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Crime and Punishment Name Pronunciation Workshop

Crime and Punishment Name Pronunciation Workshop. Raskolnikov the Rascal.

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Crime and Punishment Name Pronunciation Workshop

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  1. Crime and Punishment Name Pronunciation Workshop

  2. Raskolnikov the Rascal • The name, Raskolnikov, has been traditionally identified with the denotation “schismatic.” The Russian word “raskol” (schism) and the “raskol ‘nik” (schismatic) are generally used to identify the split from the Russian Orthodox church in the seventeenth century. The exact form “raskol ‘nikov” can be found in nineteenth centruy Russian dictionaries in the meaning “one who belongs to” or “one of the schismatics.” ~Thomas R. Beyer, Jr. Beyer, Thomas R., Jr. “Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment.” Explicator, Fall 82, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p. 33.

  3. Let’s try that again, shall we? • Raskolnikov (called “Rodya” by his mother) • Sonya • Dunya • Svidrigailov • Razumihin • KaterinaIvanovna • Porfiry • Marmeladov • Pulcheria • Luzhin • Lebezyatnikov • AlyonaIvanovna • LizavetaIvanovna • Zossimov • Nastasya

  4. Characters in the novel made easy • RodionRomanovich Raskolnikov (“Rodya,” “Rodka) • SofyaSemyonovnaMarmeladov (“Sonya,” “Sonechka”) • AvdotyaRomanovna Raskolnikov (“Dunya,” “Dunechka”). • ArkadyIvanovichSvidrigailov • Dmitri Prokofych Razumikhin • KaterinaIvanovnaMarmeladov • PorfiryPetrovich - • SemyonZakharovichMarmeladovby • PulcheriaAlexandrovna Raskolnikov • PyotrPetrovichLuzhin • Andrei SemyonovichLebezyatnikov • AlyonaIvanovna • LizavetaIvanovna • Zossimov • NastasyaPetrovna (“Nastenka,” “Nastasyushka. • Ilya • Alexander GrigorievichZamyotov • Nikolai Dementiev (“Mikolka”) . • PolinaMikhailovnaMarmeladov (“Polya,” “Polenka,” “Polechka”)

  5. RodionRomanovichRaskolnikov (“Rodya,” “Rodka”) -  • The protagonist of the novel

  6. SofyaSemyonovnaMarmeladov (Sonya, Sonia, Sonechka) Marmeladov’sdaughter

  7. AvdotvaRomanovnaRaskolnikov (Dunya, Dunia, Dunechka) Raskolnikov’ssister

  8. Dmitri ProkofychRazumikhin Raskolnikov’s friend

  9. SemyonZakharovichMarmeladov Sonya’s father/town drunk

  10. KaterinaIvanovnaMarmeladov Marmeladov’swife

  11. PulcheriaAlexandrovnaRaskolnikov Raskolnikov’smother

  12. PyotrPetrovichLuzhin Dunya’sfiancé

  13. AlyonaIvanovna an old pawnbroker

  14. LizavetaIvanovna Alyona’ssister

  15. ArkadyIvanovichSvidrigailov Dunya’sformer employer

  16. PorfiryPetrovich investigator

  17. Zossimov Raskolnikov’sdoctor

  18. NastasyaPetrovna A servant in the house where Raskolnikov rents his room.

  19. IlyaPetrovich the police official

  20. PolinaMikhailovnaMarmeladov The older daughter of KaterinaIvanovna from her former marriage.

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