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Flow of presentation. India
2. Flow of presentation
India Demand Dimensions
India Agriculture
India Food Processing
3. India is growing
4. Household Incomes Increasing
5. Consumer Market Growing
6. Young Population India has a demographic advantage with a large young population
More than 85% population estimated aged less than 65 in 2050
7. Incomes-Changing Profile
8. Consumption Growing
9. Consumption Shifting
10. Food is the Largest Category
11. Most Attractive Retail Market
From traditional to
modernized traditional
From globalize to
From functional to
Consumer Preferences Evolving
Indian Agriculture
15. Supply Demand Gap in commodities like oilseeds, pulses, etc
Supply side equation in production
Low farm realization
Technology and methods out of step
.low yields
Missing information links
Lack of market led agri research
Low investments in agriculture
..virtual collapse of infrastructure
Distorted resource allocation
The sub par quality and reach of credit flow
Disjointed Supply Chain
India Food Processing
20. India - opportunities in Food Processing 52% cultivable land as against 11% world wide
Unsurpassed Natural Advantages
All the 15 major climates of the world
46 out of the 60 soil types
17% animal, 12% plant and 10% fish genetic resource of the world
Food processing sector ranks fifth in terms of contribution to GDP
Indian urban food market estimated at 350,000 crore
Estimated investment in Food processing sector during 11th plan 1 lakh crore
21. Challenges And Strategy - Food processing Utilisation of scarce resources MORE CROP PER DROP, power etc
Varying taste preference within the country
Increasing International Competition
Non tariff barriers
Integrated Food law to remove multiplicity of food laws & regulatory agencies
22. Drivers of Change
23. Role of Key Drivers
24. Is India Ready?
25. Hurdles towards Value addition Wide disparity between peak & lean period arrivals usually ranging from 100 150%
Long revenue cycle as products to be purchased in bulk during peak season
Control of markets by few traders and agents who command large storage capacity
Discouragement of farmer lower returns act as disincentive
Crashing of prices during peak season
Larger intermediaries exerts negative pressure on farmer margin, and deteriorates quality due to multiple handling
26. Bottle-necks in Cold storage & Processing industry Higher Tax duties including on packaging material
Lower capacity utilisation
Role of cold storage etc current utilisation 48% of capacity
5100 units with 216 lakh MT capacity
Non adoptive of cost effective technology
High working capital requirement
High cost of finance
Infrastructural constraints
Dependence on intermediaries inadequate farmer processor linkages
27. Can India be a sourcing hub for food products ? Good governance
Strong , Stable and reform oriented government
WTO signatory
Strong economy comparatively resilient to the current economic crisis
Focus on improving the Road connectivity
Vision to solve the power situation Nuclear energy
Improving relationship with neighboring countries and a more important role in the WORLD ORDER
Focus on agri & rural sector
Has a Strong agriculture base
Increased out lay for rural spend
Rural economy to be give the next big push to GDP
Annual rural income to increase from 2.8% to 3.6% over next 2 years
28. Government Initiatives - Food processing Included in the list of Priority sector lending by banks since 1999
Most of processed food Exempted from purview of licensing under the industries (Development & regulation) Act, 1951, except items reserved for small scale sector & alcoholic beverages
Excise duty for processed fruits & vegetables, food mixes etc. NIL
Excise duty on reefer vans reduced from 16 to 8%
Reduction in customs duty on food processing machinery
Tax breaks
Move towards GST
29. Corporate Role Incentives to Corporate to enter core farming land ceiling restrictions
Increase Mechanization to tackle low availability of labour and to remain a low cost producer
Liberalized credit norms for agricultural production , marketing and infrastructure development
Changes in market regulatory framework to allow corporate to establish market yards
At present 7521 regulated markets which lack critical infrastructure
Review of legal instruments to facilitate entry in marketing activities
Tax holidays and incentives
Excise exemptions for CAPEX items.
30. Recommendations Reduction of wastage /spoilage to be tackled on a war footing
Accelerated establishment of cold chain networks
Irradiation facilities and pest free warehouses
Encourage SSI units and corporate to set up food processing units
Improvement of productivity both land and manpower
Example the case of Rubber where India has the highest land productivity in the world
Change in cultivation practices such as irrigation for paddy rather than method of flooding the fields
Price stability
Make farming remunerative to attract talent and retain farmer interest
31. Conclusion Food sector the highest multiplier effect of any industry
Tripling the size of the industry would generate
Direct employment 28 lakh and Indirect employment 74 lakh
Thrust in agriculture to be provide the next push to GDP and prosperity
Enhanced export earnings to compensate for any slow down in IT related exports