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Discover cutting-edge yet low-cost water technologies for various applications, from environmental cleaning to industrial processes. Uncover the potential of unique water treatment methods that have been underutilized but hold great promise for the future.
Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost,Less Known Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications PART 9 OF 11 Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective Water Cleantech for The Future Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis vancouver, BC, CANADA, updated Feb10, 2017 www.linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm
ABSTRACT: This presentation covers some of low cost, water related commercialized cleantech that is under-utilized or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement, 3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial processes, 5-Drinking water generation, 6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination & wastewater treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for a use in field of energy, medical, biology, weather modification, material science with similar advantages. 、 • One of such effects not fully explainable by chemistry, yet officially utilized by some non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water structure", or/& "activated" electrical charge holding capacity of ions in water. There are multiple treatment methods that can cause sustained unique capability in plain water for at least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Non fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid, c-Hospital operation room, or food industry equipment disinfectant, d-Medical: oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin disease/infection/organ, & upto conventionally untreatable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal growth increase, & brackish water feeding, Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect without chemistry present in water. Some exceptionally electrical-active water seems to even function as "phase catalyst" and used as "plain water concentrate" for similar or more robust effects by dilution.、 • Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by nations is fairly common and it affects research funding & market share of effective processes. e.g: water treatment by Time variant magnetic field & Rotating/Concentric Electrode, Far InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2, Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering, Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation & Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason for discrediting is they might co-display scientifically & economically disruptive seeming thermodynamic over-unity & non-local phenomena. But low cost effective way to displace chemical based system also have been supported in West: Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups & they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water, Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation, & various Nano Filtration etc. Others are accepted but only for certain use: ElectroOsmosis/Poration, Metal ion, 3chamber electrolysis, Vacuum superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall, previously science contested low cost clean water tech is increasingly & rapidly adopted even by multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up of mainstream media, science, & tech awards. And unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon, limitation based "closed system" belief of society will fundamentally shift to no-limit "open system" before 2030. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
SELECTED CONTENTS • p10 Crystallization: Template sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc p21 Ozone & UV etc p41 SuperCritical Water etc • p45 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect, . . . Pulsed Combustion Drying p61 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc p67 PhotoCatalytic water etc • p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc p118 Plasma Activated Water p126 Electrolytic + Venturi etc p141 .Magnetic Water treatment • p157 “Phase Catalyst” Water p181 Torsion field/Scalar Wave p190 Far InfraRed, Bioceramic, …….. Minerals treated etc • p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry p228 ElectroSpray etc p235 ElectroHydraulic effect • p245 Solar Desalination etc p268 SuperHeated Steam etc p288 Magnetic Resonance . Freezing & Thawing p291 Ion projection p298 Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water p310 Vacuum Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet Ejector/eductor • PART 9 p338 Plant Polymer & Micelle p343 Rain Related Weather …….. Modification • p358 Water Technology List linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
QUALIFICATION OF INFORMATION • This presentation might not always reflect the views of mainstream group, particularly of western media, large NGOs, & wikipedia; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from independent perspective: Listed commercialized claims include that are contradicting mainstream science law or effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech" here includes "clean chemicals" that are non residual: Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, Plasma/ElectroChemical reaction etc • Compared to other industries, water technology tends to have wider & varied mechanics to achieve intended physical effects: Labs, schools, even conservative mainstream, or mundane looking companies often use their own effective unique processes not widely known.Many of what is covered here are selected technologies known as effective in some sectors or by small # of consumers but not by other sectors.、 Currently more detailed reference list is being produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations.Due to space constraints, referenced individual names are given with max 3 letters of first name with entire last name(except some non-Western names),& company names are listed in a way that is findable by internet search. • 12 page long Water Technology Effect Comparison Grid List is located at the end of presentation. THIS FILE IS PART 9 of 11 SERIES: ENTIRE 11 SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT: SCRIBD[click here], ISSUU[click here], YUMPU [click here], or CALAMEO [click here] linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
■ Tech effects Code used in tech lists(located at end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface purple letters as on the right. Code might refer to either or both of a-effect of static water product, b-process effect itself on water rather than water's effect on matter. ■ Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue Letter +), and “+” within bracket means other unnamed companies also claim same effect. ■ “*” at example D4* indicates particularly effective application. How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts . • Technology claims are explained in details in each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages.Example of “Hydrodynamic cavitation” below • ■ 11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: WM Accepted effect: J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil field waste water/sludge decomposing)(WhirlWind.nl+), For ballast water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyne+), • Sometimes WM Disputedeffect,A(Descaling), HVAC application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies+), Pipe cleaning(Group Konstanta «МАНГУСТ»+), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM rejected(TEKMASH+): B(anticorrosion of water pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua+), D4*(New….
■ 62’Mineral + Far InfraRed + High Pressure Treatment type: (also includes Deep Sea Water as sub category), 9’, 50’Super or SubCritical water process might be often combined: somewhat redundant with 28’Catalytic water: WM media generally Rejected effect:V2(Low redox potential water), Weak effect: R2(High grade raw food or raw salad freeze storage), after soaking in the water freezing enhanced, O2(Advanced Oxidation): FIR range ceramic reacts with 5ppm level chlorine water to produce H+ & various reactants (directly- indirectly) including H2O2, Superoxide anion(O2[-]), Hydroxyl(Mechanical ceramics/ Meca-Cera Catalyst/ Mechacera System セイスイ セラミック+), or self generating by Tourmaline and other self electricity generating minerals(Minoganryo iomix+) WM Fully rejectedEffects: S2(BioEnhancing): fermentation increases, promotes overall health of plant/animals etc, In addition to combination of certain minerals’ conventionally accepted chemical claims, there seems to have FIR type extra “subtle” vitalization energy effect for bioorganism(see 33’Mineral & BioCeramic treated water), 62’Mineral +Far InfraRed +High Pressure Treatment type: Effect mix of Rejected, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
—>>cont: WM Fully rejectedEffects: S2(BioEnhancing): Commonly found in Catalytic to Torsion field, or Magnetically treated water, Also the way minerals are fully dissolved in water would make it more permeable to human organism. Award winning fermentation(Izu Deep Sea Products coop - 伊豆深層水活用組合+), G3(“Oscillation” imprinting quality to matter):(EMbalance+) Weaker occasionally claimed effect: Q2(food stock preservation water), T2(metal rust prevention), X2(Low freezing point), Z2(Faster heat conducting water), D3(Hydrophobic matter/drug solubility carrier), F3(Efficiently drying porous matter by spraying on) Other commercialized eg:(Kiwater, 4vivo+): Their production process focus is REPETITION of high pressure build up + releasing(or high temp + low), also imprint the effect is caused by this method by mixing matter & water:(Minimal Catalyst MICA+), 62’Mineral, Far InfraRed, High Pressure Treatment type: continued 2 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
♛Deep Sea Water: WM generally Rejected effect S2(BioEnhancing): High pressure water treatment with mineral applies to Deep Sea Water: Water mostly from 200-1500m depth range(mostly 1000m or shallower(currently deepest regular supplier is panablu kr) that is usually desalinated(salt is sold separately for high end market) while minerals were kept in water for human consumption, basically long term high pressure treated high mineral content water.: Often nation's state based promotion group sponsored NGOs work in conjunction (Shinsousui, Twdowa, Kadowa.com+), Medical use(Ako-Kasei+), Many others attempt to incorporate with academics but data not yet released(Watervis kr+), General bioenhancement, (台肥生技股份 Taiwan fertelizer +), Cosmetics/Skin care: (Kung Long Biotech+), Fermentation:(Dsw Dongrun Biotech+), but some companies worldwide, & most of US-Hawaiian Deep Sea Water manufacturers appeal to Deep Sea perception based mineral water without specific bioenhancing claims:(Kona Deep, Destiny Deep Sea Water, Hawaii Deep Blue+), Deep Sea Water Mineral powder(明王物産 Meioh). Infra building leader in DSW procurement(Fukasal, Taisei+) -->>continued 62’Mineral, Far InfraRed, High Pressure Treatment type: continued 3: ♛Deep Sea Water(DSW) 1 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
—>> cont: WM generally Rejected effect: S2(BioEnhancing): Deep Sea Water: Large volume producer(Deeps.kr), combined with energy generation(Ocean thermal energy conversion[OTEC]) to lower cost(NELHA - Koyo-sha 高陽社), Deep sea water from pacific undersea volcanic region might contain fair amount of natural SuperCritical water continuously produced and circulated from Hydrothermal vents, Bioenhancement effect itself is validatable(by academic papers etc: Chia-Hua Kuo, Ren Quinton, Shang-Ta Wang, Shan He+) from mostly in Taiwan/South Korea groups & some medical applications, but some commercial water effects seem exaggerated using Deep Sea Water perception without industrial/agricultural application field results,This research speculates weaker effects compared to other mineral infused in high pressure product(eg 28'Catalytic water) might be desalination methods(also 2200m deep water is superciritical pressure while average ocean depth is at least 3600m). Often their water quality reasoning(eg all Hawaiian deep water came from glacier melt, 200,000yrs old water etc) might not be actual physical effects. Mineral combination itself might generate certain bioenhancing structure in water. 62’Mineral, Far InfraRed, High Pressure Treatment type: continued 4: ♛Deep Sea Water 2 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
—>> cont: WM generally Rejected effect: S2(BioEnhancing): Deep Sea Water: Mineral combination itself without pressure also generates bioenhancing structure in water? For plant bioenhancing it is only occasionally disputed by WM media level: Science level common knowledge 3-16% diluted as is seawater of any depth with fresh water(1:5 to 30 ratio) can trigger extra growth/nutrition effect in many plants: Tomato, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Leek, Green Pepper, Potato, Sweet potato, Rice, Orange, Grape, Onion, Olive, Pineapple+. At least to do with mineral combo but might also involve microbe effects. As for commercialized examples, farmers develop own proprietary formula(canaan-farm.com,Itakura.to,JA山武郡市 海っ子ねぎ, 佐賀西部コロニー Saga +), But commercialized Sea water agriculture service is not well organized or professionally well presented (Cgnf-Hawaii, OceanPlasma.org+) This situation resembles other "free type" tech know-how commercialization: heavy DIY requirements. Also diluted sea water irrigation is insufficiently covered by academic research, instead studies are more focused on how 35,000ppm undiluted salt water or 1:1-3 ratio can be managed to grow conventional fresh water crops(simply reinforces seawater = detriment for plants), or merely comparing 10% seawater equivalent salt only(3500ppm) water feeding compared with regular water, but these types of "non mineral Brackish water" or "pure salt dissolved water" vsdiluted ocean water usually have very different plant growth performance. 62’Mineral, Far InfraRed, High Pressure Treatment type: continued 5: ♛Deep Sea Water 3 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
■ 63’Other processes with anomalous water effects, or Water related information:There are basically unlimited combinations & additionally their order of processing methods to claim various WM unapproved water effects: This section is partially redundant with section “28’Catalytic water”, & effects are explained Under “■” heading in red color. WM Accepted : This is not anomalous but mostly forgotten mechanics of generating incessant water level change & snap-open flood gate to prevent scale build up or clogging of sewage system(Aquobex, Tellus Utilities HYDRAPULSE+) WM Rejectedor WM Fully rejected ▶ Electrolysis based combo process:might use anomalous electrodes, unique DC pulse frequencies, its voltage, or use of AC & its frequency, or waveform), sometimes in prolonged plasma discharge form in water, or high voltage short pulse. Augmentation methods include: Distillation-condensation/High-low pressure repetition, UV treatment, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Entire process done under certain EM field[high voltage exposure can be upto 72hrs], Some “catalytic” types are often mixed with certain known bioenhancing minerals before the process ■ O2 or H2 is dissolved beyond WM science legal volume or dissolved duration for sports performance to bio enhancing(GP8.com, Aquahydrate, Oxygen Super Charger+), Note some of WM pseudoscientifically regarded water seem to keep extreme pH for yrs and used for industrial application (See16’Alkaline Water), 63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of Accepted, Rejected, Fully rejected linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
—>> cont: ▶ Electrolysis based combo process: ■ Medical application types: Top performers usually seems to be quite potent: empirical evidence shows some of their effect is consistent & significantly beyond conventional drugs with no side effects, and more of phase catalysis type water(section 28’, use by dilution with other water), Claims of water is semi-permanently holding electrical charge, keeping its “memory” even after microwave or boiling treatment or boiling: “Redox reaction signalling “water: some type of charge transfer from this type of electrically active water triggers Cell-Mitocondria bioenhancement/metabilic process like superoxide dismutase(SOD)'s timely proper function(WM rejected idea, but explains wide range of various "electrically active" water's bioenhancing effects)(ASEA Renu28, AnimalTherapySystems+), Specifically charged Oxygen(Vitamin O), Due to WM unapproved pseudoscientific medical claim majority of them are severely prosecuted, In most of Western ally nations of G7 types, it is often illegal to not only explain how any WM medical unapproved product would function to have disease remediation effects(hence how to use/consume to have positive effects), but also quoting validating evidence or testimonials, or reviewed positively by other web sites etc(reviewer is free to do), Records of mentioning "cure" based on repeated results automatically resulted in operation raid/seizure/confiscation 63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of Rejected & Fully rejected continued 2 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of Rejected & Fully rejected continued 3 ▶ Electrolysis or seeming electrolysis set up with standing wave resonance of electric field/acoustic field ■ “Overunity” producing energy effects. There are many claims & unofficial mainstream lab validations but almost all of them are not officially recognized so in West(Meyer+), or at best pilot based non-open commercialization(Ohmasa Gas+), - See other report for details[Less Known, Low Cost, Abundant, Energy Technologies..] ▶ Electrohydraulic based combo process, might involve Hydrodynamic cavitation(both of which sort of originated from Soviets) or HydroAcoustic effects ■Water oscillation improves energy efficiency by placing it near combustion device(new-energy21ru+), ■Converts peat or some minerals into nutritious element for plants(Cifanskis, Yutkin+): well known for those who engage in the tech ▶ Electric pulse, or field ■ Electronically “Record & Paste” the oscillation of water/liquid to another matter/liquid, Pure water is sourced, some water is vortex processed to “erase memory”, & EM wave and heat to “imprint deeper”(RevitalizedBiogenic+) Often used for Homeopathic(human and animals), also Radionics(plants, animals, some humans): (Infoceutical +), linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of Rejected & Fully rejected continued 4 ▶ Mind effect to change ionic state of water, some are actually sold informally. Certain person's mind can altering pH by 1(10times hydrogen ion concentration) etc: there are many such empirical claims but usually strict repeated experimental data is lacking, yet some exception by mainstream academic(Wil Tiller+), Needless to say completely WM ignored... If this effect is approved, this can be used even as a weapon to kill people or living things by changing pH. And big part of psychic development training is believing that they can do it. For other mind effects go to this other presentation[Tesla, & Other Controversial Energy Tech Related Claims...]and look up Trivedi effect, or Tiller, or Mind-EM-Scalar ▶ Colloidal or Ionic solution: stable aqueous colloidal dispersion that deemed to accompany mechanics: ■ Claims are related to bioenhancement & disinfection effect both for plants, & animals: i-Colloidal micelles in water increase absorption of nutrients for plants, while cleaning off dirts, pesticides & germs(see 64’Plant Polymer), ii-extra ionic activities, bioenhancement, antioxidant effects after treatment. Also Colloidal Silver’s high zeta potential(electrostatic repulsion between particles in water) for various significant virus killing medical effects. Similar effect in C60-Fullerene(ipacom.com+), claims of super high C60 antioxidant effect(livelongerlab.com+). Less extent in other minerals(Copper, Zinc etc). Colloidal silver water generator(collgen2, Thesilveredge, SilverHealthInstitute, Ionic-Pulser.de+), Final products exists but much more expensive(Purest colloids, UtopiaSilver, Argonika Аргоника Коллоидное серебро+), One product behaves more like “catalytic water” (American Biotech Labs): see section 28” Catalytic water linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
▶ Unlimited volume of deep fresh water: This is a highly unprofitable & devastating info(for business & its backers) of promoting easily obtainable deep fresh underground water that surpasses even ocean water volume. Similar to abiotic oil/methane idea type large impact with both related to mantle driven resources(for detail see other report with a link given in 2 pages prior). Actual witness and historical drilling industry common sense indicates on pure scientific level it is undeniable but unlikely to change on short term as official reality at mainstream West(Nordenskiold, Ste Reiss, Gra Pearson, Ste Jacobsen, Pa Pauer+), (Primary Water Institute+), even data from lower and upper mantle mineral/rock content (Post-Perovskite[under superpressure Enstatite MgSiO3] etc) indicates at least 5-50 times water than ocean exists within earth(Kei Hirose, Mot Murakami, Jun Tsuchiya, Mookherjee+) this is top mainstream academic idea in Japan & it's becoming more or less common sense at strict academic level in West: rise of conflict in unlimited fresh water vs need for shortage creation. This seem to be a high priority pseudoscientization target by Western media/govn't/NGO/corporate led groups over the years without sufficient evidence displayed. 63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of Rejected & Fully rejected continued 5 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
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