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Back to School with God

?. Strange, but true...? 1: Children have more bones in their body than adults. Fa ct, or fiction ?. Back to School with God. “…without a doubt”.

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Back to School with God

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  1. ? • Strange, but true...? • 1: Children have more bones in their body than adults. Fact,or fiction? Back to School with God “…without a doubt” FACT. Newborn babies have around 305 bones. As a person grows up, cartilage turns into bone in a process called ossification. By adulthood, the skeleton has just 206 bones.

  2. ? • Strange, but true...? • 2: Frogs can drink through their skin. Fact, or fiction? Back to School with God “…without a doubt” FACT. A frog’s skin is not waterproof! In fact, frogs can absorb both oxygen and water through their skin.

  3. ? • Strange, but true...? • 3: Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa with no eyebrows. Fact,or fiction? Back to School with God “…without a doubt” FACT. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off.

  4. ? • Strange, but true...? • 4: A crocodile becomes less dangerous as its teeth fall out. Fact,or fiction? Back to School with God “…without a doubt” FICTION. A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace the old ones!

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