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The report provides detailed insights on rainfall, agricultural activities, crop conditions, livestock situations, and hazards in the Amhara region. It covers information on crop stands, livestock health, market situations, hazardous events, and emergency intervention efforts. The objectives include enhancing coordination among stakeholders, sharing information on seasonal emergencies, and promoting collaborative actions. Challenges such as gaps in emergency relief provision and communication issues are highlighted.
Amhara Region DPFSPCO Early Warning & Response Directorate Monthly DRM-TWG Early Warning Situation up-date June2016 Bahir-Dar
Data source • Zonal Weekly Reports • Different Regional Early Warning reports
Objectives • Sharing information to have common understanding on seasonal emergency situations in order to take possible actions. • To enhance and strengthen coordination and collaboration among stakeholders.
Rain fall situation con’t May, Dekad 3 • In the month of April, rainfall distribution in most areas of wetern Amhara was normal and above normal, whereas eastern Amhara remaining dry as indicated in LEAP outputs.
2. 2009/10 Agricultural activities ፡- Belg:- • Planned area - 267,181 ha • Ploughed area – 211,406 ha (79.16%) • Planted area – 175,895 ha (83.16%) • Harvested area – 26,031 ha
Agri. activities con’t … Meher:- • Planned area - 4,465,836ha • Ploughed area - 4,003,570 ha (89.6%) • Planted area – 1,545,742 ha (38.6%)
3. Crop Situation • Crop stand • Belg crops:- at flowering, maturity stage and harvesting stage, • Meher crops:- at germination & vegetative growth stage, • Crop disease & pest • Crop disease:- No • Crop pests:- • Fall army worm infestation in all rural weredas of Awi, W/Gojam and S/Gonder zones, and similarly 9 weredas of each of E/Gojam & N/Gonder zones, • Stock borer infestation in 2 weredas of N/Wolo zone (Gubalafto and Raya-kobo)
4. Livestock Situation • Provision of water and pasture:- • There was slight shortage of water & feed in some pocket low land areas of N/Wolo (kobo, lasta), Oromo (Bati, A/Fursi), Wag, S/Wolo and N/Shewa. • Livestock body condition:- • Was normal and good with the exception of some pocket areas mentioned above.
5. Animal Health Situation • Rabies affected 130 cattle in Telemt wereda of N/Gonder zone, and few number of shoats in sekota wereda of Waghimra zone. • But in other areas of the region, no disease outbreaks were observed except the regular ones.
6. Human situation 6.1. Human drinking water access • Even though it is gradually decreasing, there was shortage of drinking water access in low land areas of N/Shewa (Berehat, Minjar & Merehabete). 6.2. Human health situation • scabies:- • In G/Zuria wereda of N/Gonder zone 27 people were infected with scabies, but the patients have been taken possible treatments to control the case. • AWD:- • In Tach-armachiho wereda of N/Gonder zone 115 people were infected with AWD, but the patients have been taken possible treatments to control the case.
7. Market situation Supply :- • crop • In all areas of the region there was no significant change as compare to the previous month, except slight decrease in 4 weredas of N/Wolo zone (Lasta, Habru, Bugna & Raya-kobo) • Livestock • In all areas of the region there was no significant change as compare to the previous month, except slight increase in 3 weredas of N/Wolo zone (Lasta, Raya-kobo & Habru).
Market situation con’t Price:- • Staple foods • In all areas of the region there was slight increase of prices of some major staple food crops as compare to the previous month.
Market situation con’t … • Livestock • In all areas of the region there was no significant change as compare to the previous month.
8. Hazardous Situation Hazards happened:- • Fire damage:- • houses of 3 and 6 HHs damaged in Gidan and Wadla weredas of N/Wolo zone respectively. • Hailstorm damage:- • 146 ha maize and 94 ha potato damaged in Dera wereda of S/Gonder zone with the extent of 30-70% and 70-95% respectively.
9. Emergency Intervention 2017 1st Round (Federal Resource)
Major Achievement • 2017 multi-agency belg assessment conducted, thereby 246,097emergency food aid beneficiaries identified and endorsed by regional DPPC. • 30 mil. ETB allocated & distributed by the regional government for flood prone areas to achieve prevention and mitigation activities. • Two flood damage prevention workshops conducted in east & west amhara focusing on flood prone areas. • Rib & Megech irrigation projects implementing flood damage prevention activities in advance. • Flood contingency plans have been prepared at different levels. • In general Collecting, Analysing and Disseminating seasonal emergency information to stakeholders.
Problems • Gaps in timely and full package provision of emergency relief food. • Lack of active and regular participation of government agricultural sector in the monthly forum. • communication gap on situational update report .
The Way Forward • Timely and full package provision of emergency relief food. • Close follow up of flood damage prevention and mitigation activities and the damages that will happen. • Strengthen early warning information flow.