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Applause Honeycomb Shades<br>Applause Honeycomb shades is the value line for Hunter Douglas cellular. These shades core purpose is insulating from heat gain and heat loss while stacking tight to give full view when not in use.<br>Get A Free In-Home Consultation: visit our website at https://www.greenedesigns.net/ or call us 720-331-1090 <br>
Hunter Douglas G R E E N E D E S I G N S , I N C H u n t e r D o u g l a s H o r i z o n t a l B l i n d s E v e r w o o d - A l t e r n a t i v e W o o d B l i n d s P a r k l a n d W o o d B l i n d s Everwood Alternative Wood Blinds are a faux wood blind collection available in 2″ and 2 ½” slat sizes. The Everwood line features Renditions, Distinctions and Truegrain in solid neutral colors and the most realistic stain-like finishes available in faux wood blinds. Parkland Wood Blinds are made of natural Basswood in a variety of Painted and Stained finishes P l e a t e d S h a d e s Pleated shades give you privacy and light control featuring a variety of bold colors, beautiful textures, and modern printed fabrics. They are light weight and stack tightly for maximum view.. M o d e r n P r e c i o u s M e t a l s – A l u m i n u m B l i n d s Modern Precious Metals Aluminum Blinds are a collection of blinds made of an exclusive spring-tempered alloy for superior durability. S i l h o u e t t e ® W i n d o w S h a d i n g s G e t A F r e e I n - H o m e C o n s u l t a t i o n Silhouette shades feature soft fabric vanes suspended between two sheers that you can tilt to achieve your desired privacy and ultraviolet protection https://www.greenedesigns.net Phone no-720-331-1090 H T T P S : / / W W W . G R E E N E D E S I G N S . N E T / H O R I Z O N T A L - B L I N D S /