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Explore literature genres, improve reading/writing skills, prepare for IB/AP exams, develop vocabulary, follow classroom rules for a positive learning environment.
Page 1 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 PRE-IB PHILOSOPHY How to contact me In Language Arts I - Honors PRE-IB, literature is used as the basis for expanding upon your current skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and written and oral language conventions. Class assignments and activities will be based on these areas, which encompass the California State Content Standards for Language Arts (grades 9-10). In addition, we have developed the following school site goals for this course: expose students to four different genres of literature (fiction, nonfiction, drama and poetry), include works that reflect different a) cultural viewpoints and b) historical time periods, and adequately prepare students for the material to be covered during the IB/AP programs/exams. Google Classroom: Google Classroom Code: REMIND: 20% 40% WHAT TO EXPECT COURSE OUTLINE READING: Students will be exposed to a variety of global texts that will help lay the foundation for their success in the IB Program. Book list is on next page. WRITING: The composition in this course will include: Analysis of expository materials (Writing Standard 2.3) Research paper (Standard 1.0) Responses to Literature (Standard 2.2) LISTENING AND SPEAKING Individual Oral Commentary (Speaking Standard 1.0) Oral Presentations (Speaking Standard 2.0) Various cooperative learning activities (Listening Standard 1.1) IV. VOCABULARY Students will study and prepare for the S.A.T. and college through the daily study of Greek and Latin roots (Vocabulary Standard 1.3). Cumulative tests will be given every 2-3 weeks. We will analyze diverse works of world literature, focusing on literary devices, criticism, and conventions as we relate themes of literature to our lives and society. We will demonstrate the ability to think critically in preparation for college and the world of work through writing, discussions, cooperative learning, internet research, and presentations. Students are expected to adhere to all school policies and procedures, which will be strictly enforced. Classroom rules are designed to create a positive learning environment for all students. If you are dissatisfied with something in the class make it a point to talk to the teacher privately about it at an opportune moment rather than argue or complain. Anyone can whine, but leaders initiate change – I am open to allowing you to be leaders, however the class must have structure and constant backtalk distracts from the content.
Page 2 Page 2 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB LA1/PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2016-2017 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 LA1/PRE-IB 2018-2019 NOVEL LIST *Literature selections subject to change – and this is not the order we will necessarily be reading in. ** Literature selections that are in bold are suggested that students purchase their own copy of the text, in order to fulfill their annotation assignments. Students who opt not to purchase the book, can check out a copy from the school, but will be required to annotate on self-provided Post-It Notes.
Page 3 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 FILOWITZ CLASSROOM RULES & POLICIES • GENERAL CLASSROOM RULES • I ask that students please consider the classroom a sacred space where personal drama and conflict be left at the door. In our learning environment, students will respect each other and the space. • Use this classroom as the opportunity to practice listening, speaking, and writing your very best – this includes proper usage of the English language wherever applicable. • NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES – including CELL PHONES and EAR BUDS. • As long as EVERYONE cleans up after themselves, food/drink are permitted (within reason), however any trash or misbehavior will lead to loss of food privileges. • Come to class PREPARED every day – bring all materials and assignments. • Class time is for doing CLASS WORK, not time available for homework completion or studying of other subjects unless otherwise specified by the teacher. • If you have a question about an assignment after school, you can email me at: tfilowitz@pylusd.org – I will generally do a final check at 9:00 PM, if you email me after then, I’ll generally get it first thing in the morning. • Turn in ALL work in the basket on Ms. Filowitz’s table – the basket is clearly labeled “TURN WORK IN HERE!” • PARTICIPATE!DO THE WORK! WRITE DOWN YOUR ASSIGNMENTS! UTILIZE THE WEBSITE! • RESPECT MATERIALS- this means my classroom, EVERY book in the classroom, ANY/ALL school materials, desks, carpets, posters on the walls. With the budget crisis in California, school materials are at an all-time low, MY classroom will NOTbe a place that wastes resources! Respect extends to everyONE and everyTHING in this room. • What do I do when I enter class? • Read the daily agenda BEFORE asking Ms. Filowitz what we’re doing. • Pick up materials (chromebook, novel, etc.) • Be seated quickly • Place HW on your desk if it is a “Stamp” day • Start the Warm-Up exercise (Usually Interactive Notebook) • Copy down that day’s Homework (if needed) • Be ready to listen, learn, think, and have fun!
Page 4 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 FILOWITZ CLASSROOM RULES & POLICIES What do I do at the end of class? Wrap up work when instructed Straighten up chair & make sure desk and floor are clean. Return Chromebook to proper position. Stay seated at desk and do NOT line up at the door. Leave when the bell rings, and regret that you’ll have to wait 24 or more hours before you get to come back. ☺ While You Are Here… Please refrain from having/using the following while in class: Limit Food and Drinks - I do not mind you eating, if you are neat and it does not distract from the lesson. However, trash will earn the whole class “Food Restriction.” Cell phones, iPods, and iPads (Please turn off and put away) - UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED THEY ARE CLEAR TO USE). Profanity, insults, and other disrespectful or rude remarks. Thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation! FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Q.How often do we have homework? A. Whenever it is assigned. Think of school as your job. Q. What happens if I don’t do my HW? A. You do not earn your homework points, but more importantly, you won’t benefit from the practice and the thinking involved. If a trend of not being prepared arises, Ms. Filowitz will have a private conference with you. If the issue continues, we will involve your parents and counselors to better support you. Q. Can I retake a quiz or test if I fail it? A. No - unless there are extremely specific circumstances. We do not have a final cumulative exam and you will be able to expand your knowledge in the next unit, if needed. Q.How often will Interactive notebooks be checked and graded? A. Probably once a quarter. Q. I need extra help! Where can I get it? A. Make and after school or lunch arrangement with me to meet for additional support.
Page 5 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 Grades CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK POLICIES Most assignments will be assigned a point value. At the end of the quarter/semester, students will be assigned grades based on the percentage of the total points that they earn in each category. The students’ grades for Language Arts will be weighted according to the following categories: All assignments must be in black or blue ink and neat, legible, and clean. Assignments must also include the proper MLA heading in the upper left hand corner: Student (Student’s full name) Ms. Filowitz (Teacher’s name) Language Arts 1 Pre-IB Period # (Class and Period) 2 September 2015 (Date) *NOTE: THIS FORMAT MUST BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY! Use the sheet I give you for reference. 2. VHS plagiarism policy will be strictly enforced (see Student Handbook). Absentee Policy Did I miss anything important? Grades will be updated ASAP on AERIES. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to check the AERIES WEBSITE on a regular basis to view the most current grades for EVERY class. Students need to check AERIES BEFORE talking to me about their grade. For essays, PLEASE be patient. • YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is the student’s responsibility to check the class website to find any assignments missed. • On GOOGLE CLASSROOM • Students who are absent must be proactive about obtaining the work they have missed – ideally, checking the class website prior to returning to class. • Students who feel they have extenuating circumstances (extended illness, illness/death of a family member, etc.) are encouraged to see me before the assignment is due – I am often able to accommodate requests, as long as they are not presented last-minute. • Students who will be missing school due to school business/field trips and were told due dates for assignments MUST TURN in assignments the day they are due to receive full credit – this can be done via email, turning in work before school, or giving work to a friend who will be in class to turn in for you. All assignments are due at the very beginning of class. 40 40% Late / Incomplete Work IF YOU ARE ABSENT: Make-up work can be submitted upon student’s return to school. You get one day for each day your were out, however I strongly suggest you do not wait to come back to school before looking into the work you missed. IF YOU ARE NOT ABSENT, BUT WANT TO TURN IN LATE WORK: Late work will be accepted within the parameters specified by the teacher per each assignment, and only for partial credit. *NOTE: Assignments emailed to Ms. Filowitz AFTER the period in which the assignment is due, will be considered LATE. *NOTE: If students are having printing issues, they should email me the final copy of their work. As long I receive an email, the assignment is still considered on-time. Students will still need to print out a hard copy of their assignment and can do so using the school library if their home printer is not working.
Page 6 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY MATERIALS NEEDED Plagiarism – WHAT IS IT? • A binder or binder section for this class filled with college-ruled paper. • Pencils w/erasers (for Scantron tests) • Pens (DARK BLUE/BLACK INK ONLY!) • Highlighters OR sticky notes – both need at least 5 colors (for annotation) • Copy of the text we are currently reading • Computer/Printer Access (at home) Plagiarism, the use of another's ideas or words without properly crediting your source is unethical, academically dishonest, and illegal. In many colleges, plagiarism can result in a student being expelled from school. Be certain that you know what constitutes plagiarism. It will not be tolerated in this class and will result in an automatic zero (0) on the applicable assignment. The penalty for plagiarism is an automatic “zero.” This applies to all work submitted in-class, work done at home, and independent reading.In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class) 3. including a source but failing to cite it 4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment. TEST-TAKING PROCEDURE • No verbal or nonverbal communication! • No turning around. • Keep your eyes on your own paper. • Do not have anything on your desk. • Books, electronic devices, and water bottles included. • DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE, unless it is Ms. Filowitz, until she releases you to talk. • No one may talk or communicate in ANY way until the last test is in. • ANY cell phone SEEN during test-taking will result in an automatic zero on the test and a referral for cheating. • Anyone who breaks these rules will have their grade result in a zero as we will have discussed in class. FINAL GRADES I will treat your grade with the same level of importance with which you treat my class – if you treat my class with a low level of important and disrespect, do NOT come crying to me at the end of the semester about how you should have tried harder, or if there’s anything you can do for extra credit (NO – there isn’t). FILOWITZ TRIVIA • Birthday: April 21 • Education: Brandeis University (Theatre Arts Major; Near Eastern & Judaic Studies Minor); and Chapman University (CA Single-Subject English Teaching Credential and Masters in Education) • Family: Married, two kids – PJ (stepson – 20, almost 21) and Charly [short for Charlotte] (daughter - 4) • Likes: Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Target (don’t go to the one near school after school if you don’t want to run into me ), Anything Real Housewives, Pit Bulls (I have one, her name is Lucy), Reality TV, chocolate, Cheesecake Factory, Musical Theatre/Broadway (I used to be a singer/actress), Karaoke, Pumas/comfy shoes, my friends & family, and writing. • Dislikes: Disrespect, coffee, late work, excuses, lack of motivation, miscommunication, apathy, contractions in formal essays, and cruelty. • Club Adviser: VHS R.A.C.E. Club (raising money for the American Cancer Society & participating in “Relay for Life” events in Orange County). Meetings are in my room during lunch (listen for info in the announcements) and new members are always welcome! • School Roles: OCAD Speech Coach, Senior Awards Coordinator, and TEDx Coordinator 2016-2017
Page 7 LA1/PRE-IB 9th Grade Language Arts HIGH HONORS LA1/PRE-IB 9th GRADE PRE-IB CLASS SYLLABUS 2018-2019 PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE SHEET After reading the general information and class rules, please place an X in the space below, write any comments or questions you may have, and then sign and return this form tomorrow. Your signatures indicate that you understand students are financially responsible for any books checked out from the classroom library that are later lost and/or stolen. I (we) have read, received, and understood the general information and class rules for Language Arts 1 – PRE-IB. Comments or Questions? EMAIL MS. FILOWITZ – tfilowitz@pylusd.org Student Name:________________________________ Signature: ___________________________ (Please Print) Parent Name: _________________________________ Signature: ___________________________ (Please Print) Date: ______________________ Period: _____________ PYLUSD District policy requires teachers to have parent/guardian permission when showing anything rated PG-13. Please check and sign below: My student, PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ YES, HE/SHE MAY see things rated PG-13 NO, HE/SHE MAY NOT see things rated PG-13 PLEASE DETATCH THIS FORM FROM SYLLABUS (KEEP THE SYLLABUS FOR YOUR RECORDS). PLEASE HAVE YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGN THIS FORM AND RETURN IT TO MS. FILOWITZ BY: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th