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Quotes in this show were taken from numerous sources and credit for original sayings are given when know. Use of this collection is authorized for use in public sector training and education. All other uses must be granted in writing.
Quotes in this show were taken from numerous sources and credit for original sayings are given when know. Use of this collection is authorized for use in public sector training and education. All other uses must be granted in writing.
A person’s reputation is a mixture of what his friends, enemies, and relatives say behind his back Anonymous
The man whose conscience never troubles him must have it pretty well trained. Unknown
Character is not made in a crisis; it is only exhibited. Unknown
Happiness is having large, loving, caring family… In another city. George Burns
When a person strikes in anger, he usually misses the mark. Unknown
Too often when conscience tries to speak, the line seems busy. Unknown
Adults are just children that earn money. Kenneth Branagh
It takes about five years for a walnut tree to produce nuts, but that’s not true of the family tree. Unknown
I think a dysfunctional family is a family with more than one person in it. Mary Karr
Nothing is more dangerous than a big idea in a small mind. Unknown
Never brag about your ancestors coming over on the Mayflower; the immigration laws weren’t as strict in those days. Lew Lehr
Silence is the best and surest way to hide ignorance. Unknown
Never raise your hand to your children, it leaves the groin unprotected. Red Buttons
Never argue with a doctor, he has inside information. Unknown
One out of four people is mentally unbalances in this country. Think of your three closest friends – and if they seem OK, then you’re the one. Ann Landers
You never know how many friends you have until you rent a cottage at the beach. Kraig Kristofferson
Friends are folks who excuse you when you make a fool of yourself. Unknown
A word of advice…don’t give it. A. J. Volicos
Learn self control before attempting to control others. Unknown
My friend thought he was not going to make it. Then he started thinking positive. Now, he’s positive he’s not going to make it. Brother Sammy Shore
A good leader not only knows where they are going, but they can persuade others to go along with them. Unknown
There ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. Mark Twain
There must be something to acupuncture – after all, you never see any sick porcupines. Bob Goddard
Ships are safest in the harbor, but that’s not what ships were made for. Unknown
Condoms aren’t completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one…and got hit by a bus. Bob Rubin
An angry man is seldom reasonable. A reasonable man is seldom angry. Unknown
Leadership depends on the ability to make people want to follow voluntarily. Unknown
Good is the enemy of great. Unknown
I wanted to marry her when I saw the moonlight shinning off of her father’s shotgun. Eddie Albert
Every moment you are angry you loose a moment of happiness. Unknown
Concentrating on one thing at a time is still the best way to get things done. Unknown
I was the best man at the wedding. So why was she marrying him? Jerry Seinfield
I don’t like being the best man at the wedding because there is no way to prove it. Unknown
Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he is buying. Fran Lebowitz
My son has taken up meditation – at least it’s better than sitting doing nothing. Max Kaufman
Authority does not make you a leader; it gives you the opportunity to be one. Unknown
The eagle that chases two rabbits catches neither. Native American Proverb
Every person should take some time daily to look at the road of his ambitions. Unknown
The father of success is work – the mother is ambition. Unknown
The ambition of many dieters is to be weighed and found wanting. Unknown
I will not permit any man to narrow or degrade my soul by making me hate him. Unknown
Don’t be angry with the people who are smarter than you – it isn’t their fault. Unknown
A man is about as big as the things that make him angry. Unknown
A man is never in worst company than when he flies into a rage and is besides himself. Unknown
Never argue with a fool – people might not notice the difference. Unknown
Anger is the wind that blows out the light of reason. Unknown
Hating people is like burning down the house to kill the rats. Unknown