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IPM Program for Sustainable Crop Production in Cambodia

This report highlights the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program in Cambodia, which aims to promote sustainable and cost-effective crop production, reduce ecological disruption and environmental contamination, improve food safety and livelihoods, and contribute to national economic growth.

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IPM Program for Sustainable Crop Production in Cambodia

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  1. COUNTRY REPORT Food Crop 20 -24 September, 2016 Siam Reap, Angkor, Cambodia Chhin Sovandeth Vice chief of Plant Protection office

  2. General Information for Cambodia • Country name: Kingdom of Cambodia • Government Type: Multiparty democracy under a Constitutional monarchy • Administrative division: 24 provinces and 1 Capital. • Capital: Phnom Penh

  3. Natural resources Table1. Land use and it occupation by category in Cambodia (ha)

  4. Agriculture and its constrains • Share of GDP 27.5% • Rice is remaining the most important commodity for export among other 11 priority crops. • Rice yield in Cambodia is remarkable low as compared to neighbouring countries • Moreover, Cambodia is still facing with several constrains in agriculture: They are water, soil fertility, variety, good quality seed, pests and diseases, investment in research and marketing. → For contributing solving the problem, the project namely the Collaboration Network for Management of Migratory Rice Planthoppers and Associated Virus Diseases of Rice in Asia was formulated and implemented in the country members, including Cambodia, since mid of 2011 with funding from AFACI and it continues till present.

  5. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) • IPM training activities have become more demand-driven and can be scaled-up at district level. • IPM Program is to promote food security and safety and better market access for IPM produce. • Through participation in season long Farmers Field Schools, farmers develop skills to increase productivity and profitability in an environmentally friendly and health safety manner.

  6. Major training activities implemented are training of trainers courses on key crops. • Safe IPM produce is then supplied to supermarkets, restaurants, and high class hotels-casinos.

  7. IPM Activities • Location • SvayReang province - SvayChrom district, SvayTeab district, Chan Trea district. - 50 farmers each district. • Prey Vengprovine - KamChay Mea district, SithorKandal district, and KanhChreach district. - 50 farmers each district.

  8. Extension and Control measure • BPH • General information of BPH • Control measure →​Use Water → Use Net → Release ducks in the rice field → Use pesticides

  9. Army warm • General information of BPH • Control measure - Control rice field or farm (clean) - Dig small ditch around the rice field or farm - Use water - Pesticides use

  10. In conclusion, IPM Program leads to more sustainable and cost-effective production, reduction of ecological disruption and environmental contamination, reduction of public health and toxic residues in food and improvement of livelihood, biodiversity and marketability of produces. • This makes a huge contribution to food security and safety promotion, poverty alleviation, and ultimately to the national economic growth which are the priorities of the Cambodian Royal Government’s rural development policy and strategy.

  11. Rice cultivation and varieties • There are three groups of cultivated rice cultivars: 1-Early maturing (120 days or less) 2- Medium (> 120-150 days) 3- And late maturing (>150 days). • The traditional cultivars grown in Cambodia are generally photoperiod sensitive and of longer duration (late maturing cultivars). • Such cultivars may face more problems with brown planthopper attack because populations can build up with more generation within a single crop cycle.

  12. Project goal and objectives The main objectives of this regional project are: 1- To assess the status of problems in rice production incurred by RPH and associated viruses in the respective collaborating countries. 2-To develop a zonal RPH migration model based on seasonal and spatial monitoring data on RPH populations and rice virus incidences in the collaborating countries. 3- To determine the characteristics of RPH for transmission of rice viruses prevalent in the collaborating countries. 4- To establish the structural framework for multinational collaboration for the management of RPH and associated rice viruses among the participating countries.

  13. BPH population monitoring by using yellow sticky trap • The sticky traps were implemented in rice fields to monitor for recording the BPH population. • The prone area of BPH outbreaks is the reason of site study selection. • Three farmer rice fields in as that location was heavily outbreak during 2008-2009 (fig1).

  14. Light trap monitoring for migrating BPH • A light trap has been set since 2011 in Poloas’ Plant Protection Research Station in Prey Veng province. • The selecting location for BPH monitoring has a history of BPH outbreaks. • In the report period (from June 2014-June 2015) light trap was monitored nightly. • The light attracting insects and arthropods were observed at high level of catchment in the period of from June to September (Table 2).

  15. From June to the end of August, 2016 the yellow sticky trap was used to monitor the incidence planthoppers, which used to occur during that period. • Three rice fields (as replicates) in Punlear village, Sangkor commune, Svay Rieng district, Svay Rieng province were the target fields for monitoring planthoppers occurrence. • Understanding that rice production in Cambodia is mainly (85%) in wet season (from May to December each year). • So that from June to August each year is the reasonable period for conducting rice planthopper surveillance as that period more frequently those rice field near the Vietnam border were landed by BPH. • BPH adults were caught by each sampling site together along with spiders, which we observed very abundance that can make farmer rice fields keeping in low level for entire crop cycle.

  16. Pesticide information to control rice planthoppers • Even we are not encouraging farmers to use chemicals to control BPH, we still approve the private companies to import insecticides for use in BPH control. • The registration for imported insecticides is approved for two products: 1) Phenobucarb (killing BPH adults) 2) Buprofezin (killing BPH juvenile instars) - Nevertheless, several products are imported by local farmers and small traders. These illegal/unofficial imports include banned insecticides.

  17. Project outcome The information on pest status in rice production as well other crops including vegatable are regularly reported to the political level. Then it is highly interested by showing immediately taken an action directly to the location and released the experiences and technical to the farmers The rice planthopper occurrence in southeast provinces (Prey Veng & SvayRieng) is broadcasted via local radio in those provinces. That radio channel is very popular by the local farmers; thus information on planthoppers landing. Field day at the end of season also play an important role to share the best experience in applying IPM in rice and vegetable crops.

  18. Farmer field school in vegetable crop conducted in several locations is helpful for vegetable growers; in pictures below farmers gained the knowledge on insect pest biology by applying insect zoo into the FFS.

  19. Planning for project activity in 2016 The project should focus on: - Monitoring on rice planthopper occurrence - Surveillance on rice diseases - Insect pests and diseases occurrence in vegetable production and vegetable IPM information Produce in leaflet for farmers on research results in 2016. - Detail information of pesticides use to control planthopper.

  20. សូមអរគុណ THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ______ __ ___ ___ _______ _______

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