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GOMACTech-04: Transformative Technologies Conference Program Proposal

Proposal for the GOMACTech-04 conference program featuring a plenary session, Kilby Lectures, DARPA program reviews, topical sessions, technology focus sessions, and panel sessions. The technical program aims to showcase advancements in defense technology and foster collaboration among industry leaders, academia, and government agencies. The timeline includes session planning, paper solicitations, tutorial and panel session planning, final paper submissions, and a comprehensive schedule for the conference.

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GOMACTech-04: Transformative Technologies Conference Program Proposal

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  1. GOMACTech-04Transformational TechnologiesTechnical Program Committee Zach Lemnios, DARPA Conference Chairman Edgar Martinez, DARPA Technical Program Chairman 28 May 2003

  2. Eric Adler Joe Brewer Gerald Borsuk Art Campbell Chuck Caposel Brian Cohen Phil Howerton Zach Lemnios GOMACTech-04 Technical Program Committee Membership Chris Lesniak Loren Linholm Richard Linderman Ingham Mack Edgar Martinez Dev Palmer Harald Schone *On Both Committees

  3. Proposal for Plenary Session • Plenary session should be a magnet for the technical community • How to entice people to GomacTech 04? • Propose a split session to last the entire morning with the first half dedicated to: • Technology Leaders in Gov., Industry, and Academia • Provide forum for future DoD investments • Showcase recent Conflict Experiences • Second half dedicated to Kilby Lectures • (3) Academic/Government research • Final Talk of the Plenary session should showcase highlights of the entire program • Conference Chairman or Technical Chairman

  4. Proposal for Plenary Session 8:30-8:45 AM Protocol and welcoming remarks from the Conference Chairman 8:45-9:00 AM – Award ceremony for last year best papers 9:00-9:30 AM – Guest Speaker – TBD 9:30-10:00 AM – Guest Speaker from the Gov. – Dr. Jane Alexander – Home Land Security Science and Technology 10:00-10:30 AM – Break 10:30-11:00 AM – Kilby Lecture 1 - Dr. Linda Katehi - Transforming Academic Research to Address future DoD and HLD Departments needs 11:00-11:30 AM - Kilby Lecture 2 – Dr. Conilee Kirkpatrick - Corporate Research Laboratories and their leadership role in Technology Transformation 11:30-12:00 – Kilby Lecture 3 – Technical Presentation showcasing next DOD Grand challenge – TBD

  5. Technical Session Proposal • Goal is to increase the number of DARPA Program Reviews from three (03) to five (05) (7-10 sessions) • One or two sessions dedicated to MURI Reviews or MURI Topics • Limit the length of the technical sessions to 1.5 hours • 8:30 – 10:00 AM • 10:30-12:00 AM • 1:30-3:00 PM • 3:30-5:00 PM • Strategic allocation of the technical sessions to minimize conflict • Three Parallel Session – Committee to vote on that • Three parallel sessions – 30 session totals • Classified sessions – only if necessary

  6. GOMACTech-04 Proposed Program

  7. Strawman Candidate Program Reviews and Chairs DARPA Reviews: IRFFE Martinez MTO RFLICs Murphy MTO AFPA Carrano MTO T-FAST Zolper MTO NMASP Radack MTO PACC Graybill IPTO C2OI Athale MTO Total 13 Sessions of the conference Confirmed Reviews

  8. Strawman Candidate Topical Sessions and Chairs Topical Sessions: Homeland Defense (2) Cohen/Brewer Urban Warfare (2) Caposell Unattended Sensors Systems Brewer UAV Sensors Cohen Next Gen GPS Cohen JTRS Cohen Precision Guidance Munitions/Cohen Hypespectral Imaging Linderman Space Based Radar Lesniak Critical Metrology Linholm Total 12 Sessions of the conference Confirmed Sessions

  9. Strawman Candidate Technology Focus Sessions Technology Focus Sessions: Progress Toward Nanotechnology Brewer Adv. Silicon Microelectronics (2) Reuss Multifunction RF Palmer Power Electronics Ingham Mack WBGS (2) Martinez RF Power Borsuk Mm-Wave Eric Adler RadHard by Design TBD Total 10 Sessions of the conference Confirmed Sessions

  10. Strawman Candidate for Panel Sessions Panel Sessions: Two panel sessions at lunch time: Future Investment Strategy Panel Session: (Thursday lunch time) Representatives from AF, Navy, Army, DARPA, HD, MURI, SBIR Unconventional warfare and the future warrior needs: (Tuesday lunch time) Special Operations, Navy Seal, Marines, Confirmed Sessions

  11. Strawman Candidate for Tutorials 2 tutorial sessions: Future combat systems – Consideration for system-of-systems Designing into commercial foundries – what do you need to know? Technology considerations for space-based systems How to qualify MEMs-based microsystems for reliability? Confirmed Sessions

  12. GOMACTech-04 Technical Program Committee Timeline FY03 FY04 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Session Planning and Paper Solicitations Tutorial and Panel Session Planning Final Papers Due 12/20/03 GOMACTech-04 Today 5/28/03 Abstracts Due 9/12/03 Author Notification 10/10/03 Scheduled meeting/teleconferences Paper Selection/Steering Committee Meeting in DC, 2 Oct 03 On-site planning meeting in Monterey (January 2004)

  13. GOMACTech-04 Technical Program Committee The Technical Program Committee will provide the technical foundation for GOMAC-04 by establishing the technical program, organizing the technical sessions, reviewing submitted abstracts, executing the technical program and either chairing the technical sessions or identifying session chairs.

  14. GOMACTech - 05 • 05- Conference Theme – Establishing Leadership in Technology • Potential Locations – Philadelphia, Atlanta, or Denver • Time – April 2004

  15. GOMAC-04 Timeline Meeting Telecon

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