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Logical Fallacies. We make fallacies all the time An incorrect conclusion that comes from faulty reasoning Argument is flawed No reasoning to back up your a rgument. What is a fallacy?. Arguing that we should do something because we have done that thing for a certain way
We make fallacies all the time • An incorrect conclusion that comes from faulty reasoning • Argument is flawed • No reasoning to back up your argument What is a fallacy?
Arguing that we should do something because we have done that thing for a certain way • If anything, elaborate • School uniforms • Maintain healthy community, shared purpose • Women’s right to vote 1. Appeal to Tradition
Saying that because a certain person or organization said so, it is true • Without providing reasoning or evidence • Just because someone says something doesn’t mean it is true • Cannot substitute for reasoning 2. Appeal to Authority
Causation and correlation • That something happened because something else occurred • Sun rises, I get out of bed • Order in time does not imply causality 3. False Cause
When a part of something is true is also true of the whole something • Although it sometimes may be the case, but it’s not necessarily true 4. Composition
Conclusion of an argument depends on falsely extending a characteristic from the whole to its parts • An average American has 2.3 children • Opposite of a Composition Fallacy 5. Division
Making the assumption that one thing will lead to another • No correlation, no reasoning • Be careful not to assume this chain of events 6. Slippery Slope