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The skill of travel: Networks into neighbourhoods Stephen Little, Len Holmes and Frank Go

The skill of travel: Networks into neighbourhoods Stephen Little, Len Holmes and Frank Go. The Springboard Story.

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The skill of travel: Networks into neighbourhoods Stephen Little, Len Holmes and Frank Go

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  1. The skill of travel: Networks into neighbourhoods Stephen Little, Len Holmes and Frank Go

  2. The Springboard Story On 26th December 2004 the son of a Tamil Nadu fisherman working in Singapore saw TV news coverage of the tsunami and telephoned a warning to his sister which was relayed from the village Knowledge Centre, allowing all the villagers to escape to safety www.stevedenning.com

  3. Bottom up strategy ?the tsunami affected regions • Public response to the disaster • powerful images and accounts counter “compassion fatigue” • tourist technologies • digital video cameras • cell phones • http://www.digital-review.org/aud16a.htm. • same technologies ad-hoc warnings to Knowledge Centres around Pondicherry • http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com • collective logging of events and monitoring of relief and recovery efforts continues

  4. Converging technologies 2002-2005 • Community Monitoring of Policy and Performance • http://www.newnet.org.uk/neat/ • Regulators, service providers and users collaborating on the monitoring of service provision • GPS • digital video • digital still • WAP

  5. A Shifting Context for Communities • Management ------ Governance • Ultimate consequence of Williamson (1975) and transaction driven view of organisation • governance replacing management • disintermediation and re-intermediation • Microsoft ----------- OSF • Cathedral --------- Bazaar Raymond E.S. (2001) • Information Sharing ---------- Knowledge Sharing • hierarchies ---------------------- distributed Communities of Practice

  6. Further Technical Shifts • E commerce to M commerce • location specific services • wearable medical devices • radio frequency smart tags • E government to M government • biometrics • real time monitoring and surveillance of movement

  7. Social versus Technical Learning • Organisational learning is needed to move beyond the technical effects of direct substitution of information technology for manual processes. • informating versus automating (Zuboff, 1988) • 2nd level social learning (Sproull & Kiesler, 1991) • Technical costs can be more readily estimated and represented • social learning is the key to successful and sustainable implementation • it can take place ahead of or in tandem with the deployment of technical resources

  8. Access versus Ownership Skilling at the Margins low cost internet- based telephony Business centres & internet cafes http://www.grameenphone.com/

  9. Networks and Neighbourhoods • Personal Presence • http://www.cmp.ucr.edu/students/glasshouses/ • http://www.tempe.gov/museum/albumslist.htm • Organising, Campaigning • http://www.hispanicvista.com/html/100702cm.htm • http://www.lieffcabraser.com/braceros.htm • Carrying culture • http://www.indiana.edu/~jah/mexico/retablos.html • http://www.geobodies.org/video/performing/performingdes.html

  10. Sharing Practice, Building Skillshttp://www.geocities.com/odysseygroup2001/sharing/index.html One to One One to Many

  11. Reversing the Panopticon: surveillance by the surveilled • The technologies which have enabled military and managerial surveillance of distributed resources also, paradoxically, enable the communities so scrutinised to develop their own distributed strategies and patterns of relationships with external parties • Little & Grieco (2003) • New paradigm • bottom-up and networked response, • feedback loop from those on the receiving end of policy • IS driven and enabled feedback from customer/public to both provider and government/regulator

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