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Modular connections modes

New 100% oil-free operating elliptical rotary vane vacuum pumps / compressors E PV series with 2 separate compression chambers. Modular connections modes. Different sizes of compression chambers for various customer specific requirements (e.g. feeder of printing machines). V 1. P 2. V 1.

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Modular connections modes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New 100% oil-free operating elliptical rotary vane vacuum pumps / compressors E PV series with 2 separate compression chambers

  2. Modular connections modes • Different sizes of compression chambers for various customer specific requirements (e.g. feeder of printing machines) V1 P2 V1 P2 100 m³/h 100 m³/h 60 m³/h 100 m³/h P1 V2 P1 V2

  3. less maintenance • Transparent filter cover forfilter cleaning indication • 2 filters = large filter surface long maintenance interval

  4. Elliptical vacuum pumps V1 V2

  5. Elliptical compressors P2 P1

  6. Elliptical pressure/vacuum pumps V1 P2

  7. Elliptical combined pressure/vacuum pumps V1 P2 P1 V2

  8. Summary of advantages • 2 independent compression chambers • maintenance less (20.000 h without maintenance) • Long filter life-time due to large filter surface • Low noise level • 100% oil-free • Single shaft (no gears) • Pulsation less air flows • Low blast-air temperature • Modular design for customer specific requirements

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