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PRESENTATION of ELPENDU’ – CONSORTIUM OF SOCIAL COOPERATIVES. by ANNA RITA ANNICCHIARICO , member of the ELPENDU’ Consortium Board of Directors and person in charge of equal opportunities for all. Chairwoman of the EUREKA social Cooperative. SIGNALÉE PROJECT
ELPENDÙ is a consortium of social cooperatives established in 1994 that associates 22 social cooperatives working all over the Puglia region, on the Adriatic coast of Southern Italy and employing, altogether, about 1200 people. ELPENDÙ ACTIVITIES - designing and implementing pilot projects with local and/or transnational partners;- Carrying out surveys in social field and disseminating their results;- Planning and managing vocational training courses addressed to employees and managers of the associated social cooperatives and to disadvantaged people in various fields;- Supporting the associated social cooperatives to put in tenders for the management of social, health and educational services; - creating Agencies and Monitoring Centres to study, monitor and promote social Co-operation development.
ELPENDÙ NETWORK ESCOOP European Social Cooperative L’APE Agency for social Cooperation promotion LEGACOOP DROM National Consortium for Social Cooperation NATIONAL PARTNERS ETHIC BANK Consorzio Elpendù TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERS PROJECT SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES THEMATIC WORKING GROUPS Associated Social Cooperatives
ELPENDÙ CERTIFICATIONS ELPENDÙ has acquired the ISO 9001:2008 QUALITY CERTIFICATION andtheSA 8000:2008 ETHIC CERTIFICATIONfor the following activities: • Planning and provision of vocational training courses; • Planning and management of activities in socio-health sector and aimed to working integration of socially underprivileged people at national and Community level; • Implementation of gender equal opportunities and dissemination of good practices in the associated cooperatives; • Implementation of equal opportunities for weak categories and dissemination of good practices in the associated cooperatives; • Research in social and socio-health fields
“EUREKA” is a social cooperative aiming at the human promotion and social and professional inclusion of disadvantaged people through their integration in production activities. To meet its objectives, EUREKAcollaborates with several local organizations, including both public bodies such as municipalities and local health authorities and private companies. It also organizes training courses for disadvantaged people aiming at their work integration in different sectors, such as the catering one, organizing also several internships with many catering companies, restaurants, cafes and cake shops. Finally, it designs and manages granted projects addressed to various activities aimed to meet the needs of different target groups.
EUREKA ACTIVITIES and TARGET GROUPS • Eureka production activities refer to the following sectors: • Cleaning in hospitals, residential buildings for elderly people, schools and private buildings; • Painting of interiors for public and private bodies and municipalities’ street furniture maintenance • Handicraft (i.e. bookbindery and printing work; artisanal candle-making). • Management of the “Si.R.I.O. “ working integration Service • These activities involve the following categories of people: • people with psychiatric disorders, • handicapped people, • drug-addicts, • young people risking deviance, • people subject to alternative measures to detention, • immigrants • economically disadvantaged people.
LIFELONG LEARNING IN ITALY • - Establishment ofLifelonglearningTerritorialCenters: AdultEducation (EdA) is part of the education and lifelonglearningeducation. ThisassignstoLifelonglearning a strategicrole in adulteducation. On the otherhand the modificationof the Title V of the Constitution, thatentrusted the responsibilityof training toregionalgovernments, hascaused afragmentation in the implementationoflifelonglearning, thus a weakeningof the latter. The participation rate isalmosthalfof the Europeanaverage.
LIFELONG LEARNINGIN PUGLIA Lack of attention to lifelong learning. The commitment in the organization of training activities has been oriented to: Get the compulsory school qualification Courses of Italian language addressed to immigrants Courses on functional skills Vocational qualification and accompaniment to job start-up, addressed to adult people with various employment statuses In general, Puglia shows figures related to lifelong learning which are lower than the national average. The relevant planning for the period 2007-2013, provides for a greater integration of the offer among actors of the accredited system, funneling in one sole policy the training supply chain with both the non- formal and the formal one
GENDER EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN PUGLIA In Puglia, women employment is around 30%; the 96% of employed women, is performing the job of worker or clerk and the 1% only occupies executive posts in companies; The rate of staff turnover is really high among women; The highest figuers regard, first of all, the workersand then, the cadres; The situation for managers is inverse. The majority of people who decide to resign has between 31 and 35 years of age. The occasion is the birth of a child. The motivation is the lack of parents’ support. Part time is woman
GENDER EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN PUGLIA Causes: • Motivationofhistoric and cultural origins • Motivationsof social nature • Low competences The Puglia Regionintervened in this direction through:- the Law n. 7/2007 (Normsfor gender policies and servicesfor life-work conciliation in Puglia) • Actionstodefine the gender social covenants • PlanforLabour: n. 6 linesofactionaimed at guaranteeing more jobs and better work conditions. Investmentamounting at 33 millionsofEuros
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE IN ITALY The Law 381/91 identifies different categories of disadvantaged people: disabled, psychiatric patients, drug-addicts, prisoners, young people risking deviance, alcholics Upon indication by the European Community, other categories of disadvantaged people are taken into consideration (young unemployed people, long-term unemployed people, unemployed people over 45 years of age, women, immigrants) Law n. 68/99 for the compulsory employment of disabled people (disabled civilians) Various Institutional actors intervene on this theme: Ministries, Regional Governments, Reasearch Institutes and training bodies, etc.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE IN PUGLIA Manyinitiativeshavebeenstartedby the RegionalGovernmentof Puglia tofavour work integrationofsociallyvulnerable people : • Integrationamong social, labour, development and gender policies, • RegionalLaw n. 19/2006 • RegionalStrategicPlan 2007-2013 • PlanforLabour (2010) • Operationalsectorplans (i.e. Work IntegrationPlanfor people withpsychiatricproblems)
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICES - ELPENDÙ ELPENDÙ Consortiumhasimplementedvariousequalopportunitiespractices, placed at differentlevels: • Participation in institutionalnegotiatingtables • Structuralinterventions • Training actionsaddressedtovulnerable people • ELPENDU’ Consortiuminternalactivities
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICES - ELPENDÙ Participation in institutionalnegotiatingtables Consultation and co-planningactivities at the followinglevels: - Municipal: i.e. ZonalPlans, GAL (GroupsofLocalAction) • Provincial: i.e. social cooperativescoordination • Regional: i.e. TableforMentalHealth, EqualOpportunitiesCommission
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICES - ELPENDÙ Structural and systemicinterventions Providing a meaningfulcontributiontoplan and implement social, training and company systemsabletoguaranteeequalopportunitiestoallcitizens • “C.La.C.” project: to innovate the planning modalitiesof the services and interventionsfor life and work conciliation • “REP & G” project: toassess and compare the gender equalopportunities and the goodpracticesactivatedby the social cooperativesassociatedto ELPENDU’ and defineGuidelinesforqualitycertificationfor the “Implementation of gender equal opportunities and dissemination of good practices” • “Si.R.I.O.” project: improving the social infrastructure and widening the service offer in ordertoguaranteeequalopportunities in work integration • “HandySkills”, “CertiAgri”, “LegaQual” projects: improvementof training systems in differentsectors
“C.La.C.” • GRANTING BODY: Regional Government of Puglia - Gender Social Covenants • IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: August 2009 – April 2011 BUDGET: € 165.000,00 • BUDGET ASSIGNED TO ELPENDU’:€ 128.750,00 • PARTNERS AND COLLABORATIONS • Province of Brindisi, Cittadella della Ricerca, Confcooperative Brindisi, LegaCooperative Puglia, Trade Unions, Confindustria Brindisi, Associations • ACTIVITIES • Sociodemographic analysis and research on needs and offer of services • Governance: diffusion of tools for social & gender budgeting; training; mapping the opening hours of offices, shops, etc. • Experimentation of: • Models for conciliation of labour and private/family life • Flexible access to services • Low threshold support services • Practices of co-operation and sharing in the work of care
“R.E.P. & G” GRANTING BODY: Department of Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: August 2011 – July 2012 BUDGET: € 12.555,00 PARTNERS AND COLLABORATIONS Commission for Gender Equal Opportunities of Legacoop Puglia ACTIVITIES - Research on equal opportunities policies and good practices already realized within the social cooperatives associated to the Consorzio "Elpendù“. - incentivizing the implementation of positive actions such as in getting the quality certification for the “Implementation of gender equal opportunities and dissemination of good practices in the associated cooperatives”- according to the ISO 9001:2008 norm.
“Si.R.I.O.“ WORKING INTEGRATION SERVICE GRANTING BODY: Regional Government of Puglia - Operational Programme ERDF 2007-2013 Axis III – Line 3.2 IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: August 2009 – April 2011 BUDGET: € 188.353,70 PARTNERS AND COLLABORATIONS Social and health care service providers on the territory ACTIVITIES - Experimentation of an innovative model to manage the work integration process and systematize already existing best practices and experiences - Guidance, training and support in the job start-up addressed to disadvantaged people (disabled people, drugs-addicts, prisoners, immigrants, women, people living in poverty and at risk of social exclusion)
HANDY SKILLS • GRANTING BODY: EC - “LEONARDO DA VINCI”PROGRAMME – Partnerships • IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 24 months starting from September 2011 • PROJECT N. 2011-1-FR1-LEO04-24154 5 (Italian n. LLP-LDV-PA-11-IT-302) - TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT ASSIGNED: € 110.000 • GRANT ASSIGNED TO ELPENDU’: € 24.000 • PARTNERSHIP • FRANCE:FEGAPEI (Lead Partner), ADAPEI, AGAPEI • GERMANY: GWW - Gemeinnützige Werk – und Wohnstätten GmbH • SPAIN: Talleres Protegidos Gureak, S.A. • ITALY: ELPENDÙ, through its associated social cooperative “EUREKA” • MAIN OBJECTIVES and ACTIVITIES • Supporting disabled people to develop their autonomy, their geographical and professional mobility for a better social and professional inclusion, focusing on the catering sector; • Providing suitable training to disabled persons based on ICT in the catering sector; • Promoting certification of skills for disabled workers; • Modelling and transferring a methodology to other sectors.
CERTIAGRI GRANTING BODY: EC - “LEONARDO DA VINCI”PROGRAMME – ToI IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: October 2010 – September 2012 PROJECT N. 2010-1-FR1-LEO05-14472 - TOTAL BUDGET: € 373.654 BUDGET ASSIGNED TO ELPENDU’: € 56.269,51 PARTNERSHIP FRANCE:Savoir et Compétences Formation (Lead Partner), “la Main Verte” Association, National Institute of Agronomic, Dietary and Environmental Sciences (AGROSUP DIJON) HUNGARY: University of Debrecen – Centre of Agronomic and Engineering Sciences CZECH REPUBLIC: University of Prague - Agronomic and Life Sciences, Department of Information Technologies ITALY: ELPENDÙ, through its associated social cooperative “Liberaterra” GERMANY: ASW+ W GmbH (association working for working integration of disabled people in agriculture) – associatedpartner MAIN OBJECTIVES and ACTIVITIES - To allow handicapped people to get the first level of qualification in agriculture, by adapting training programmes to their specific needs and capacities; - To harmonize the method based on the certification of skills acquired on the job with education system of different European countries - To transfer the tested method in other fields of education
LeGaQual • GRANTING BODY: EC - “LEONARDO DA VINCI”PROGRAMME - ToI • IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: October 2010 – September 2012 • PROJECT N. 2010-1-fr1-leo05-144 73 - TOTAL BUDGET: € 395.367,36 BUDGET ASSIGNED TO ELPENDU’: € 50.831,81 • PARTNERSHIP • FRANCE:Regie des Ecrivains (Lead Partner), Association“la Main Verte”, CRESCO (Regional Centre for Social Economy and Cooperation) • ITALY: ELPENDÙ, through its associated social coop. L’OBIETTIVO • FINLAND: RAAHEN AIKU (Adult vocational center of Raahe) • SPAIN: API(Association of Professionals for Integration) • PORTUGAL: CERCIZIMBRA • BELGIUM: A.I.G.S. U.T.E. (Interregional Association for Guidance and Health) • MAIN OBJECTIVES and ACTIVITIES • To adapt a global method of training employment by training, assessing and recognition of the skills and the capacities acquired on the job aimed to acquire a certification; • To adapt assessment and certification procedures to the specific needs of the target group composed of people with low level of qualification and to the national contexts; • To adjust and transfer the tested method for a transfer within the educational systems of the partner countries
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICES - ELPENDÙ Training actionsaddressedtovulnerable people • Training pathwaysstructuredintoModules • Focus on the acquisitionofspecificcompetences and soft skills • Practical training • Motivationalsupport • Assignmentofeconomicincentives • Direction to work integration Projects: “Mastro Ciliegia”, “BioEdil”, “Lucus”
“MASTRO CILIEGIA” • GRANTING BODY: RegionalGovernmentof Puglia • IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: August 2009 – April 2011 • BUDGET: € 97.000,00 • PARTNERS AND COLLABORATIONS • LocalHealth Care Unitof Taranto – DepartmentofPathologicAddiction • ACTIVITIES • Training activityin the sectoroffurniturerestorationthrough: - workshops : learningbydoing • - internships: contact and exchangewithexisting and stable work contexts • - activitiesrelatedtoautonomy: the traineeshavemeasuredthemselveswithlabourthouh the arrangement and realizationofpiecesofproductionstotallybased on self-management. • Supporting and motivatingactivities • - supportingmeetings: strong involvement in the project and in depthstudyof the dynamicsarising at personal and grouplevel.
BIOEDIL • GRANTING BODY: Regional Government of Apulia – Councillorship of Vocational Training - ROP APULIA 2000-2006, AXIS III, Measure 3.4 action a) , • IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: September 2009 – June 2010 • BUDGET: € 80.000 • PARTNERS AND COLLABORATIONS • Social Cooperative L’OBIETTIVO, associated to ELPENDU’ • Town of Casamassima (Puglia region – district of Bari) • LEGACOOP Puglia (Cooperative League) • ACTIVITIES • Design and implementation of a vocational training course of 600 hours in maintenance of public green areas and street furniture, applying environmentally sustainable and traditional techniques. The course was subdivided into 180 hours of theoretical lessons, 30 hours of case analysis, 360 hours of Practical Exercises, consisting in the maintenance of the Municipal Villa of Casamassima, 10 hours of traineeship and 20 hours of tests. The course was aimed at work integration of the target group composed of socially disadvantaged young people between 16 and 21 years of age.
LUCUS • GRANTING BODY: EC - “PROGRESS”PROGRAMME • IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: January 2010 – December 2011 • CONTRACT N.: VP 009/005/0245/0105 - TOTAL BUDGET: € 432.469 BUDGET ASSIGNED TO ELPENDU’: € 76.108 • PARTNERSHIP • FRANCE: Régie des Ecrivans (Lead Partner); La Main Verte, Savoir et Competence, CNRS • ITALY: ELPENDÙ through its associated social coop. L’OBIETTIVO with the participation by the Town of Casamassima and the University of Bari • PORTUGAL: DESINCOOP, ISPA • OBJECTIVES Building a bridge between sustainable development and eco-activities to: • develop new job activities • allow the access to training pathways and qualification of competences and to permanent emlployment through the method of “learning by doing” • protect the environment • ACTIVITIES • Promoting new activities to protect and maintain the environement; • Experimentation, assessment and support to national and European policies concerning sustainable development • integration of socially excluded people by supporting a new form of social and fair entrepreneurship based on new eco-activities.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICES - ELPENDÙ ELPENDU’ Consortiuminternalactivities The values: • Professional growthof the staff • Permanentimprovementof the company environment and the relationshipsamongcollaborators • Respectforequalopportunitiesamongmen and women • Permanent training and upgrading • Training of the followingprofiles: EqualOpportunitiesGuarantor and Equal Opportunities for Vulnerable People Guarantor
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PRACTICES - ELPENDÙ ELPENDU’ Consortium internal activities The following profiles participate in the Operational Direction of the ELPENDU’ Consortium: • Equal Opportunities Guarantor; • Equal Opportunities for Vulnerable People Guarantor Tasks: · disseminating good practices of “gender equality” in the associated cooperatives; · supporting the Chairman in defining the training needs regarding the “gender equal opportunities” issues; · promoting and supporting awareness raising, information and training activities addressed to managers and employees (also to those working in the associated cooperatives); · participating in meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops and congresses and disseminating the relevant results
CONTACT DETAILS CONSORZIO FRA COOPERATIVE SOCIALI ELPENDU’ Via Ricciotto Canudo n. 12 - 70042 Mola di Bari - ITALY Phone number: +39.080.4737580 Fax number: +39.080.4731966 e-mail address: elpendu@elpendu.it Web site: www.elpendu.it COOPERATIVA SOCIALE “EUREKA” Via Villa Castelli n. 6b – 74015 Martina Franca – ITALY Phone/Fax number: +39.080.4800046 e-mail address: Eurekacooperativa@virgilio.it Web site: www.eurekacooperativa.it