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Hembree student investment portfolio fund

Hembree student investment portfolio fund. Ryan Downs Ashley Nichols. Investment goal. The fund investment objective is to grow the wealth of the fund over time to eventually provide scholarships. Proposed Asset allocation. Proposed investments. Apple (AAPL): 25.77% investment

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Hembree student investment portfolio fund

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  1. Hembree student investment portfolio fund Ryan Downs Ashley Nichols

  2. Investment goal • The fund investment objective is to grow the wealth of the fund over time to eventually provide scholarships.

  3. Proposed Asset allocation

  4. Proposed investments • Apple (AAPL): 25.77% investment • The list of once-great consumer electronics companies is long, but Apple has staying power because it has developed an environment that connects success in one generation of devices to successive consumer purchases.

  5. Proposed investments • IShares Dow Jones US Pharmaceuticals (IHE): 25.77% investment • Offers investors exposure to a high-quality portfolio of domestic pharmaceutical companies. • No matter the state of the economy, people still have to purchase medications, and will incur medical expenses.

  6. Proposed investments • SPDR GOLD TRUST (GLD): 15.57% investment • Fear and uncertainty have prompted a consistent interest in gold, fueling the metal on its decade-long upward trend. Because we are in such a volatile market this isn’t changing in the near future. • By holding bullion, the fund offers investors the price performance of the spot commodity.

  7. Proposed investment • Vanguard Total Stock Market (VTI): 12.89% investment • Invests in more than 3,000 stocks representative of the whole U.S. market. The goal is to keep pace with U.S. stock market returns. • Offers high potential for long-term investment growth.

  8. Portfolio summary

  9. Trading recommendations • For each of these, we recommend taking a long-position, so no periodic trading will be required. • While we expect each of these to earn returns over time, they should be monitored. If any investment position achieves a loss of 10% or greater, the investment should be sold and converted to cash until a replacement investment is established.

  10. conclusion • We suggest a 20% cash holding. • We recommend holding the current position in GLD at a 15.57% investment. • We recommend selling all other current investments. • In turn, we suggest purchasing: • APPL at a 25.77% investment • IHE at a 25.77% investment • VTI at a 12.89% investment

  11. Any questions?

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