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Small Sites Planning & Scheduling

Develop a comprehensive regional maintenance strategy and review it during face-to-face meetings. Maintenance managers will implement the strategy, customize tools, and establish evaluation measures for fine-tuning. Explore work classification, organization, scheduling tools, and efficiency processes.

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Small Sites Planning & Scheduling

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  1. Small Sites Planning & Scheduling

  2. The Plan • Develop Regional Strategy • Review Strategy at Face-to-Face Meeting • Maintenance Managers Begin Implementing Strategy • Visit to Set Up Tools, Customize & Troubleshoot • Establish Measures • Fine Tuning

  3. The Strategy Eight Key Elements: 1. Classification of Work 2. Maintenance/Production Organization 3. Priority System 4. Value-Adding Planning System 5. Value-Adding Scheduling System 6. Planning & Scheduling Tools 7. Measures 8. Process for Taking Advantage of Efficiencies Gained

  4. Key Element 1: Classification of Work 1st Line 2nd Line 3rd Line Planned/ Shutdown Type of Response Quick/Direct Planned Amount of Overhead Invested None As Required Significant Level of Expertise Applied Low High None None Responsible Group Operations Maintenance Maintenance SD Team Leaks Valve Replacement Simple Tubing Examples: Critical Eqpt. Repair Adjustment Simple Tubing

  5. Key Element 1: Work Classification WORK REQUEST OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill • Small Process Leaks • Valve Replacement • Minor Adjustment • Small blinds & Spades • Lubricant Addition • Small threaded pipe & Tubing Operations Supervises Operators or Technicians Working Under Supervision Of Operations Do the Work EXECUTION

  6. Key Element 1: Work Classification First Line Work WORK REQUEST EMERGENCY WORK First Line - Large/High Skill OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill SAP Notification 1 • Small Process Leaks • Valve Replacement • Minor Adjustment • Small blinds & Spades • Lubricant Addition • Small threaded pipe & Tubing • Critical Equipment Failure • Serious Safety Hazard • Environmental Hazard • Production Limiting Problem Maintenance Supervises Operations Supervises SAP Job Operators or Technicians Working Under Supervision Of Operations Do the Work EXECUTION WORK ASSIGNED

  7. Key Element 1: Work Classification Second Line Work WORK REQUEST EMERGENCY WORK First Line - Large/High Skill ROUTINE WORK Second Line OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill SAP Notification 1 SAP Notification 2 • Small Process Leaks • Valve Replacement • Minor Adjustment • Small blinds & Spades • Lubricant Addition • Small threaded pipe & Tubing • Critical Equipment Failure • Serious Safety Hazard • Environmental Hazard • Production Limiting Problem • Repair of Spared Equipment • Preventive Maintenance • Piping Repairs • Modifications & Alterations Maintenance Supervises Maintenance Supervises Operations Supervises SAP Job SAP Job Operators or Technicians Working Under Supervision Of Operations Do the Work Planning Scheduling EXECUTION WORK ASSIGNED

  8. Key Element 1: Work Classification Third Line Work WORK REQUEST EMERGENCY WORK First Line - Large/High Skill ROUTINE WORK Second Line SHUTDOWN WORK Third Line OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill SAP Notification 1 SAP Notification 2 SAP Notification S • Small Process Leaks • Valve Replacement • Minor Adjustment • Small blinds & Spades • Lubricant Addition • Small threaded pipe & Tubing • Critical Equipment Failure • Serious Safety Hazard • Environmental Hazard • Production Limiting Problem • Repair of Spared Equipment • Preventive Maintenance • Piping Repairs • Modifications & Alterations • Repair of Spared Equipment • Preventive Maintenance • Piping Repairs • Modifications & Alterations Maintenance Supervises Maintenance Supervises SD Team Supervises Operations Supervises SAP Job SAP Job SAP Jobs Operators or Technicians Working Under Supervision Of Operations Do the Work Planning Scheduling Planning Scheduling EXECUTION WORK ASSIGNED

  9. Key Element 2: Organization Operations Maintenance Shift 3 Work Requests Shift 2 Work Requests Requests from Production Managers Shift 1 Work Requests Maintenance Team Coach Emergencies Repeated Tasks (Filters, cleaning, etc.) or Maint. Shift Leader Maintenance Coordinator First Line - Maintenance Work List Work Assignment First Line - Operations Work List Operators or Operations Mechanic PM Lists Inspections/Audits Second/Third Line Work List Maintenance Planner/Scheduler Work Plans Daily Work Schedule & Permit Requirements Mechanic/Technician Permits/LOTO Procedures Operators

  10. Key Element 3: Priority System First Line Work OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill EMERGENCY WORK First Line - Large/High Skill Notification Priority 1 No Notification SAP Order Priority 1 Priority Set By Operations Response Set By Operations Now Stop Process Leaks Investigate Compressor Knock Repair Critical Equipment not spared Repair critical level transmitter Replace small valves Hook up temporary drain lines Check Oil Levels Install brackets Install small spades/blinds

  11. Key Element 3: Priority System Second Line Work OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill EMERGENCY WORK First Line - Large/High Skill ROUTINE WORK Second Line Notification Priority 2 Notification Priority 1 No Notification SAP Order Priority 1 Priority A Priority B Priority C Priority D Priority Set By Operations Response Set By Operations Now Tomorrow 1 Week 3 Weeks 6 Weeks Stop Process Leaks Investigate Compressor Knock Repair Critical Equipment not spared Repair critical level transmitter Non-critical Rotating Equipment Other non-critical Breakdowns Preventive Maintenance Vessel Inspection & Repair Planned Equipment Overhaul Alterations & Modifications Replace small valves Hook up temporary drain lines Check Oil Levels Install brackets Install small spades/blinds Repair critical spared equipment Unexpected Process Plugging Significant Safety Hazard Jobs with Long Delivery Materials Jobs requiring specialized Contractor skills

  12. Key Element 3: Priority System Third Line Work OPERATIONS WORK First Line - Small/Basic Skill EMERGENCY WORK First Line - Large/High Skill ROUTINE WORK Second Line SHUTDOWN WORK Third Line Notification Priority 2 Notification Priority S Notification Priority 1 No Notification SAP Order Priority 1 SAP Order Priority S Priority A Priority B Priority C Priority D Priority Set By Operations 3 Weeks 6 Weeks 1 Week Tomorrow Response Set By Operations Now Per Shutdown Schedule Stop Process Leaks Investigate Compressor Knock Repair Critical Equipment not spared Repair critical level transmitter Non-critical Rotating Equipment Other non-critical Breakdowns Jobs Requiring Unit Shutdown Jobs Requiring Coordination with Other Units Preventive Maintenance Vessel Inspection & Repair Planned Equipment Overhaul Alterations & Modifications Replace small valves Hook up temporary drain lines Check Oil Levels Install brackets Install small spades/blinds Repair critical spared equipment Unexpected Process Plugging Significant Safety Hazard Jobs with Long Delivery Materials Jobs requiring specialized Contractor skills

  13. Key Element 4: Value-Added Planning New Work Requests Is this work necessary? Minimize Canceled Notifications What can be done to prevent this job from occurring in the future? MOCs, Improvements What is the Work Classification? What is the Priority? How Much Planning Is Needed?Are There Long Delivery Purchases Involved? Is this a repeating job that already has a job plan? First Line Work for Maintenance Categorize Jobs with Existing Plans Simple Jobs No Parts First Line Work for Operations How many parts should be ordered in advance? What special skills and equipment are required? What extra resources are required? What safety hazards exist? What permits are required? What is the most efficient work method? Optimize

  14. Key Element 5: Value-Added Scheduling

  15. Key Element 6: Tools Planning Use SAP For: • Notifications > Orders > History > Cost • Priority, Initial Target Date, etc. • Job Ticket • Ordering Parts (If BOM set up with Funct. Loc. • Long Text Attach to the Planning Package if Needed: • Drawings • Vendor Literature • Repair Procedure • LOTO Locations • Safety Information • Checksheets

  16. Key Element 6: Tools Scheduling Use MS Project For: • Weekly Schedule • Daily Schedule • Shutdown Schedules

  17. Key Element 6: Tools Scheduling Weekly Schedule

  18. Key Element 6: Tools Scheduling Daily Schedule

  19. Key Element 7: Measures • Emergency Work Done By Maintenance (As % of Total Work) • Total Hours of First Line Work Done by Operations • Percentage Second Line Jobs in A,B,C, and D Priorities • Percentage of Plannable Jobs Planned • Average Planning Audit Score • Percentage of Total Hours Worked That Were Scheduled • Percentage of Scheduled Hours Completed

  20. Key Element 8: Taking Advantage What to do with the resources made free by efficiency gains? Look for ways to eliminate or minimize contractors Give experienced mechanics the opportunity to move into operations when openings occur Consider Non-Traditional technical roles such as engineering or IT

  21. What Must YOU do? 1. Study the strategy document 2. Develop an implementation plan for your site 3. Appoint a person to serve on the team Planning & Scheduling Implementation Team 3. Help coordinate a visit to set up your tools and troubleshoot potential problems 4. Get Started! 5. Analyze Measures and Make Adjustments

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