word Smart” • Make a three columns (draw a classifying or tree map) on a sheet of paper. List five examples if each verb type in the appropriate column. Explain what these verbs do and how they are used.

  14. Musical or “Music Smart” • Choose a musical instrument to represent each verb type we have studied. Explain the relationship between the instrument and the verb type it represents.

  15. Naturalist or “Nature Smart” • Use verbs to describe three animals and three plants. Include examples of action, state of being, and helping verbs in your descriptions. Choose two of the verbs in your descriptions and explain why they are the best verbs you could use to describe your plant or animal.

  16. Reference • Awesome Hands-on Activities for Teaching Grammar • By Susan Van Zile • Published by Scholastic

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