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The Phases of Re-evaluation in Text Processing

Learn about the different phases of text processing - projection, proposing/evoking, completion, and re-evaluation - and how they influence cognitive layers. Explore the engine's approach to handling anaphora in language processing.

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The Phases of Re-evaluation in Text Processing

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  1. Curs 4Rezoluţia anaforei - continuare

  2. The engine • For each RE of the text level (left to right): • projection phase • proposing/evoking phase • completion phase • re-evaluation phase

  3. text layer ………… ………… REa projection layer …. ………. ………… PSa cognitive layer.…. ………… Phases of the engine projection phase

  4. text layer ………… projection layer …. ………. PSa cognitive layer.…. DEa Phases of the engine proposing/evokingphase ………… REa ………… …………

  5. ………………`. REa REb ………………… PSb ? ……………….…. DEa Phases of the engine proposing/evokingphase text layer …………………………. projection layer ………………….. cognitive layer.……………………

  6. DE0 DE1 DEm The engine proposes 1 text layer …………………………………………………… REa REb REd REx psx projection layer ………………………………………… thresholdmin DE1 DEm cognitive layer ……………………………………………… 0

  7. The engine proposes 1 text layer …………………………………………………… REa REb REd REx attrx projection layer ………………………………………… thresholdmin DE0 DE1 DEm cognitive layer ……………………………………………… 0

  8. thresholddiff The engine postpones 1 thresholddiff text layer …………………………………………………… REa REb REd REx psx projection layer ………………………………………… thresholdmin DE1 DEm cognitive layer ……………………………………………… 0

  9. The engine postpones 1 text layer …………………………………………………… REa REb REd REx REy psx psy projection layer ………………………………………… thresholdmin DE1 DEm cognitive layer ……………………………………………… 0

  10. The engine evokes 1 thresholddiff text layer …………………………………………………… REa REb REd REx psx projection layer ………………………………………… thresholdmin DE1 DEm cognitive layer ……………………………………………… 0

  11. The engine evokes 1 thresholddiff text layer …………………………………………………… REa REb REd REx projection layer ………………………………………… thresholdmin DE1 DEm cognitive layer ……………………………………………… 0

  12. text layer ………… projection layer …. ………. PSa cognitive layer.…. DEa Phases of the engine completionphase ………… REa ………… …………

  13. text layer ………… projection layer …. cognitive layer.…. Phases of the engine completionphase ………… REa ………… ………… DEa

  14. ………………`. REa REb ………………… PSb ……………….…. DEa Phases of the engine completionphase text layer …………………………. projection layer ………………….. cognitive layer.……………………

  15. ………………. REa REb ………………… ……………….…. DEa Phases of the engine completionphase text layer …………………………. projection layer ………………….. cognitive layer.……………………

  16. Phases of the engine re-evaluationphase text layer …………………………. ………………`. REa REb REc projection layer ………………….. ………………… PSb PSc ? cognitive layer.…………………… ……………….…. DEa

  17. Phases of the engine re-evaluationphase text layer …………………………. ………………`. REa REb REc projection layer ………………….. ………………… PSb PSc cognitive layer.…………………… ……………….…. DEa

  18. Phases of the engine re-evaluationphase text layer …………………………. ………………`. REa REb REc projection layer ………………….. ………………… PSb PSc cognitive layer.…………………… ……………….…. DEa

  19. Phases of the engine re-evaluationphase text layer …………………………. ………………`. REa REb REc projection layer ………………….. ………………… PSb PSc cognitive layer.…………………… ……………….…. DEa

  20. Phases of the engine re-evaluationphase text layer …………………………. ………………`. REa REb REc projection layer ………………….. ………………… PSb PSc cognitive layer.…………………… ……………….…. DEa

  21. Phases of the engine re-evaluationphase text layer …………………………. ………………`. REa REb REc projection layer ………………….. ………………… cognitive layer.…………………… ……………….…. DEa

  22. Information on RARE and the experiments:http://consilr.info.uaic.ro/research

  23. How can wicked anaphora be accommodated by the framework?

  24. Positionally triggered relations • Nested REs – usually genitival constructions the University building Amenomfis the IVth's wife the face of the beautiful queen text level nesting( ) projection level … belongs-to ( ) cognitive level

  25. text level position=apposition-of( ) projection level … cognitive level Positionally triggered relations • Apposition Nefertiti, Amenomfis the IVth's wife

  26. Positionally triggered relations • The subject-predicative noun relation Maria is the best student of the whole class.  Your rival is a photo. The young lady became a wife. text level position=predicative-noun( ) projection level … cognitive level

  27. Positionally triggered relations • The subject-predicative noun relation Maria is the best student of the whole class.  Your rival is a photo. The young lady became a wife. text level position=predicative-noun( ) projection level same-as( ) … cognitive level

  28. Lemma disagreement of nouns • Common NPs displaying identical lexical number but different lemmas Nefertiti, Amenomfis the IVth's wife … the beautiful queen Nefertiti Amenomfis the beatiful queen text level lemma=queen projection level sem=wife sem=pharaon similarity-based decision cognitive level

  29. Lemma disagreement of nouns • Common NPs with different lexical number and different lemmas A patrol … the soldiers The government… the ministers a patrol the soldiers text level lemma=soldier Lnum=pl Nnum=pl projection level sem=patrol Lnum=sg Nnum=pl cognitive level

  30. Lemma disagreement of nouns • Common nouns referring proper nouns Bucharest… the capital Bucharest the capital text level lemma=capital projection level sem=capital cognitive level

  31. Number disagreement • A plural pronoun identifying a conjunction/disjunction of singular/plural NPs or a split antecedent • John waited for Maria. They went for a pizza. John waited for Maria. He invited her for a pizza.

  32. Number disagreement John finished his classes. He went to a football match. As it was a rainy day, no more than 20 people were in the stadium. Maria happened to be there too. They went for a pizza and one month later got married. John his classes 20 people Maria they text level projection level John person classes class 20p person Maria person John&Maria group-of( , ) cognitive level

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