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Prefixes, Suffixes, and their root word

Prefixes, Suffixes, and their root word. Next. Learn all about them!!. What are prefixes?. Straight to prefixes. A prefix is when letters are added before a word to change its meaning in some way. Pre, Un,

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Prefixes, Suffixes, and their root word

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  1. Prefixes, Suffixes, and their root word Next Learn all about them!!

  2. What are prefixes? Straight to prefixes • A prefix is when letters are added before a word to change its meaning in some way. Pre, Un, Dis, Re, Mis, Im, Bi, De Some Examples Next

  3. What are suffixes? Straight to suffixes • A suffix is when letters are added to the end of a word to make it more specific. er, able, ous, ness, ful, ly ment, y Some Examples Some Examples Next

  4. What is a root word? • A root word is the most important part of the word and will help you understand the word’s meaning. • Please note that looking at the root word is only one step to understanding a word. You should look at each piece. Next

  5. Try your hand at finding prefixes What is a prefix again? Directions: Underline the root word and circle the prefix in the gold word. Do this by going to the bottom left hand corner of the screen and waiting for buttons to appear. Choose the pen option (Note: you can change the color). When you are ready to move to the next page, go back to the bottom and select arrow. 1. The plot was unbelievable! 2. That is impossible 3. She rides a bicycle to school. Next

  6. Check your answers Directions: see if your marks are the same as mine. To find out the meaning of the prefix and/or root word, just click on it. 1. The plot was unbelievable! 2. That is impossible 3. She rides a bicycle to school. Next

  7. UN means NOT Back

  8. BELIEVE- trusting something to be true Back

  9. IM means NOT Back

  10. POSSIBLE- can happen Back

  11. BI means TWO Back

  12. CYCLE- Something that is repeated in a circular pattern Back

  13. Try finding a few more prefixes Directions: Underline the root word and circle the prefix in the gold word. Do this by going to the bottom left hand corner of the screen and waiting for buttons to appear. Choose the pen option (Note: you can change the color). When you are ready to move to the next page, go back to the bottom and select arrow. • They will show a sneak • preview of the movie. • 2. I must have misunderstood her. • 3. Let me repeat the question. Next

  14. Check your answers Directions: see if your marks are the same as mine. To find out the meaning of the prefix and/or root word, double click on it. • They will show a sneak • preview of the movie. • 2. I must have misunderstood her. • 3. Please rewrite your name. Next

  15. PRE means BEFORE Back

  16. VIEW- to see or to watch Back

  17. MIS means WRONG Back

  18. UNDERSTOOD- to “get” something (understand) Back

  19. RE means TO DO AGAIN Back

  20. WRITE- to make letters that form words Back

  21. Now try your hand at suffixes What is a suffix again? Directions: Underline the root word and circle the prefix in the gold word. Do this by going to the bottom left hand corner of the screen and waiting for buttons to appear. Choose the pen option (Note: you can change the color). When you are ready to move to the next page, go back to the bottom and select arrow. 1. Mrs. Cantrell is an outstanding teacher. 2. The train ride was wonderful. 3. She talked gently. Next

  22. Check your answers Directions: see if your marks are the same as mine. To find out the meaning of the prefix and/or root word, double click on it. 1. Mrs. Cantrell is an outstanding teacher. 2. The train ride was wonderful. 3. She spoke softly. Next

  23. TEACH- to help someone learn Back

  24. ER means ONE WHO DOES Back

  25. WONDER- The quality of exciting, amazed admiration Back

  26. FUL means TO BE FILLED WITH Back

  27. SOFT- to have a smooth texture Back

  28. LY means LIKE Back

  29. Try out some more suffixes Directions: Underline the root word and circle the prefix in the gold word. Do this by going to the bottom left hand corner of the screen and waiting for buttons to appear. Choose the pen option (Note: you can change the color). When you are ready to move to the next page, go back to the bottom and select arrow. 1. Exploring space can be dangerous. 2. She will filled with happiness. 3. The black cat is the biggest. Next

  30. Check your answers Directions: see if your marks are the same as mine. To find out the meaning of the prefix and/or root word, just click on it. 1. Exploring space can be dangerous. 2. She will filled with happiness. 3. The black cat is the biggest. Next

  31. DANGER- may cause injury, pain, harm, or loss Back

  32. OUS means FULL OF Back

  33. HAPPY- a good feeling Back

  34. NESS is a STATE OF BEING Back

  35. BIG- Large size Back

  36. EST means comparative Back

  37. GREAT JOB!!! THANK YOU FOR TRYING YOU BEST! Print the following sheets out for extra practice: Prefix Worksheet Suffix Worksheet

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