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JDS international seminar

JDS international seminar. “Land degradation Study in Mongolia”. Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Supervisor: Nasahara Kenlo Prof. Baasankhuu Nyamsuren (M2) 2019.01.21. Student:. 1. Land cover types of Mongolia. Forest G ra ssl a nd Desert.

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JDS international seminar

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  1. JDS internationalseminar “Land degradation Study in Mongolia” Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Supervisor:NasaharaKenlo Prof. Baasankhuu Nyamsuren(M2) 2019.01.21 Student: 1

  2. Land cover types ofMongolia Forest Grassland Desert Mongolia is the landlockedcountry. Total area is approximately 1,565,000 square km. Located in the convergence of Siberian forest biomes, Central Asian steppe, Gobideserts. 2 Source:http://www.eic.mn/land/gis.php

  3. Land Degradation inMongolia Human Induced activities - Mining operations (77649.45hec) Climatechange -Drought - https://news.un.org/en/story http://zamineservices.com/ - Desertification (76.9%area) - Overgrazing (66.2million) 3 https://twitter.com/UNDPMongolia/status https://montsame.mn/en/read/130466

  4. プレゼンター 2019-01-2013:53:34 -------------------------------------------- After come to japan Mysupervisor advised me to use GPM satellite for vegetation analyse. Now I would like to introduce about GPMsatellite. Remotesensing Vegetationdynamic GPMsatellite • Designed to observe Earth’sprecipitation • Satellitemapping • Lowcost • Large coveragearea • Less laborintervention • Continuouslymapping • http://www.surf-forecast.com/breaks/El-Mongol • Survey mapping • Highcost • Limited coveragearea • Human laborintervention Research now : 1. Try to develop new method for vegetation from activeradar 2. Analyze vegetation to detect the landdegradation 4

  5. Joint Mission of NASA andJAXA GPM Circular,non-sunsynchronous Orbit: Launched date: Launch mass: Power: Inclinationangle: 2014.Feb.28 3850 kg 1950W 65° The GPM missiondedicated to observe the globalprecipitation. 5

  6. Precipitation MeasurementMissions GPM – GlobalPrecipitationMeasurement, launched2014.Feb Images source:https://pmm.nasa.gov/gpm 6

  7. GPMInstruments • Build on success ofTRMM • Designed life: 5years • GPM Microwave Imager(GMI) • - Passive sensor installed fromNASA. • Multi-channel, conicalscanning, 13 channels 10GHz –183GHz • Sensetototalprecipitationwithinall cloudlayers • Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) • - Active sensor developed fromJAXA. • Consist of Ka-band PR, Ku-bandPR. • Ku-band measure moderate-to-heavy rain • Ka-bandmeasurefrozenprecipitation and lightrain • Ku/Ka-bandprovideraindropsize distribution in thecloud. 7

  8. DPR/ Ku and Ka band radarsignal VegetationCharacteristics Withoutprecipitationconditionradarsignals retrievetheinformationaboutthe surface. Incidence angle Kuband ±17 degree, Ka band ±8.5 degree scanning. land Normalizedradar section cross (NRCS) values backscattered wereused forthe 8 calculation.

  9. Comparison with Precipitation andMODIS/LAI Based on map derived from ESA CCI 2015 Landcovermap: • The Seasonal variation of:(2014-2017) • MCD15A3H MODIS Leaf Area Index/FPARdata • The precipitation data of meteorological stations wereused • In order to compare with the Ku and Ka band backscattered values. • 9

  10. NRCS backscattering from theForest Incidenceangledependency: Seasonalvariation: 10

  11. NRCS backscattering from theGrass Incidenceangledependency: Seasonalvariation: 11

  12. NRCS backscattering from theDesert Incidenceangledependency: Seasonalvariation: 12

  13. Thank you for yourattention…

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