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Student Portfolio. By Brenda Perez. Table of Contents. PowerPoint Exercise 3 PowerPoint Exercise 3 terms PowerPoint Exercise 2 02laser PowerPoint Exercise 2 PowerPoint Exercise 2 terms and notes Exercise 1 page “On Your Own” PowerPoint Lesson 1 Exercise 1 terms UNESCO
Student Portfolio By Brenda Perez
Table of Contents • PowerPoint Exercise 3 • PowerPoint Exercise 3 terms • PowerPoint Exercise 2 02laser • PowerPoint Exercise 2 • PowerPoint Exercise 2 terms and notes • Exercise 1 page • “On Your Own” • PowerPoint Lesson 1 Exercise 1 terms • UNESCO • Excel exercise 5 • Excel exercise 5 terms • 03 bakery sceduale • Bakery schedual • Excel exercise 3 terms • Exercise 4 • Exercise 1 terms • Exercise 2 terms • Trainer • Quote(Comment) • Word window quiz • Exercise 5 terms • 05expand_bp • OWD05_bp • Exercise 5 terms • 06Order_bp • Exercise 7 terms • Blog link(comment) • Definition words (word wall) • ESLR’S • Excel exercise 1
Power point exercise 1 terms • presentation - a set of slides or handouts that contain information you want to convey to an audience • Normal View - Powerpointsdefalut view that displays the slide plane, and the slides/outline pane • Placeholders - Designated areas in powerpoint layouts that can be used to easily insert text, graphics, or multimedia objects. • Active slide - The slide currently selected or displayed. • Slide LayOut - Prearranged sets of placeholders for various types of slide content
PowerPoint Exercise 3 Terms • Clip Art - Predrawn Artwork, photos, animation, and sound clips that you can insert into your files. • Contexual Tab - A ribbon tab that displays only when needed for a specific task such as formatting a table or offering picture formatting options. • Font - A set of characters with a specific size and style.
PowerpointExcersise 2 Terms • Themes - Formatting feature that applies a background, color, fonts, and efects, to all slides in a presentaion. • Open an existing presentation to modify, add, or delete material. • PowerPoint makes it easy to open presentation on which you have recently worked by listing them in the recent documents list that you access using the Office Button. • If you do not see the presentation on this list, you
Excel Exercise 2 Terms • Blank Workbook - A new, empty workbook contains three worksheets (sheets). • Template - A workbook with certain labels, formulas, and formatting preset, saving you time in creating commonly used worksheets, such as monthly invoices or balance sheets. • Label - Text in the first row or column of a worsheet that identifies the type of data contained there. • Defaults - The standard settings Excel uses in its software, such as column width or number of worksheets in a workbook. • Undo - The command used to reverse one or a series of editing actions. • Redo - The command used to redo an action you have undone.
Excel Exercise 3 Terms • AutoComplete - a feature used to complete an entry based on previous entries made in the column containing the active cell. • Pick From Drop-down List - a shortcut used to insert repeated information. • AutoCorrect - a feature used to automate the correctionof common typing errors. • Spelling Checker - A tool used to assist you in finding and correcting typographical or spelling words
Excel Exercise 5 Terms • Formula - An instruction Excel uses to calculate a number. • Mathematical Operators - Symbols used in mathematical operations: + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division, and ^ for exponentiation. • Order Of Mathematical Operations - The order in which Excel performs the calculations specified in a formula.
Excel Exercise 4 Terms • Value - A number entered in the worsksheet. • Numeric Label - A number entered in the worksheet as a label, not as a vlaue-such as the year 2005 used as ascolomn label • Label Prefix - An apostrophe (') used to idendicate that a number is a label and not a a value.
Exercise 6 Terms • Tab - The measurement of the space the insertion point advances when you press the Tab key. • Tab Key - The location on a horizontal line to which the insertion point advances when you press the Tab Key. • Tab Leader - A series of characters inserted along the line between the location of the insertion pointwhen you press the Tab key and the Tab stop. • Font - A set of characters with a specific size and style.
Exercise 5 Terms • Full block - A style of letter in which all lines start flush with the left margin-that is, without a a first-line indent. • Modified block - A style of letter in which some lines start at the center of the page. • Return address - The author's of letter address, typically appearing at the very top of the letter as well as in the upper-left corner of an envelope
Excel Exercise 1 Terms • Workbook - An Excel file with one or more worksheet. • Worksheet - The work area for entering and calculating data made up of colums and rows seperated by gridlines(light gray lines). Also called a spreadsheet. • Cell - the intersection of a column and a row and a worksheet. You enter data into cellsto create a worksheet. • Active Cell - The active cell contains the cell pointer. There is a dark outline around the active cell. • Formula Bar - As you enter data into a cell, it simultanesouly appears in the Formula bar, which is located above the worksheet. • Cell Reference - The location of a cell in a worksheet as identified by its column letter and row number. Also known as the cell's adress. • Scroll - A way to view locations on the worksheet without changing the active cell. • Sheet Tabs - Tabs appear at the bottom of the workbook window, which display the name of each worksheet. • Tab scrolling buttons - Buttons that appear just to the left of the sheet tabs, which allow you to scroll hidden tabs into view.
Vocabulary Chapter 1 • Elaborate - Worked out with great care and nicety of detail executed with great minuteness • Camut - The entire scale or range • Vision - To act or power of sensing with the eyes • Realization - The makeing or being made real of something imagined • Frustration - Act of frustrating; state of being frustrated • Security - Freedom of danger, risk • Descrimination - An act or intance of discranating • Achievment - Something acomplished , especially by superior ability, special effort; great courage • Fanatic - A person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal; as in religion or politics • Excess - The fact of exceeding something else in amount or degree • Flaunt - To parade or display oneself conspicously, defenently or bodly • Prima Donna - A first or principle, female singer of an opera company • Integrety - Adherance to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral characters • Humility - The qualify or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of ones own importance rank; etc • Intuition - Direct perception of truth, fact, etc, independent of any reasoning process • Impulsive - Actuated or swayed by emotional or involontary impulses • Procrastination - The act of Procrastination or putting off or deaying, especially something requiring imediate attention • Complaint - An expression of discontent regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief, lament, fault finding • Rational - Agreeable to reason; reasonable, sensible • Interchangeable - (Of two things) Capable of being put or used in the place of eachother
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