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Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Game

A wargame simulating provincial reconstruction in Afghanistan involving NATO, ISAF, Afghan government, and humanitarian organizations. Players navigate national and provincial levels to control unrest and improve stability through resource management and influence-building.

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Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Game

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  1. Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Game Roger Mason LECMgt

  2. The Afghan PRT Game A joint project between: The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University National Defense University

  3. LECMgt’s Task Design a “wargame” regarding provincial reconstruction and non government, faith based organizations in Afghanistan.

  4. Design Requirements Must be expandable from 3-12 players The game should be playable in two hours. The content should be appropriate for war college curriculum regarding religion and conflict.

  5. Designers • Roger Mason • Joseph Miranda

  6. Design • The complete campaign game includes decision making from the national level to the village level.

  7. Design These organizations provide resources and capabilities to the provincial level players.

  8. Design National Level: • NATO ISAF • Afghan Government • World Church United (Umbrella humanitarian organization.

  9. Design • Provincial level players: US Army Provincial Reconstruction Team Afghan provincial government Humanitarian Relief Projects (Three provincial players represent one of three Afghan provinces)

  10. Design Resources flow each turn from the national level to each associated provincial reconstruction project. The provincial project leaders can purchase resources or pay for influence.

  11. Design • Warfare is abstracted by the appearances of: the Taliban, Al Queda, and warlords. • The players must use resources, influence, and special national capabilities to control unrest.

  12. Design Play is driven by a dual card system: • National level cards that inform the players of the national situation. • Provincial level cards that describe the conditions or situation in each province.

  13. Design • The provincial level player can purchase resources that can be used to complete their unique reconstruction tasks or purchase influence.

  14. Design Players must purchase influence to get support from the provincial village leadership triad: Tribal elders Mullah Malik (local government representative)

  15. Design The players win by improving the National Stability Index. This is determined by the amount of local influence they develop during a turn.

  16. Play Testing Two play tests have been conducted: • Military officers with CENTCOM deployment experience • Humanitarian workers with experience in Afghanistan and Pakistan

  17. Play Testing A play test will be offered at Connections 2010. A play test is scheduled at National Defense University in April.

  18. Questions? Roger Mason roger@lecmgt.com Joseph Miranda jamiranda100@earthlink.net

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