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Air, Weather, and Climate

Explore the composition, structure, and dynamics of the atmosphere, including solar radiation, jet streams, cyclonic storms, and climate variability. Learn how weather and climate impact ecosystems and biomes within our changing world.

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Air, Weather, and Climate

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  1. Air, Weather, and Climate Chapter 17 Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  2. Outline: • Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere • Weather Engine • Solar Radiation • Weather • Jet Streams • Cyclonic Storms • Climate • El Nino • Climate Change Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  3. COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE • Weather - A description of physical conditions of the atmosphere. • Climate - A description of the long-term weather pattern in a particular area. • Weather and climate are primary determinants of biomes and ecosystem distribution. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  4. Past and Present Composition • Many geochemists believe the earth’s earliest atmosphere was made up of mainly hydrogen and helium. • Volcanic emissions have added carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. • Virtually all oxygen was produced by photosynthesis. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  5. A Layered Envelope • Troposphere • Ranges in depth from 12.5 km over the equator to 8.0 km over the poles. • All weather occurs here. • Composition is relatively uniform. • Air temperature drops rapidly with increasing altitude. • Tropopause - Transition boundary that limits mixing between the troposphere and upper zones. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  6. A Layered Envelope • Stratosphere • Extends from troposphere to about 45 km. • Air temperature is stable, or increases with altitude. • Fraction of water vapor is 1000x less and ozone is 1000x more than in the troposphere. • Relatively calm Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  7. A Layered Envelope • Mesosphere • Middle Layer. • Minimum temperature is about - 80o C. • Thermosphere • Extends to about 1,600 km. • Ionized gases and high temperatures. • Ionosphere - Lower Thermosphere • Aurora borealis (northern lights) Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  8. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  9. THE GREAT WEATHER ENGINE • Solar Radiation • Incoming solar energy at the top of the atmosphere averages about 1,330 watts/m3. • About half is reflected or absorbed by atmosphere. • Amount reaching earth’s surface is at least 10,000 times greater than all installed electric capacity in the world. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  10. Solar Radiation • Visible light passes through atmosphere undiminished. • Ultraviolet light is absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere. • Infrared radiation is absorbed by carbon dioxide and water in the troposphere. • Albedo - Reflectivity • Fresh clean snow 90% • Dark soil 3% • Net average of earth 30% Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  11. Solar Radiation Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  12. Solar Radiation • Most solar energy reaching the earth is visible light. • Energy reemitted by the earth is mainly infrared radiation (heat energy). • Longer wavelengths are absorbed in the lower atmosphere, trapping heat close to the earth’s surface. • Greenhouse Effect • Increasing atmospheric CO2 due to human activities appears to be causing global warming. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  13. Convection Currents and Latent Heat • Lighter air rises and is replaced by cooler, heavier air, resulting in vertical convection currents. • Transport energy and redistribute heat. • Much of solar energy absorbed by the earth is used to evaporate water. • Energy stored in water vapor as latent heat. • If condensation nuclei are present, or if temperatures are low enough, condensation will lead to precipitation. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  14. Convection Currents • Releasing latent heat causes air to rise, cool, and lose more water vapor. • Rising, expanding air creates an area of relatively high pressure at the top of the convection column. • Air flows out of high-pressure zone towards areas of low-pressure, where cool, dry air is subsiding. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  15. Convection Currents • Subsiding air is compressed as it approaches the earth’s surface where it piles up and creates an area of high pressure at the surface. • Air flows out of this region back towards low pressure, closing the cycle. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  16. Convection Currents Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  17. WEATHER • Energy Balance • Solar energy is unevenly distributed. • Sun strikes the equator directly all year. • Earth’s axis is tilted. • Energy imbalance is evened out by movement of air and water vapor in the atmosphere and by liquid water in rivers and ocean currents. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  18. Convection Cells and Prevailing Winds • As air warms at the equator, rises, and moves northward, it sinks and rises in several intermediate bands, forming circulation cells. • Surface flows do not move straight North and South, but are deflected due to Coriolis Effect. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  19. Convection Cells and Prevailing Winds • Major zones of subsidence occur at about 30o north and south latitude. • Where dry, subsiding air falls on continents, it creates broad, subtropical desert regions. • Winds directly under regions of subsiding air are often light and variable. • Horse latitudes Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  20. Convection Cells and Prevailing Winds Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  21. Jet Streams • Jet Streams - Large-scale upper air flows. • Generally follow meandering paths from west to east. (6-12 km above surface) • Wind speeds are often 200 km / hr. • Number, flow speed, location, and size all vary on a daily basis. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  22. Jet Streams • Usually (2) main jet streams over NA: • Subtropical - (30o) north • Northern - Circumpolar vortex • During winter, the Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the sun and the atmosphere cools, pushing cold polar air farther south. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  23. Circumpolar Vortex Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  24. Frontal Weather • Cold Front - Boundary formed when cooler air displaces warmer air. • Cold air is more dense, thus hugs ground and pushes under warm air. • Warm air cooled adiabatically. • Warm Front - Boundary formed when warm air displaces cooler air. • Warm air is less dense and slides over cool air, creating a long wedge-shaped band of clouds. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  25. Frontal Weather Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  26. Cyclonic Storms • When rising air is laden with water vapor, latent energy released by condensation intensifies convection currents and draws up more warm air and water vapor. • Storm cell will exist as long as temperature differential exists. • Hurricanes (Atlantic) • Typhoons (Western Pacific) • Cyclones (Indian Ocean) Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  27. Cyclonic Storms • Tornadoes - Swirling funnel clouds. • Rotation not generated by Coriolis forces. • Generated by “supercell” frontal systems where strong dry cold fronts collide with warm humid air. • Greater air temperature differences in Spring thus more tornadoes. • Spinning - Rolling vortex tubes • Downbursts - Disorganized supercells Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  28. Tornadoes Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  29. Seasonal Winds • Monsoon - Seasonal reversal of wind patterns caused by differential heating and cooling rates of oceans and continents. • Most prevalent in tropical countries where large land area is cut off from continental air masses by mountain ranges and surrounded by a large volume of water. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  30. CLIMATE • Driving Forces and Patterns • Periodic weather cycles detected. • Solar magnetic cycles • Milankovitch Cycles - Periodic shifts in earth’s orbit and tilt. • Change distribution and intensity of sunlight reaching the earth. • Ice cores show drastic changes may have occurred over short periods of time (decades). Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  31. El Nino Southern Oscillation • Large pool of warm surface water in Pacific Ocean moves back and forth between Indonesia and South America. • Most years, the pool is held in western Pacific by steady equatorial trade winds. • Every three-five years the Indonesian low collapses and the mass of warm surface water surges back east. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  32. El Nino Southern Oscillation • During an El Nino year, the northern jet stream pulls moist air from the Pacific over the US. • Intense storms and heavy rains. • During intervening La Nina years, hot, dry weather is often present. • Pacific Decadal Oscillation - Very large pool of warm water moving back and forth across the North Pacific every 30 years. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  33. El Nino Southern Oscillation Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  34. Human-Caused Global Climate Change • IPCC estimates average global temperature will increase over the next century by 1.4 - 5.8o C (2.5 - 10.4o F). • Difference between current temperature and the last ice age is only 5o C. • Every year of the 1990’s was among the 15 hottest of the past millennium. • Night temperatures generally increased more than daytime. • Precipitation rates also increased. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  35. Greenhouse Gases • Carbon Dioxide -Fossil-fuel burning. • Atmospheric levels increasing steadily. • Methane -Ruminants, Coal-mines • Absorbs more infrared than CO2. • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) -Refrigerants • Declined in recent years • Nitrous Oxide -Burning organic material • Sulfur Hexafluoride -Electrical insulation Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  36. Aerosol Effects • Aerosols have a tendency to reflect sunlight and cool surface air temperatures. • Short-lived, thus effects are temporary. • Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991 and ejected enough ash and sulfate particles to cool global climate about 1o C for nearly a year. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  37. Effects of Climate Change • Artic sea ice thinning • Alpine glaciers retreating • Wild plants and animals may be forced to alter migration patterns, or abandon current ranges. • Coral reefs bleaching. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  38. Winners and Losers • Residents of extreme northern areas would enjoy warmer temperatures and longer growing-seasons. • Plant growth patterns may be altered. • One-third of population living in areas likely flooded by rising seas. • More evaporation may cause severe storms. • Infectious disease likely to spread faster. • Circulation patterns may cause more snowfall at poles - New ice age ? Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  39. International Climate Negotiations • Kyoto Protocol (1997) • 160 nations agreed to roll back carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions about 5% below 1990 levels by 2012. • Sets different limits for different countries, depending on prior output. • Developing countries exempted. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  40. Summary: • Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere • Weather Engine • Solar Radiation • Weather • Jet Streams • Cyclonic Storms • Climate • El Nino • Climate Change Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

  41. Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

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