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Test Administration Training November 2014

Test Administration Training November 2014. Administrators/Coordinators. [ADD SCHOOL NAME HERE]. WAAS-DAPE Training-of-Trainers [ADD DATE] [ADD LOCATION] [ADD TIME]. This material should be augmented with special consideration appropriate for your local district. Important Reminders.

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Test Administration Training November 2014

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  1. Test Administration TrainingNovember 2014 Administrators/Coordinators [ADD SCHOOL NAME HERE] WAAS-DAPE Training-of-Trainers [ADD DATE] [ADD LOCATION] [ADD TIME] This material should be augmented with special consideration appropriate for your local district.

  2. Important Reminders • Caution symbol in Administration and Proctoring PowerPoint as a reminder of the most frequent irregularities • Writing Day 1 must be given before Writing Day 2, unless a student is being assessed on a makeup schedule due to an absence on Day 1 (DAPE)

  3. DAPE Delivery Schedule

  4. Administrator Preparation • Read the ACM and DFA (TIP: save as a PDF to your desktop to search for topics/questions, link to OSPI documents). • Notify District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) [NAME, PHONE]of changes to the school’s Test Security and Building Plan. • Complete the Proctor PowerPoint with building specific information prior to training day. • Familiarize your team with the specific tools and accommodations needed and allowed for each assessment. • Communicate the plan for students who finish early. Reminder: Students may not read other materials while test booklets/materials are on their desks. • Ensure that student data in your Student Information System (SIS) is up to date and accurate (grade levels, Entry/Exit dates, Excused/Unexcused absences).

  5. Preparing Students • Curriculum & Assessment Home page has links to Parent and Teacher Resources • Resources and Tools (sample passages, questions, anchor sets, and • test and item specifications) • Reading - www.k12.wa.us/Reading/Assessment • Writing - www.k12.wa.us/Writing/Assessment • Mathematics - www.k12.wa.us/Mathematics/Assessment.aspx • Science - www.k12.wa.us/Science/Assessments.aspx • Administrators • Item and Point Totals charts and Scale Score Ranges at: www.k12.wa.us/assessment/StateTesting/default.aspx • Graduation requirements and resources: www.k12.wa.us/Resources • Other Web site links to Classroom Demos for: Reading Aloud Reading CDs, Translated Math and Science CDs, Released Items, PLDs, and other resources listed on page 4 in the manual. ACM 2-3

  6. Policies and Test Security • State Laws Governing Security All test content including, but not limited to, test booklets and accommodated forms are confidential and must not be reviewed except to the extent necessary for administration of state assessments. • Securing Testing Environment • Who and what can be in the testing room • Trained proctors only, not volunteers • No media (and limited access to the campus) • Only approved electronic devices • No purses or backpacks near the students • Posting a Testing – Do Not Disturb sign • What is your role and what are your responsibilities? • Superintendent (p7) Principal (p8) • District Asmt. Coord. (p9) School Asmt. Coord.(p11) • Teacher/Proctor (p13) Bilingual Coord. (p13) • Special Ed. Coord.(p12) Technology Coord. (p11) ACM 5-7

  7. Responsibilities of the Principal • Appoint School Assessment Coordinator • Training • Attend required trainings and comply with instructions. • Ensure that proctors, individuals providing accommodations (such as scribes, readers, etc.), and staff who process materials attend required trainings. • Overall Planning and Scheduling • Assigning Test Proctors; designating testing areas; ensuring test security of materials; planning testing schedules, locations & testing population. Develop and have approved your school’s Test Security and Building Plan. • Communication • Communicate with all parents and all staff members and departments regarding the schedule, online testing, importance of attendance, and how test results will be reported. • Implementation • Implement all district policies and procedures and monitor testing process. • Submit required documentation on time. • Provide necessary accommodations as required by IEP and ELL plans as well as access supports. • Communicate your school’s Test Security and Building Plan. ACM 8-9

  8. Responsibilities of the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) • Approve the school’s Test Security and Building Plan • Training • Attend required trainings, read, and comply with OSPI instructions. • Train school administrators, School Assessment Coordinators, and ensure that they provide appropriate training to proctors, scribes, and persons needed to assist with accommodations and test material processing. • Overall Planning and Scheduling • Develop and implement a plan to collect the information in a timely manner in order to ensure that each student has access to the appropriate assessment and testing environment. Develop a Test Security and Building Plan template. • Implementation • Implement all district policies and procedures and monitor testing process. • Submit required documentation to OSPI on time. ACM 9-11

  9. Responsibilities of the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Cont’d • A Test Security and Building Plan should include: • Schedule for testing (window or dates for each state assessment). • Administration Training and Proctor Training schedule. • Change in transportation arrangements for the day. • Accommodations needed per student. • Process for identifying students who are allowed an alternate assessment, require a pre-approved special accommodation, or pre-approval for other exemptions. • Inventory and make available the tools and manipulatives allowed for each assessment. • Who is responsible for test security to receive, inventory, and secure documents throughout the assessment window. • Provide the communication plan for all targeted audiences. ACM 9-11

  10. Responsibilities of the School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) ACM 11-12 Before: • Attend required training and comply with instructions. • Provide training to all appropriate staff, train with the new staff member in mind. • Immediately inventory all material. • Ensure security protocols in place. • Provide Test Proctors with list of accommodations needed per student. • Provide Test Proctors with the contact information/process should an immediate need arise during testing. During: • Provide a positive test-taking environment. • Distribute all appropriate test materials and ensure security protocols. • Monitor proper test administration. • Report and document any irregularities to the DAC [NAME, PHONE]. After: • Inventory and return test materials (process ancillary materials). • Complete School/Site Security Reports and required documentation.

  11. Responsibilitiesof the Special Education & Bilingual Coordinators ACM 12-13 Work closely with teachers and student teams to determine testing needs of each student. • Attend required training and read assigned materials • Follow district/school procedures for providing a list of students and their testing needs (braille, large print, Read-Aloud Reading CDs, Translated Math and Science CDs, etc.) to your DAC.

  12. Pre-Identification and Labels ACM 21

  13. State Testing Schedules • Uniform administration of state assessments ensures that no one student has an unfair advantage over any other student: • Allow an additional 15-20 minutes for test proctor activities. • Breaks are not included in the timeframes below, follow breaks as outlined in the Directions for Administration for each test. • Assessments are untimed but must be completed by the end of the school day unless specified in an IEP plan for more than one day per test. ACM 23-24

  14. Tools and Manipulatives In order to ensure consistent, reliable administration of assessments across the state, OSPI has compiled a chart of tools and manipulatives that students may access during the math assessments. The table on page 34 in the ACM, identifies the tools allowed for each state assessment. • Calculator and Electronic Device Policy is on pages 27-28. Manipulatives that are used during state assessments should not provide answers but should be: • Used in the classroom – this should not be the first time • Available where students can get them if they elect to use them • Manipulatives or tools not included in the chart in the ACM should be considered not allowed. • Non-Standard Accommodations Use form should be completed to request the use of an accommodation that is on an IEP but not listed in the Access Supports and Accommodations Guidelines for state assessments ACM 27-28

  15. Calculator and Electronic Device Policy ACM 27-28 • Calculator overview • Calculator Use and Restrictions • Allowed Calculators • Calculator Memory Clearing Policy • Calculator Sharing Policy • Examples of Prohibited Electronic devices, calculator models, and features

  16. Materials ACM 25-26 • Ancillary Materials • Checklist of what you need for each assessment • Materials Available for Student Access • Accommodated Materials and Resources available for student access, listed by grade level • Store materials in a secure, locked area with restricted and limited access.

  17. Irregular Test Administration All group and individual testing irregularities must be documentedfollowing district guidelines and protocols Test Proctor should: Call the SAC as soon as possible Make a notation on the Test Security Assurance form Make a notation in the Note section on the Booklet Cover (in consultation with the SAC) SAC should: Call DAC as soon as possible Hand-grid the demographic page, where applicable Note the irregularity on the Pre-ID Roster Complete the corresponding irregularity report. Never invalidate a test booklet. Invalidations are determined by DAC, SAC, and in consultation with OSPI. NOTE: A decision of whether or not to invalidate a test may be deferred until after student scores are available and it is determined if the irregularity impacted what the student knows and is capable of doing.

  18. Test Booklet Cover Print or use Labels here Booklet Number 01242403 CAUTION: Never mark or obscure the security barcode on front of test booklet. (This barcode is used to track the return of test booklets.) S549329 Student Signature (Required) Place Student Pre-ID Adhesive Labelor a School/Site label here, if needed. Notes: Use to note scribe name, irregular administration information, etc

  19. Coding Demographics on Test Book Left Justify all demographic information • Fill in Row 1 “Y” if a scribe is used for an emergent inability to write.

  20. Pre-ID Roster • Your Pre-ID Roster should be used to: • Document reason for not-testing, Excused or Unexcused, Withdrawn date, etc. • Document testing irregularities • Document accommodations used • Add student information when assigning a test booklet to a new student

  21. After Testing – Boxing Booklets SAVE BOXES for RETURNING MATERIALS • Determine if test booklets are Scorable or Non-Scorable using the chart below. • Sort Scorable booklets by grade and subject.

  22. After Testing - Documentations Test Security Assurance Forms, signed twice Proctor Training Logs School/Site Administration & Security Report Pre-ID Roster signed by the Principal (1st page only) Deliver the Pre-ID Roster with annotations to the SAC [NAME] [District specific instructions here]

  23. Score Results Release Dates • November DAPE Record Reconciliation is in mid-December, 2014 • ISRs will be mailed to Districts January 21, 2015

  24. For Assistance • When you have questions: • Test Proctors: • Contact their School Assessment Coordinator • School Assessment Coordinator: • Contacts the District Assessment Coordinator • [NAME XXX-XXX-XXXX] (Office) • [ XXX-XXX-XXXX] (Mobile) • District Assessment Coordinator: • Contacts OSPI • OSPI will refer calls from school staff to their • District Assessment Coordinator.

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