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Theory and practice of the European research area

Explore the EU's efforts in climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. Learn about projects like Eurobogie for sustainable vehicle technology and Eureka framework for flexible funding options. Find guidelines for successful funding application and project implementation within the EU.

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Theory and practice of the European research area

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  1. Theory and practice of the European research area By Rayner M Mayer Sciotech Projects, Reading, United Kingdom

  2. The ultimate goal of the UN climate change convention … is the stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system within a time frame that would allow………………… Eco-systems to adapt naturally to climate change food production is not threatened … and can be adapted economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner >> crucial need to reduce environmental impact of energy usage Theory and practice of the European Research Area - climate change -

  3. The EU green paper correctly Identifies the risks associated with resource availability but it does not recognise the physical limit to supply on a world wide scale If one considers all the physical constraints one can predict that conventional oil will peak Within 10 years and gas within about 20 years On a technological scale 10 years is a very short time to initiate the transformation away from a hydrocarbon dependence ……………………. Theory and practice of the European Research Area - energy security -

  4. The EU will initiate a new program to raise public awareness of the potential of each citizen to save energy, save money and save the environment Coordinate activities to think globally and act locally such as EU mobility week, green week and energy efficiency week Encourage the uptake of best ideas from anywhere in the EU 30 such as the human bus Encourage provision of information and education to enable citizens to make rational decisions based on lifetime costs and emissions Theory and practice of the European Research Area - energy sustainable Europe -

  5. Eurobogie project (E! 1841)……………………………… …. is developing the generic technology of vehicle suspensions using fibre reinforced plastics Components designed in the UK and Latvia Knitting machinery manufactured in Switzerland Materials manufactured in France and UK Components moulded in Denmark Vehicle testing and UIC certification in Czechia Service evaluation in Czechia and possibly Germany Theory and practice of the European Research Area - European products for European markets -

  6. Advantages Large scale funding available Appropriate for good science All partners funded from a central source Project can start and finish at the same time Disadvantages Call for proposals defines subject areas eligible for funding Application and procedures are complex Timetables and work programs difficult to alter Not necessarily suitable for small projects Theory and practice of the European Research Area - EU framework program -

  7. Advantages Application can be submitted at any time No restriction on product types Flexible timetable and work program Add partners as required Eureka NPC network provides support and advice to projects Disadvantages Multiplicity of potential funding sources, not necessarily easy to identify Funding does not cross national boundaries Partners cannot necessarily start and finish at the same time Technology transfer from Universities to industry not always supported Coordinator cannot order partners only ask Theory and practice of the European Research Area - Eureka framework -

  8. List the project objectives Identify likely partners and route to market Identify route(s) that best fit project profile and spend Discuss with Eureka office or Framework help-line Be prepared to modify your objectives to meet relevant criteria Theory and practice of the European Research Area - selecting ERA route -

  9. Clarity – write out your idea clearly & distinctly do not assume evaluator has any prior knowledge of your idea Concisely – describe briefly what you plan to do and how Convincing – identify who will benefit from your ideas and why Theory and practice of the European Research Area - CCC rule -

  10. Patience – be willing to explain to everyone who is interested be they stakeholder or budget holder Persistence – do not be discouraged by lack of interest; try some other way of presenting your idea Perserverance – do not take no as being the final answer; ask what you can do to improve your chances of success and try again Some projects take years to finance but if your idea is good enough, it is worth waiting……. Theory and practice of the European Research Area - PPP rule -

  11. ERA encourages and facilitates synergy funding Common work program and timetable Separate set of deliverables and beneficiaries Clear separation of who funds what parts of the work Good understanding of the similarities and differences of each program Clear guidelines to evaluators on how to evaluate such proposals Theory and practice of the European Research Area - synergy funding -

  12. Footprint is a Eureka project E! 2462 whose aim is to determine the environmental footprint of a road or rail vehicle This involves developing a sensor array to measure the audible noise, ground borne vibration and dynamic loading of a road or rail vehicle with its infrastructure on passing the site of the measuring station Participants include CZ, HU, UK, NE, SW, BE, FR; other countries with a high proportion of transit traffic should be taking part such as AU…. ERRVIN is a Framework 5 funded Network to develop concensus building on - inputs to Footprint such as automatic vehicle identification and costs and …..... outputs such as allocating social and environmental costs to specific vehicle types Needs a broad concensus to help member states implement EU legislation like road and rail pricing Theory and practice of the European Research Area - Footprint and ERRVIN -

  13. TRUS is an amalgamation of Tram and bUS and this vehicle can be either regarded as a rubber tyred tram without any overhead wires or an electric bus TRUS vehicles stop at bus, tram and TRUSstopsat which TRUS vehicles will be able to recharge their electrical storage systems whilst passengers get on and off so extending the range of the electric bus The project’s aim is to demonstrate that electric buses can be cost competitive with diesel In order to reduce local and global pollution and noise in urban areas Awarded Eureka status in January 2001 we have had one rejection for Framework funding ‘as yesterday’s technology’ even though no one has demonstrated this concept. Some national budget holders are unconvinced of the potential of TRUS to reduce local and global pollution as well as noise in urban areas To transform the market it will almost certainly be necessary to seek EU funding for a Network to disseminate and implement the outputs – yet another form of synergy funding Theory and practice of the European Research Area- project TRUS -

  14. Success will come to those who understand how the ERA can work No inherent problems only a vast range of opportunities Combination of patience, persistence, perseverance and common sense Informed dialogue with stakeholders and budget holders to identify common interests Sufficient flexibility in all current schemes to allow synergy proposals to succeed Theory and practice of the European Research area- conclusions-

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