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Global Action Plan and its implementation in other regions

Join the meeting for discussion of the draft plan to improve agricultural and rural statistics in the CIS region, focusing on governance, capacity building, and data integration. Explore outputs, global governance structure, and regional coordination.

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Global Action Plan and its implementation in other regions

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  1. Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 Global Action Plan and its implementation in other regions Giorgi Kvinikadze FAO Statistics Division

  2. Three pillars of the Global Strategy Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Establishing a minimum set of core data that countries will disseminate on a regular basis to meet current and emerging demands • Integrating agriculture into national statistical systems in order to meet the requirements of policy makers and other data users that statistical information be linked across the economic, social, and environmental domains • Fostering the sustainability of agricultural statistical systems through governance and statistical capacity building.

  3. Outputs of the Global Action Plan Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Effective governing bodies set up and functioning at global and regional levels; • Coordinating bodies of the national statistical system, legal frameworks and strategic plans established in the target countries, to enable the integration of agriculture into the national statistical system; • New cost effective methods for data collection, analysis and dissemination developed and disseminated; • Increased capacity of agricultural statistics staff in regional training centers (i.e. trainers) and target countries.

  4. Global Governance Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Global Steering Committee (GSC) • Provides strategic guidance and oversight on the execution of the Global Action Plan • Is an ultimate decision-making body for the use of the Global Trust Fund. • Composition: • Chair of the UN Statistical Commission; • Country representatives of the Regional Steering Committees (two per region) • Representatives of international and regional organizations, Resource Partners, farmer associations, and other key users, as well as the key technical partners and FAO. • Decisions are made by consensus

  5. Global Governance Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Global Executive Board (GEB) • Serves as an executive committee of the GSC • Between meetings of the GSC exercises functions delegated to it by the GSC, in particular: • represents the membership of the GSC • facilitates coordination among all GSC members • facilitates the decision-making process of the GSC. • Consists of 7 members appointed by GSC • 2 representatives of beneficiary countries • 2 representatives of regional partners • 2 representatives of resource Partners of the Global Trust fund • 1 representative of FAO (ex officio)

  6. Global Governance Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Global Office (GO) • Hosted by the Statistics Division of FAO • Led by Coordinator assigned by FAO for this purpose • Ensures overall technical coordination of the implementation of the Global Strategy at the global level and within regions • Acts as a secretariat of GSC and GEB

  7. Regional Governance Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Steering Committee • Will be the decision-making body at the regional level • Will provide guidance and oversight, within the framework defined by the GSC and consistent with the relevant funding agreements, for the implementation of the regional and country activities defined in the regional plan • Will consist of • representatives of countries (with a balance between ministries of agriculture and national statistical services) • representatives of resource partners • representatives of regional partners • representatives of regional organizations • representative of FAO

  8. Regional Governance Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Executive Board (REB) • Each Regional Steering Committee will evaluate the need to establish a Regional Executive Board • It will be an executive committee of the RSC that receives delegated authority from the RSC to oversee the execution of its decisions.

  9. Regional Governance Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Office; • The structure and size of the Regional Office will vary by region, depending on regional resources and needs. • Main tasks: • Coordinating the country assessments • Providing the integrated national statistical systems with training and technical assistance. • Liaising with other international, regional, and subregional offices within its region to coordinate their support for countries, thereby avoiding duplication of effort and ensuring that global standards are being followed. • Led by Regional coordinator

  10. National Governance Framework Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Governance at the national level will build as much as possible on existing coordination mechanisms and structures. • National governance of the agricultural statistical system entails the establishment, where it does not exist, of a sectoral coordination mechanism that brings together the national statistics office and the ministries responsible for agriculture, forestry, and fisheries and any other institutions that collect agriculture-related data. • This sectoral coordination mechanism should be part of the national statistical coordination mechanism, such as the national statistics council, which provides governance to the whole national statistical system;

  11. Global Trust Fund Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • The Global Trust Fund for implementing the Global Strategy has been established to consolidate the Resource Partners’ contributions and ensure a stream of funding to support implementation of the Global Strategy at the global, regional, and national levels; • Through consultation with key partners, it was agreed that FAO will serve as Fund Administrator

  12. Global Trust Fund Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013

  13. Country assessments Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • I stage – Initial country assessment by means of a questionnaire • II stage – in depth country assessment.

  14. Technical Assistance – Global and Regional Levels Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 Global level • Developing and documenting statistical standards and technical guidelines to support technical assistance at country level • Coordinating technical assistance activities at the global level Regional level • Adapting guidelines developed at the global level to meet regional requirements • Organizing regional workshops of technical experts working directly in countries in the use of guidelines to ensure they are applied in countries consistently • Coordinating technical assistance activities at the regional level

  15. Technical Assistance – Country Level Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • General areas of technical assistance • Country assessments • Establishing minimum set of core data • Establishing governance structures to integrate agriculture into national statistics system • Development or update of the Sector Strategic Plans and their integration into NSDSs • Region/country-specific areas

  16. Training - Global and Regional Levels Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Global level • Developing training materials • Regional level • Adapting training materials • Strengthening regional training centers • Organizing training workshops • Supporting scholarships and participation in short courses

  17. Training - Country Level Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Identifying training needs; • Selecting staff to attend training workshops, for scholarships and short courses; • Organizing on-job training • Guaranteeing access to e-learning materials;

  18. Research Plan Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Research topics identified through consultation of key stakeholders at various meetings • The Global Office will promote, coordinate, and undertake the research on the relevant topics • At regional level - Provide information on ongoing research projects in the region; Contribute to identification of potential partners; Contribute to the conduct of empirical studies and to validation of developed methodological solutions; Contribute to the organization of dissemination workshops;

  19. Implementation in other regions - Africa Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Plan Developed • Regional Steering Committee Established • Participating Partners: • African Development Bank - Technical Assistance • UNECA - Training • Country assessment conducted

  20. Implementation in other regions – Asia and Pacific Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Plan Developed • Regional Steering Committee established • Participating Partners: • FAO RAP – Technical assistance • UNESCAP – Training • Asian Development Bank – Research (funded by ADB itself outside Global Trust Fund)

  21. Implementation in other regions – Latin America and the Caribbean Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Plan under process of development • Regional Steering Committee under process of establishing • Participating Partners - not identified

  22. Implementation in other regions – Near East Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013 • Regional Plan under process of development just started • Regional Steering Committee under process of establishing just started • Participating Partners - not identified

  23. THANK YOU Meeting for Discussion of the draft Plan for the Implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in the CIS Region Budapest, Hungary, 3-4 July 2013

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