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Take Free Consultation On- 91-8081222333<br>kidney patient's diet chat:- (what to eat in kidney diseases, what not eat in kidney disease)(what to do exercises, what not to do exercises).<br>
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Not To Eat (High Protein Food) • Some red meats are high in saturated fat, which raises blood cholesterol. Patient should not eat red meat because it contains to much protein , which can cause problems for them. Red meat Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Eggs • Patient should not eat egg because it contains to much protein , which can cause problems for them. Experts suggest that consuming even one egg a day may exceed the safe upper limit for cholesterol intake - which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Fish (All Type) • Patient should not eat fishes because it contains to much protein, which can cause problems for them. kidney test free consultation: +91-9336660001
Avocados • While avocados are usually a healthy addition to the diet, individuals with kidney disease may need to avoid them. • This is because avocados are a very rich source of potassium. One cup (150 grams) of avocado provides a whopping 727 mg of potassium (8). Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Shrimp • Shrimp is a type of seafood. • It is low in calories, but incredibly high in various nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12. • Like fish, shrimp also contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. • Protein content: 90% of calories. A 3 ounce (85 g) serving contains 18 grams, with only 84 calories. kidney test free consultation : doctor@bkarogyam.com
Don’t drink cococola • However, the phosphoric acid in the beverage dulls the sweetness, enabling us to keep the drink down. Blood sugar levels increase dramatically within 20 minutes ofdrinking the Cola, explains Naik, causing a burst of insulin. The liver then turns the high amounts of sugar circulating our body into fat Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Do not eat banana (potassium is high). • However, when kidneys do not work well, they may not be able to remove enough potassium. This means that build up in your blood to harmful levels. Eat a diet high in potassium. ... Foods such as melons, orange juice, and bananasare high inpotassium. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Orange (potassium is high). • Food Sources of Potassium. ... Many fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium: Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, grapefruit (some dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, and dates, are also highinpotassium) Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Potato or sweet potato (potassium is high). • Sweet potatoes, another starchy tuber, are also a respectable source of potassium. A large sweet potato (6.3 ounces or 180 grams) provides 18% of the RDI (9). Yet potatoes and sweet potatoes are not just good sources of potassium. They are also high in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. kidney test free consultation: +91-9336660001
Tomato. • Tomatoes are another high-potassium fruit that may not fit the guidelines of a renaldiet. ... Just one cup of tomato sauce can contain upwards of 900 mg of potassium (35). Unfortunately for those on a renal diet, tomatoes are commonly used in many dishes. kidney test free consultation: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Bread. • However, white bread is usually recommended over whole-wheat varieties for individuals with kidney disease. This is because of its phosphorus and potassium content. The more bran and whole grains in the bread, the higher the phosphorus and potassium contents. Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Peanuts • They are high in protein, fiber, magnesium and many studies show that they can help you lose weight. • Protein content: 16% of calories. One ounce (28 g) has 7 grams, with 159 calories. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Pickle • While pickles and their juice byproduct typically contain small amounts of potassium, Pickle Juice is said to be a High Sodium Food for Chronic Kidney Disease patients. ... " Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Packet food (pizza , maggie). • Because of high Glycemic index (GI) of Maida, it spikes up your sugar levels. ...Eating Maida also raises bad cholesterol (LDL) resulting many health issues like weight gain, high blood pressure, mood swings. Too much consumption of white flour & its products leads to weight gain and you will soon progress toward obesity. Pizza and Maggie and other packet foods is made by maida. kidney test free consultation: +91-9336660001
Leafy vegetable (spinach , cabbage…) • High in potassium are: • Vegetables (spinach, potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes and other dark green leafy vegetables) Nuts/almonds. • Whole grain products. kidney test free consultation: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Snacks (kurkure & chips) • Ready-to-eat snack foods like pretzels, chips and crackers tend to be lacking in nutrients and relatively high in salt. • Also, it’s easy to eat more than the recommended portion size of these foods, often leading to even greater salt intake than intended. • What’s more, if chips are made from potatoes, they will contain a significant amount of potassium as well. Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
What To Eat (lower protein food) • Bread Bread type allowed on a renal diet can be a source of confusion for people with kidney disease. When we eat foodour body uses what it needs and turns the rest into waste products. Bread is one of our staple foods and provides us with energy. ... The kidneys can also find it more difficult to manage your blood pressure Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Fruit • An apple is a healthful snack that contains an important fiber called pectin. Pectin may help reduce some risk factors for kidney damage, such as high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Apples can also often satisfy a sweet tooth. Chronic kidney disease can respond well to diet changes. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Vegetables • What leafy, green veggies are the most kidney-friendly? ... Most leafy greens like spinach and chard are considered high potassium foods. Kale is considered a lower potassium food, but keep in mind the serving size is considered 1/2 cup kidney test free consultation: +91-9336660001
Brown Rice • Studies have found that brown rice (especially sprouted) provides more fiber, helps people stay fuller longer, and reduces risk for type 2 diabetes by 16-36%. Whole grains are considered the healthiest kinds of grains. If you have chronic kidney disease, portion size is the most important thing to keep in mind. kidney test free consultation: doctor@bkarogyam.com
White part of eggs • Egg whites provide a high-quality, kidney-friendly source of protein. Not to mention, they are an excellent choice for people undergoing dialysis treatment, as they have higher protein needs but need to limit phosphorus. Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Pineapple • Most Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients believe that they should avoid pineapple due to assumed high amounts of citrus and potassium. ...Pineapples are very low in sodium as well as phosphorus, and high in vitamin C. The fruit is also fat-free. Pineapple juice has 160 mg potassium for a four-ounce serving. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Garlic ,Onion • Garlic is a great way to give your food an extra boost of flavor. ... Onions: Another great way to add flavor to any food, onions have health benefits, too. They are low in potassium and rich in flavonoids–a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce heartdisease and protect against cancer. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Turnip • Turnips are kidney-friendly and make an excellent replacement for vegetables thatare higher in potassium like potatoes and winter squash. These root vegetables areloaded with fiber and nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and calcium. kidney test free consultation: +91-9336660001
Capsicum • In addition to being very low in minerals such as sodium and potassium, red bell peppers contain helpful antioxidant compounds, which may protect the cells fromdamage kidney test free consultation: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Radish • Radish. Radishes are crunchy vegetables that make a healthy addition to a renaldiet. This is because they are very low in potassium and phosphorus but high in many other important nutrients. Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Which Exercise To Do kidney Patients In yoga • ArdhaMatsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist) Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
Which Exercise To Do kidney Patients In yoga • Bhujangasana(Cobra Pose) Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Which Exercise To Do kidney Patients In yoga • Paschimottanasana (Two-Legged Forward Bend) kidney test free consultation: +91-9336660001
Which Exercise To Do kidney Patients In yoga • SetuBandhasana (Bridge Pose) kidney test free consultation: doctor@bkarogyam.com
Which Exercise To Do kidney Patients In yoga • Naukasana(Boat Pose) Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
What work should not be done by kidney patient • Do not lift heavy items. • Do not step up and down. • Do not smoke. • Do not stop the urine. • Do not eat too cold or hot things. • Do not eat too much potassium. Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On: +91-9336660001
For Any Query • Call Us : +91-8081222333 • Send Your Report and Take Free Consultation On : Whatsapp : +91-9336660001 Email : doctor@bkarogyam.com • Website: www.bkkidneycare.com