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Be Alive Feast Fight John 7 Warren Wiersbe. Feast of Tabernacles: a celebration to remember Israelites journey through the wilderness and looks forward to the promised Kingdom. Jews set up the booths of branches to remind them of God’s providential care of Israel for 40 years (Lev. 23:22-44)
Feast of Tabernacles: a celebration to remember Israelites journey through the wilderness and looks forward to the promised Kingdom. Jews set up the booths of branches to remind them of God’s providential care of Israel for 40 years (Lev. 23:22-44) After the feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles was a festive time for the people. The temple area was illuminated by a large candlestick reminding them of the guiding pillar fire. Each day the priests would bring water from the pool of Siloam and pour from golden vessel reminding them of the miraculous provision of water from the rock. The feast was a difficult time for Jesus for the open and militant opposition to Him and His ministry began.
Before the Feasts: Disbelief (7:1-10) • Mary had other children with Joseph (Matt. 13:55-56, Mark 6:1-6) Jesus was their half-brother • They were still unbelievers even though they saw miracles • Psalm 69:8 –”I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and alien unto my mother’s children.” Unbelief was prophesied in this verse. • Theses brothers had world’s point of view: if you want people to follow you, use your opportunities to do something spectacular; celebrities get the attention and applause from the crowd, but the servants of God know better
Jesus was living on God’s timetable • After feeding 5,000 and teaching, He went to Galilee rather than Judea for Jews sought to kill Him • His half-brothers told Him to go to Jerusalem to reveal Himself when there was a feast. (7:6-9) • He was being cautious • He knew that Jewish leaders wanted to kill Him. Even though they were religious leaders, they were part of “the world” (v.7). History shows that the “religion system” often persecutes the prophets of God who are sent to save. • “yet” (v.8); many manuscripts do not have this word, but the absence of “yet” doesn’t change the meaning of the statement.
After His half-brothers left, Jesus went up not openly. • What happen if Jesus told His half-brothers His plans coming to the feast? • “I am going when the right time is come” • Divine sovereignty and human responsibility In the midst of the Feast: Debate (7:11-36) In the debate, there were 3 groups: • “the Jews”: the religious leaders including Pharisees, Chief Priests (Sadducees) & Scribes. Those men differed theologically, but they agreed on one thing: their opposition to Jesus and determination to kill Him.
“the people”: the festival crowd who came to Jerusalem to worship. These people was surprised that anyone would want to kill Jesus (7:20) • The Jews resided in Jerusalem (7:25): They sided with the religious leaders. • Debate began before Jesus came and focused on characters (7:11-13). The religious leaders “kept seeking” Him while the crowd argued whether He was a good man or a deceiver.
Debate shifted to doctrine when Jesus arrived in the temple and taught openly. • The people were surprised at His teachings because He lacked credentials from the approved rabbinical schools • Jesus taught with authority while the religious leaders taught from the authorities, quoting all the famous rabbis • Jesus explained that His doctrine came from the Father. • How can we know that Jesus is teaching us the truth? • By obeying what He tells us to do • Obedience is the organ of spiritual knowledge – T.W. Robertson • “If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know” John 7:17 • Jewish leaders did not understand Jesus’ teaching because they had stubborn will and would not submit to Him (John 5:40)
Jesus wanted us to experience the authority personally while the Jews received their doctrine secondhand from the leaders. Therefore, this proves that enlightened and educated mind is no guarantee of a pure heart or a sanctified will. • Satan offered knowledge to Adam and Eve, but it was based on disobedience (3:5):Jesus offered knowledge as a result of obedience: first, the yoke of responsibility and then the joy of knowing God’s truth. • If we seek God’s will, then we will not worry who gets the glory for all truth is God’s truth and He alone gets the glory for what He has taught us.
No teacher or preacher can take a credit for what can come only from God. If he desires glory, it proves that teaching is self-generated and come not from God. Origin of many cults and church splits. It divides God’s people. • The first debate was with the Jews • The leaders wanted to kill Him because He violated Sabbath laws by healing and then claimed to be God (John 5:10-18). The orthodox Jews broke the Sabbath laws concerning circumcision of the sons on Sabbath. Why kill Jesus?
The “people”, or crowd, didn’t know their leaders were out to kill Him, but they accused Him that He had a demon (7:20) • Jesus told them to judge righteous judgment (is)not on appearance (seems) (7:24) • The residents entered the debates: “no, the rulers did not believe that He is the Christ, do they?” (7:25) • They defended their conclusion with logic: • Nobody knows where Christ comes from • We know where Jesus of Nazareth came from • Conclusion: Jesus cannot be the Messiah (7:27)
At this point, Jesus spoke boldly (7:28, 29) • Yes, ye k now me and where I came from He that sent me is true whom you know not but Jews knows Him for He came from Him and Father sent Him. • “they did not know their Father”: Serious accusation against Orthodox Jews for they prided themselves in knowing the true God • He not only knew the Father, but He was also sent by the Father. He was not only born into the world; Father sent Him. He claimed to be God. Also it means that Jesus existed before He was born on earth.
This group of residents tried to kill Him but they couldn’t for His hour was not yet come (30) yet many believed on Jesus • Pharisees & chief priests resented that the residents believed on Jesus • This time the rulers sent members of temple guards to arrest Him • “Where I am, thither ye cannot come” (33-36) The End of the Feast (7:37-52) • The last day would be seventh day of the festival, the priests marched around the altar seven times, chanting Ps. 118:25. They drew water and poured out as symbolic of the water Moses drew from rock.
He gave invitation to thirsty sinners. The water was the picture of the Spirit of God. The believers would not only drink the living water, but they would become the channels of the living water to bless a thirsty world. “Rivers of water”: Isa. 12:3, 15; 32:2, 44:3; 58:11 & Zech. 14:8 • Water for drinking is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Water satisfies thirst and produces fruitfulness and likewise Holy Spirit satisfies the inner person and enables to bear fruit. • The result of declaration & invitation: the people were divided. Some defended Him and others wanted to arrest Him. “Is he the promised Prophet?” (40) • The temple officers returned without Jesus
Should Christ come out of Galilee? • Why? “Never man spake like this man.” Jesus arrested them by the word of God • The leaders passed on judgment on basis of their prejudices. It is easier to label (& like) people than to listen to the facts being present. • God hid His truth from “the prudent and wise” and revealed to “spiritual babes”, the humble people who will yield to Him (Matt. 11:25-27) • Nicodemus spoke up “Doth our law judge any man, before it hears him, and know what he doeth?”
His works attracted Nicodemus & now he wanted to hear His Word. Works (Miracles) leads to Word. • The rulers refused to admit Nicodemus was right in asking for the fair trial. When you cannot answer the argument, attack the speaker. How? They challenged him to search if a prophet come out of Galilee. Jonah from Gath-hepher, Nahum form El Kosh which later changed to Capernaum meaning “village of Nahum” and Hosea
Today people commit the same mistakes and allow their prejudices and superficial evaluations to blind them to the truth.