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ANA Executive Enterprise Conference January 9, 2008

Technology Trends: What You Need to Know Now. ANA Executive Enterprise Conference January 9, 2008. Agenda. Setting the Stage Practical Tips You Can Use Now Real-World Examples You Can Adapt What’s Next? Resource List. Setting the Stage.

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ANA Executive Enterprise Conference January 9, 2008

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Technology Trends: What You Need to Know Now ANA Executive Enterprise Conference January 9, 2008

  2. Agenda • Setting the Stage • Practical Tips You Can Use Now • Real-World Examples You Can Adapt • What’s Next? • Resource List

  3. Setting the Stage • 65% of business professionals are connecting via personal and professional social networking websites • 47% of Internet users have searched for information about themselves online • Facebook: 43 million+ members (as of November, 2007)

  4. Setting the Stage • Social Networks are being used for professional collaboration • 20% of college students began using computers between the ages of 5 and 8 • 42% of college students say they use the Internet primarily to communicate socially

  5. How Communication is Different • Web 2.0 refers to a supposed “second generation” of Internet-based services that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users • Little or no technical skills required • Personalization expected

  6. How To Respond? • Enable access/involvement how and when they want it • Research, research, research...and use the data! • Be ready to experiment

  7. Practical Tips: Facebook

  8. Practical Tips: CEOExpress

  9. Practical Tips: delicious

  10. Practical Tips: Bloglines

  11. Practical Tips: Google...

  12. Google Calendar

  13. Google Docs

  14. Google Analytics

  15. LinkedIn

  16. NetVibes

  17. Real-world: Blogs

  18. Blogs

  19. Team Challenge!

  20. How many videos were viewed on YouTube in the U.S. in July, 2007? (according to comScore Video Matrix)

  21. 2.4 billion! 9 billion+ videos viewed online in U.S. in July, 2007 Users went to Google for nearly 2.5 billion of them• About 2.4 billion of those were viewed on YouTube.com Yahoo with 390 million videos Average length was 2.7 minutes Average person watched 68 videos a month, >2 per day 44% are female, 56% male Dominant group is 12- to 17-year-olds

  22. You Tube Nonprofit Channel

  23. YouTube

  24. Wikis

  25. Wikis

  26. RSS • Really Simple Syndication • Format for storing online information in a way that makes it readable by lots of different kinds of software • Use #1—lets people read lots of different news sources in one place using a newsreader • Use #2—lets people republish and remix content from other sites using aggregation

  27. Community

  28. Community

  29. Traditional Directory…

  30. Enhanced Directory

  31. “My RIMS” (www.higherlogic.com software)

  32. Second Life

  33. What’s Next?—Wireless/Portability

  34. Mobile Site Access

  35. Text Campaigns

  36. Cell Phones as $$$ Some vending machines let users purchase drinks with their mobile phone. (NTT DoCoMo)

  37. Twitter Other Feeds

  38. ‘Free’ Education

  39. How To Respond? • Enable access/involvement how and when they want it • Research, research, research...and use the data! • Be ready to experiment

  40. www.pewinternet.org www.facebook.com Group: Association of Associations www.linkedin.com www.bloglines.com www.archive.org www.secondlife.com www.cpaisland.com http://nurse2be.blogspot.com http://en.nursingwiki.org www.delicious.com www.netvibes.com www.caionline.com www.ncfr.org www.asaecenter.org/wiki www.rims.org www.web-japan.org www.associationsocialmedia.com http://blogs.asaecenter.org www.higherlogic.com (used on rims.org website) Resource List

  41. Thank You! • Download this presentation at http://www.distilledlogic.net/resources/presentations.html • Contact me at 202/320-3060 or dina@distilledlogic.net

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