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MORBIDITY & MORTALITY. Trey Bates, M.D. 54 y/o man with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx S/P radiation therapy and chemotherapy Developed significant radiation fibrosis not responsive to medical tx with Trental ( pentoxifylline) or Botox
54 y/o man with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx S/P radiation therapy and chemotherapy Developed significant radiation fibrosis not responsive to medical tx with Trental (pentoxifylline) or Botox Extreme contracture of neck with limited extension
Unable to tolerate neck extension • Dysphagia and weight loss; PEG tube inserted • Scheduled for lysis of SCM muscle to release adhesions and an esophageal dilation and esophagoscopy for dysphagia • Difficult Airway and previous difficult awake fiberoptic intubation
Several attempts at previous awake fiberoptic intubation were unsuccessful • Right nasotracheal intubation attempted • ETT not anle to be passed beyond vocal cords • Bleeding occurred and procedure aborted
Pt seen in holding area • Consents reviewed and signed • Given 1mg Versed for anxiolysis and an additional 1mg given as nasal trumpets inserted • Nasal trumpets coated with viscous lidocaine and neosynephrine • Taken to OR, monitors applied, Oxygen saturation 93% and positive Carbon Dioxide on Capnography
Pink oral airway inserted and patient preoxygenated with mask as well as nasal cannula inserted into bilateral nasal trumpets • Given 50 mcg of Fentanyl • Unsuccessful attempt to visualize airway • Pt moving too much for procedure • Given 10 mg of Ketamine • Pt began to desaturate on oxygen saturation monitor • Bradycardia observed on EKG leads
LMA inserted but no carbon dioxide seen on capnography and pt continued to desaturate • Surgical airway then performed by ENT • ETT 6.0 inserted but still difficult ventilation • ETT suctioned and ventilation continued • Given Atropine for Bradycardia as well as Epinephrine • Found to be in asystole on EKG • No pulse • Code Blue called and CPR begun