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We offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise in all aspects of hydroponics and horticulture. We are unique from other companies as all of our staff are highly trained professionals, who able to offer a high-quality level of service and after care to both current and potential customers, that is simply unmatched by others in the industry. We have packed our website with our own handpicked selection of the best products you'll need to fulfill your requirements, not only do we think these products are good but we would use ourselves. On top of this we regularly check competitors in order to ensure that you don't just get great stuff, but also get the best prices.<br><br>
COMPLETE SETUPS Ifyouarenewtoindoorgrowingthen choosingwhatequipmentyouneedcan sometimesbeatrickyprocess.Herewe have compiled a range of setups that containeverythingfromjustyourbasic essentials,rightuptofullsetupswith allyouwillneedfromstarttofinish! Wehavetriedtocaterforeveryones needshere,withsetupsfromthesmall totheverylarge,withorwithoutgrow tents and covering all methods of growing.
ENVIRONMENT Environmentisoneofthekeythingsto considerwhensettingupagrowroom. In order to control environmental conditions the use of ventilation equipmentisessential.Formostplants a temperature of around 70-75 Fahrenheit is ideal for successful and healthy growth. The most common problem that seems to occur in grow roomsistemperatureissues,thehigher itclimbs,theslowerthegrowth,untilit can eventually stop and plants may evendie. Acoustic BoxFan ExtractionKits
NUTRIENTS & ADDITIVES Nutrients are a key ingredient to any hydroponic garden. Traditionally when plantsweregrownoutdoorsinsoil,theytook in all of the nutrition they required from there.Howeverashydroponicsdoesnotuse anysoil,youmustprovidethesenutrientsfor them. As well as this you must ensure that they are given at the correct dosages to ensure no under or over feeding. pH levels mustalsoremainatthecorrectlevelsothat theplantcantakeinalltheelementsthatthe nutrientscontain. Advanced Nutrients B- 52
LIGHTING Lightisprobablythemostimportantthingyou can provide for yourplant. CONTINUING... P EST & D I S E AS E C O N T R OL Pestsanddiseasescanwreckhavocinanygrow room,especiallyiftheyarenotdealtwithquickly. PROPAGATION Propagation is the stage where seedlings and cuttingsare grown before entering the vegetative period.
ABOUTUS Weofferawealthofknowledge and expertiseinallaspectsofhydroponics and horticulture.Weareuniquefromothercompanies asallofourstaffarehighlytrainedprofessionals,whoabletoofferahigh-qualitylevelofservice andaftercaretobothcurrent and potential customers, that is simply unmatched by others in the industry. We have packed our website with our own handpickedselectionofthebestproductsyou'llneedtofulfillyourrequirements,notonly dowethinktheseproductsaregood but we would use ourselves. On top of this we regularly check competitors in order to ensure that you don't just get great stuff, but also get the bestprices. Whenbuyingonlineweofferaquickandefficientpostalservicetomakesureyougetyouritemsquickanditdoesnotcostthe earthtodoso!WeareevenabletosendtoEurope. Ifyouhaveanyquestionspleasefeelfreetoemailorvisitusinoneofourhydroponicsstoresandwe'llbemorethanhappyto help. Inthemeantimebesuretovisitoursiteregularlyforweeklyupdatesandgreatoffers.
ADDRESS: 24 Sabre Court,Valentine Close,GillinghamKent, ME80RW (01634787374) Unit 4 Belltower Ind Est, RoedeanRoad, Brighton,BN25RU (01273624327) Unit F16 Northfleet Industrial Estate,Lower Road, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9SW (01322838131) 94 Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, KentDA16 3HQ (02088545160) P H O NE : 01322838131 W E B S ITE : www.groworks.co.uk/ GET IN TOUCH WITHUS