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Explore Gymnasium Bondenwald, a grammar/high school in Hamburg, Germany. Learn about the location, facilities, staff, students, and school life. Discover the academic programs, competitions, and partnerships.
Gymnasium Bondenwald An English presentation of our school
Content • Some facts • Geography (Where?) • Location/ Surroundings • A tour around our school People (Who?) • The staff • Students • Our partner: Gymnasium Ohmoor School profile (What and how?) • School life • Music, languages, science • competitions
Some facts • Name: Gymnasium Bondenwald • Nickname: “GymBo“ • Kind of school (corresponds to): grammar school/ high school • Address: Bondenwald 14 b, 22453 Hamburg/ Germany • Telephone number: +49 40 4288 25 -0 • E-Mail: Gymnasium-Bondenwald@bsb.hamburg.de • Website: www.gymnasium-bondenwald.de • Principal: Renate Just • Students: 917 (2013) • Teachers: around 70 • In cooperation with: Gymnasium Ohmoor • Built: 1959
Geography • Where?
Location/ Surroundings Hamburg is in the north of Germany and the second most populated city of the country. The Gymnasium Bondenwald is located in Niendorf which belongs to the district of Eimsbüttel. It is in the north-west of Hamburg.
There is a swimming pool right next to our school, as well as the sports club NTSV. You can easily get to us by bus from any direction. (see: www.hvv.de ) Our school is located next to an idyllic urban forest: the Niendorfer Gehege.
Nearby we have the Tibarg - a market place with a shopping mall and an underground station – and Frohmestraße, an avenue where you find bakeries, restaurants, super markets, barber shops and more.
We take you on a tour! Our big auditorium is the room for events like concerts, plays, musicals, balls, all sorts of events and other assemblies.
…if you are hungry! The cafeteria is opened in every break and offers a huge selection of juices, warm drinks, rolls, sandwiches and salads. The lunch meals include vegetarian dishes and alternatives for Muslims. Enjoy!
… time to relax … inside You can sit down on one of the heated benches in the hall and take a magazine from our newspaper table. As they are free of charge, you may keep them.
… or outside! There is one big playground for soccer, table-tennis and basketball. We‘ve got other small playgrounds surrounded by trees and bushes. All of them offer lots of benches.
… media Our school has two fully equipped computer rooms. Furthermore, the majority of our rooms has smartboards. We can borrow books from the school‘s library which is organized by other students.
… good to know! • We have got three music rooms with lots of instruments. • We’ve just renovated all our science labs (for biology, physics and chemistry). Our equipment is great! • The team forming the student council has their own room. Here they meet for discussions and information service. • You can lease a locker and put heavy books or sport bags inside. • If you come to school by bike, you can leave it in the covered bicycle stand.
… more sports! We use the sports field behind our school in P.E. lessons during the warm seasons. At the end of each school year there is our legendary match: teachers vs. students.
People • Who?
Our headmasters Renate Just, the principal Thomas Frey (deputy) Jürgen Berbüsse (didactic head)
Dr. Peter Schöffer (head of department: senior classes) Volker Lövenich (head of department: middle grades) Rainer Fischer (head of department: lower grades)
The secretary office The secretaries: Mrs Baumgart and Mrs Müller Office hours: Mo: 6.30 - 14.30 Tu: 6.30 - 15.30 We: 6.30 - 15.00 Th: 6.30 - 15.30 Fr: 6.30 - 14.00 Telephone: 040/4 28 88 25-0 Fax: 040/4 28 88 25-49
Our teachers Our teaching staff is a mixture of younger and more experienced teachers. We sometimes have teachers from other countries who teach us in their mother tongue for a year.
Counselors Mrs Kneba and Mr Haßforther are our counselors. They solve problems between students and teachers and support the students’ rights. Mrs Holub-Huber and Mr Schütt give personal advice as well.
Our student council The elections for student council are annually organized after the summer vacations. The candidates present themselves during a show in the auditorium. Every student is allowed to vote for or found a team. The students’ council organizes discos, other events and surprises for Valentine’s Day, St. Nicholas, Halloween and so on. They have a letter box in the secretary’s office. The team wants to improve our school so that the students feel more comfortable.
Gymnasium Ohmoor There has been a long cooperation with our neighbour, Gymnasium Ohmoor, which is located at about 3.3 km (by bike)/ 4.7 km (by car) from our school. This is the link to their homepage: http://gymnasium-ohmoor.de/ Concerning the 11th and 12 grade, we cooperate with the Ohmoor because of the profiles. Some students change school to choose another profile. Some also commute for several subjects.
SCHOOL PROFILE • What and how?
Fun at school The student council tries to plan as many attractions as possible. For Valentine’s day, you can buy a card and send valentines to someone. He or she will get a red rose, too. They also visit each class during Christmas time and pass around chocolate Santa Clauses. We want to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day -an Irish tradition- and dress up in green on March 17th. Although there is no school uniform, you can buy school clothes like pullovers, T-shirts and jogging pants. We organize a “Jogging pants day” at least once a year and it’s fun to see some of our teachers run around like us!
Garden day We care about our environment and want to keep our playgrounds attractive, so we organize garden days. Anybody who’d like to help is welcome. We plant flowers and trees and tend our flowerbeds.
Projects The social project is a group of students at our school who organize, manage and support lots of charity projects: There is a bin for returnable bottles in our hall. We donate the deposit money to the organization “Viva con Agua” which supports developing countries, so that they get drinkable water. For Christmas we organize a bazaar. The money is for children in Nepal. We improve their school and hospitals.
School timetable Our lessons are 60, 75 or 90 minutes. Subjects like arts, music and drama usually take 90 minutes. We have a break after every lesson. Only the second one isn‘t flexible. The advantages are that we start at different times in the morning and the cafeteria is less crowded during lunch break. We also only have four or five lessons per day, which means that we don‘t need to bring books for so many subjects so that our bags are not that heavy.
This is our timetable showing all the possible arrangements. You‘ll find some typical timetables on the following pages.
Our lessons Our students participate a lot. In most subjects there are discussions, debates, role plays and group work. Besides, we learn how to find out about topics ourselves and how to present our results. We regularly read books and we have a textbook for almost every subject. We get two school reports per year. Students who are very good at a certain subject can take part in a workshop where they learn how to explain and pass on subject matters. They get a diploma and are called “learning coaches“ afterwards. The Lernatelier in grades 7 and 8 supports individual learning. The students work on their own and every topic ends with a short test about the content. Our so-called project week takes place twice a year. Last time, we had about 50 projects and every student could choose one.
Our subjects • Drama: We do a lot of exercises, e.g. role plays and advanced courses often present plays at the end of the school year. • NWP/ Science; we visit factories and explain experiments to 5th graders • Musical practice: The subject consists of one lesson per week plus choir/ orchestra participation. You get a grade for both. • PGW: the German abbreviation for “Politics/ Society/ Economy” • Religion: we learn a lot about all the different world religions. • Philosophy: We discuss questions about our world and our identity. • Computing science belongs to the technical profile for the senior classes.
Senior classes In the senior classes you can choose profiles like for example the science profile, the economy profile and the language profile. Beside the core subjects like Maths, English and German, which every student has to learn, you specialize in your profile and its corresponding subjects. At the end of Year 12 you finish school doing A-levels in four different subjects.
Music You play an instrument? We have got two orchestras: the A and the B orchestra. If you play and instrument very well, you can join the A orchestra; the B orchestra is for beginners. We also have a guitar orchestra. If you prefer playing in a band, join our BigBondBand which has already been really successful outside of school. They have even released an album. Every student is allowed to found a band; our music teachers support us!
You like singing? You may try one of our three choirs, divided into age groups. There are no entrance examinations or conditions. Everyone is welcome! All our orchestras, choirs and bands organize 2-3 great concerts each school year, for example at Christmas time and before the summer holidays. Rehearsals take place once a week after school.
Languages Gymnasium Bondenwald offers many languages and exchanges. In the regular lessons you learn German, English, French or Latin and Spanish (optional). In the DELF and DELE courses, students can prepare themselves for language certificates in French or Spanish. We sometimes even get the chance to have native speakers as teachers. We organize foreign fairs in our hall, too.
Language projects Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation in which students represent countries like in the real UN and debate current political topics in English. Every year in September we take part in Model United Nations of Hamburg (MUNoH). The best representatives get the chance to travel to New York for the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN).
Abroad You can apply for exchanges to France, Green Bay (USA), Canada and Australia. Furthermore, we offer language trips to Málaga (Spain) and Eastbourne (England).
Science Beside the regular subjects of science which are physics, biologiy and chemistry , there are two more subjects offered to students who are interested in science: NWP and EVAT. NWP is a nature science project, a combination of normal subjects, it is more profound and includes much more practical training than the other subjects.
Learning by teaching EVAT is a project which starts in grade 8. The students who choose this course make excursions to interesting scientific places, learn something about science and present it to 5th graders. This concept is supposed to continue in the following grades.
Competitions At our school we have many contests like the “Maths Olympics“, where the exercises require more knowledge than you learn in the regular lessons, or the competition “Political debating“ where groups hand in visual aids in forms of posters or films about a current political topic. Other contests are the “Foreign Language Contest“, “The Big Challenge“ for English, “The Youth Debating“ and “Natex“ in science.
Our own TV channel GymBoTV is our own “television”, a group of students who report about life at our school. There have already been ten episodes so far.