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ACES Scholars’ Grid. 5 th ACES International Workshop Maui Prince Hotel, Island of Maui, Hawaii April 6 2006 Geoffrey Fox Marlon Pierce Community Grids laboratory Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Indiana University Bloomington IN 47401
ACES Scholars’ Grid 5th ACES International Workshop Maui Prince Hotel, Island of Maui, Hawaii April 6 2006 Geoffrey Fox Marlon Pierce Community Grids laboratory Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Indiana University Bloomington IN 47401 http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/presentations/ gcf@indiana.eduhttp://www.infomall.org
SOAP Message Streams Wisdom SS AnotherService Database Decisions SS Data Raw Data Knowledge SS Information SS Knowledge Data Information SS Raw Data SS Information AnotherService SS Data Data SS Raw Data Raw Data is same as outward facing applicationservice SOAP Message Streams AnotherGrid AnotherGrid Grids of Grids Architecture Semantically Rich Services with a Semantically Rich Distributed Operating Environment Filter Service OS FS FS MD MD FS OS OS FS OS Portal OS FS FS FS FS FS MD MD OS MD OS OS FS Other Service FS FS FS FS MD OS OS OS FS FS FS MD MD FS OS FS MetaData FS FS FS MD Sensor Service SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
ACES Grid and Services • Services receive data in SOAP messages, manipulate it and produce transformed data as further messages • Meta-data is carried in SOAP messages but stored in databases with XML-defined interfaces • Meta-data controls processing and transport of SOAP Messages • Meta-data describes what Quake information there is and how it was created (provenance) • Knowledge is created from data by services • The Grid enhances Web services with semantically rich system and application specific management • One must exploit and work around the different approaches to meta-data and their manipulation in Web Services • Just as we work around Job submission, security etc. choices that 5 years from now will be clearly irrelevant in the big Service Architecture picture • Grids of Grids: Compose Grids from smaller Grids and a service is “just” a special case of a Grid • Sub-Grids could make GEON Globus SCEC SERVOGrid idiosyncratic choices
What Type of Services are there? • There are a horde of support services supplying security, collaboration, database access, user interfaces • The support services WS-* and GS-* are either associated with system or application • Globus, Apache, OMII, EGEE, and many Grid Project produce these • Microsoft IBM Amazon Google will be major players • There are generalized filter services which are applications that accept messages and produce new messages with some data derived from that in input • Simulations (Such as PDE’s) • Data-mining • Transformations • Agents • Reasoning are all termed filters here • Note databases, sensors and simulations are sort of same thing: they are services that produce (Web Feature Service WFS formatted) Earth Science relevant messages – We call them ACESNodes • All services and their interactions are bathed in sea of meta-data and so implicitly need the Semantic Grid
WMS uses WFS that uses data sources <gml:featureMember> <fault> <name> Northridge2 </name> <segment> Northridge2 </segment> <author> Wald D. J.</author> <gml:lineStringProperty> <gml:LineStringsrsName="null"> <gml:coordinates> -118.72,34.243 -118.591,34.176 </gml:coordinates> </gml:LineString> </gml:lineStringProperty> </fault> </gml:featureMember>
Integrating Archived Web Feature Services and Google Maps Google maps can be integrated with Web Feature Service Archives to filter and browse seismic records.
Typical use of Grid Messaging in NASA Sensor Grid WFS is Universal Interface GIS Grid Grid Eventing Datamining Grid
Real Time GPS and Google Maps Subscribe to live GPS station. Position data from SOPAC is combined with Google map clients. Select and zoom to GPS station location, click icons for more information.
ACESNodes: ACESSensors, ACESRepositories, ACESFilters • Sensors are real-time and typically get their data from the “edge of the Grid” • Repositories are typically databases storing ACESData • Filter are Simulations and transformations • ACESNodes (Skynodes in Astronomy Virtual Observatory) accept and produce messages in the same ACESFS Syntax – an enhanced Web Feature Service WFS that knows about faults, plates etc (ADQL, SIA, SSA in astronomy) • Copy VOTable use from Astronomy for all output • ACES should agree on ACESFS and the partners should agree that all Sensors, Repositories and Filters will be presented to world as ACESNodes • Astronomy has IVOA masterminding this
Coupled Simulations • From Earthquake Occurrence with aftershocks to • Wave Motion to • Directly damaged infrastructure to • Behavior of people, traffic, telephony, energy (14 critical infrastructures) …. • These use “activity data” of where people are at a given time to model transportation, energy and phone use etc. • Package as a training game either on Xbox or TeraGrid • Get FEMA officials to play it! Electric Power and Natural Gas systems from LANL Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Simulations using SERVOGrid GIS sub-Grid
Delicious ACES • http://del.icio.us purchased by Yahoo for ~$30M • http://www.CiteULike.org • http://www.connotea.org (Nature) • http://www.bibsonomy.org/ • Associate metadata with Bookmarks specified by URL’s, DOI’s (Digital Object Identifiers) • Users add comments and keywords (called tags) • Users are linked together into groups (communities) • Information such as title and authors extracted automatically from some sites (PubMed, ACM, IEEE, Wiley etc.) • Bibtex like additional information • This is de facto Semantic Web – remarkable for its simplicity
Provenance and Delicious ACES • All ACESData should be associated with provenance that describes its lineage • How and when it was created • Compiler options used in simulation • ACESFS query used on what ACESNodes • Provenance produced by computer automatically and/or by user • All ACESData can and should be labeled by a URIaces://acesnodenumber.xx.yy.whathaveyou • We can use del.icio.us style interface to annotate ACESData with missing provenance and user comments of any type (describing quality of data or a keyword relating different data etc.)
Semantic Scholar Grid • Citeseer and Google Scholar scour the Internet and analyze documents for incidental metadata • Title, author and institution of documents • Citations with their own metadata allowing one to match to other documents • These capabilities are sure to become more powerful and to be extended • Give “Citation Index” in real time • Tell you all authors of all papers that cite a paper that cites you etc. (Note it’s a small world so don’t go too far in link analysis) • Tell you all citations of all papers in a workshop • Such high value tools will appear on “publisher” sites of future (or less publishers will disappear)
OSCAR2 Chemistry Document analysis • It detects “magic” chemical strings in text and then • Stores them as metadata associated with document • Queries ChemInformatics repositories to tell you lots of information about identified compounds • Tells you which other documents have this compound
ACES Version of OSCAR • Some of the ACESNodes will store metadata associated with ACESData – including documents • Note documents could be anywhere on the Internet – the ACESNode may choose to store (a copy of) document or just its metadata • Note all ACESNodes are federated i.e. there is no “one central” store of any type of data • Metadata will be user annotations including tags, Citeseer style citation information for all scientific fields • Then each scientific field has its own version of OSCAR tuned to extract natural metadata for science – for ACES this is GML (Chemistry is CML …) and ACESFS extensions
Science.gov PubMed Google Scholar e-Prints Dspace etc. Semantic Scholars’ Grid I Local MDStore Local HarvestStore Fetch MD and Documents Gatherer Query and Get list Indexer Analyzer Index all Local MD Run filter such asOSCAR2 onharvested MDand documents Store new MD
ACM IEEE Google Scholar CiteULike Wiley Connotea etc. Del.icio.us etc. Foreign User Interface Semantic Scholars’ Grid II Local MDStore Plug-in SynchronizeSSG andforeign MD Updater CommunityTools SSGViewer Instant Citation Index etc. Update local MD Control foreign interactions View all MD’ Access Community Tools Update and viewforeign MD