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Gryffin - safety, Protecting Assets, the duty of care and mitigating risk are all paramount within education facilities and is where high-security fencing and gates play an essential role.<br>
EDUCATION PRE-SCHOOL PRIMARY SECONDARY UNIVERSITIES TAFE’S PUBLICANDPRIVATEFACILITIES Safety, Protecting Assets,Duty OfCareandMitigatingRiskareall paramount within Education facilities, and is where high security fencing and gatesplay an essentialrole.
GRYFFINAPPLICATIONS • Gryffin,fordecades,hasspecialisedinworkingwithintheEducationsectortoaddressall these majorissues. • EDUCATIONALPROPERTIESingeneral,needdemarcationandintruder deterrence. • CHILDREN, YOUNG ADULTSAND STAFF ALIKEallneedprotectinginthis uncertainworldwherethefewsocialextremiststhreatenlifesafety. • VANDALS IN GENERALarearealthreatandfinancialburdentoEducationfacilities. • GRAFFITI BREAK AND ENTRIES THEFT RIGHT UP TO ARSONare major financialconcernsandcostfortheEducationindustry. • PRE-SCHOOLAND PRIMARY SCHOOLSneedadequatefencingandgatesto keepchildreninandawayfromthedangersoftheoutsideworld. • SWIMMINGPOOLSneedanti-climbfencingasamatterofsafetyanddutyofcare. • CARPARKSneedfencingtoprotectstudentandstaffvehicles. • SAFETYGUARDSarenecessaryinallmannersofhazardousareas. • MAINTENANCEANDGROUNDSKEEPERAREASneedperimeterfencing andgates. • ANDthenthereareallthesitespecificnuanceswhereeithersecurityorsafetyisanissue. Where some sort of unique or special solution is required, Gryffin is renowned for their custom design capability and SMARTERSOLUTIONS.
GRYFFINSOLUTIONS Gryffin’sPalisadeandMaxiguard®fencesystemsareidealwhereanti-climbdemarcation, dissuasion and penetration delay is required whilst maintaining excellent aesthetics that local residents appreciate. The Enclosure® System for Palisade and Maxiguard® fences virtually eliminates tampering. Their Securifor® and Fortis® welded mesh fence systems provide thesamefunctionalitybutwiththeaddedbenefitofanti-throwandhightransparency. Powder coated in black Securifor® and Fortis® fences almost disappear amongst the surroundings. Gryffin’s Tangorail® tubular fencing is a less threatening fence type with excellentabilitytoflowwiththecontouroftheland.Tangorail®isoftenfinishedinbright coloursandisidealforEarlyChildhood&PrimarySchools. Gryffin customize Gates to fit risk assessment, functional requirement, existing structures andbudgetfromsingle,double,automated,track,cantileveroranti-ramspecification.Gryffin alsoprovidegeneraldesignandconstructengineering,fabricatingandweldingservices. GRYFFINBENEFITS Gryffin’s unmatched expertise and commitment to the Education industry means you get therightbalance,fittingtherequirementofdesign,material,manufacturing,andinstallation. Youreceivetheidealsolution.TheirextendedGuaranteesaretestamenttotheirabilityto deliver desired outcomes and achieve total customer satisfaction ....... they’ve been doing it since1986.WithGryffinyouaredealingwithaone-stop-shop.ThebuckstopswithGryffin, and risk isavoided. Gryffin is the ‘go to’ company for providing solutions to all these applications. They are experts,withunmatchedexperience,inriskassessment,design,manufactureandinstallation ofhighsecurityfencingandgates.......alloverAustralia.
GRYFFINSPECIFICATIONS Securifor®358 WeldedMeshHighSecurityFencing Cladding: Cut & climbresistant High visibility, non obtrusive and idealfor videosurveillance Securifor® 3510 : 3mm vertical andhorizontal wires Securifor® 358 : 4mm vertical andhorizontal wires Fortis® 358 : 4mm vertical and horizontal wires withdouble vertical wires (one front, one back of horizontalwire) Securifor 2D : 6mm vertical wires& 4mm horizontalwireswithdoublehorizontalwires every150mm SCEC Endorsed – Securifor® & Fortis® 358 Finishes: Standard Zincalu finish (95% Galvanized & 5% Aluminium), powdercoated, long-life PVC, or long-life Polyester (subjectto producttype) High tensile strength steel, high weldshear strength 10 year to 25 year manufacturer’s warranty (conditions apply) Please refer to theproduct brochure for more specificinformation. Suits Grylex smarter solution cornerposts. Fortis®358 Palisade Adjusts to rake slopingground Extra strengthening can be added with the Gryffin Enclosure® system or cableanti-ram system Galvanized and powder coatedoptions Made to BS 1722-122006 SCECendorsed 15 year manufacturer warranty (conditions apply) Please refertotheproductbrochureformore specificinformation. Palisade &Maxiguard® Steel pale, post and rail high security fence Rigid bolted system, with anti-tampershear nuts Palisade straight pale Maxiguard® curvedtop 3mm high security & 2mm commercialgrade palethickness ‘D’ shape and ‘W’ shape pale varieties. Wpale provides extrastrength Triple point spear top, single spear top andflat topavailable Maxiguard® TangoRail TR800 – Round tube, bow top finish Tube heights 1200 to 3000mm Galvanized and powder coatedoptions Complies with British playgroundequipment standard BE EN1176-1 & Australian Pool Fencing Standard AS1926-1 15 year manufacturerwarranty Pleaserefertotheproductbrochureformore specificinformation. TangoRail® Uniquetubularfencingthatflowswithground contours without the need for stepping Strong androbust Tubular pickets feed through the rail and are fixedbyspringloadedpinsthatallowvertical movement Nowelds TR100 – Round tube, flat top capped finish TR400 – Square tube, flat topand capped or pressed spearfinish Single – helical coil 470 & 760mmdiameters Concertina – clipped coils creatinga cylindrical pattern at 550, 760& 980mm diameters Long barbspecs: 100mmcentredclustersof4barbs,eachwith needle sharppoints Each cluster 60mm long, point to point 2.5mm diameter galvanized spring steelcore wire (AS1472/1979) Stainless Steel barbed strip: 301grade austenitic, 0.5mm thick (AS 1449 301) 3/4hardtoHV370+/-20(min) Availableformat: Concertina 630, 760, 900, 1300,1500mm diameters. TigerTapeTM Only Australian designed and made barbedtape Short and Long barbvarieties Short Barb for commercial and high security applications; Long barb for DetentionCentres Short barbspecs: 25mm+/-1mmcentredclustersof4barbs, each with needle sharppoints. Eachcluster10mm+/-long,pointtopoint; 14mm +/- 1mm wide, point topoint 2.5mm diameter hard-drawn galvanizedspring steel Range 2 corewire Galvanized barbedstrip Availableformats: FlatLoop470,550&760mmdiameters TigerTape Gates GATES Custom design and manufacture tosuit any application Pedestrian, swing, track slider, cantilever,over- head track sliding,bi-parting Manual, swing or automated Securifor, Fortis 358R,Palisade, Maxiguard®,TangoRail®, RHS/SHStubular picket, other onrequest Slide bolts, magnetic locks, electric dropbolts, single and double lockmechanisms Smart Solutions like ‘Gryfhinge’ provide full vertical and horizontal adjustment onswing gates. Also available: Electric fencing and in-fence detectionsystems Gryffin Pty Ltd 8 Bessemer Rd Bayswater Vic 3153 Ph. 03 9761 4522 Fx. 03 97614134 www.gryffin.com.au