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5GSG Portland, Oregon

Reviewing past meetings, TGj PAR, history, recent events, and setting objectives for 5GHz study group. Planning future meetings and leadership transitions.

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5GSG Portland, Oregon

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  1. 5GSGPortland, Oregon Wednesday July 11, 2001 Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  2. Agenda • Review of last meeting • Review of TGj PAR and 5 Criteria motion for plenary • Review of 5GSG history • Next Steps • Continue preparation for Wednesday Joint plenary Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  3. Recent Event List • IEEE 802.11 Orlando (May 14-18, 2001) • 5GWLIAG Helsinki (June 12 , 2001) • BRAN #24 Sophia Antipolis (June 13-14 , 2001) • Phone discussion (July 2 , 2001) • Ad hoc session (Monday morning, July 9) • 5GSG session (Monday evening, July 9) Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  4. Ad hoc Introduction • Meeting notice posted to reflector >30 days in advance of meeting • Relatively informal time to discuss recent events • Time for straw polls – no binding conclusions • Allows extra time to prepare for opening 802.11 Plenary • Allows time to transition/orient leadership and membership • All in attendance have right to vote Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  5. 5GSG Agenda Graphic Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  6. Portland Objectives 5 GHZ GLOBALIZATION STUDY GROUP ( BRUCE K/ Jamshid K.) - Review presentations and comments from June IAG meetings - Review output of June ETSI BRAN#24 - Review future meeting dates and critical milestones - Review Leadership team - Review TGj PAR & 5 criteria prior to Excom presentation - Review impact of HCF on Interworking proposals - Establish Decision process for a new "IEEE 802.11 Task Group J" & the ETSI BRAN 5GHz Alignment Rapporteur Group - Create or Extend study group to allow pursuit of harmonized 5GHz standards - Refine draft of 5WIING Operating Procedure, Terms and Definitions, Relationship diagram &schedules - Prepare for September IEEE and ETSI meetings in Seattle Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  7. 5GHz Study Group • Original Intent • Standard Harmonization - Single Global Standard for 5GHz WLANs • International effort • IEEE, ETSI, MMAC • Interim Objective • Interworking mechanism • Interworking Proposal Concepts • Legacy backward compatibility maintained • Approaches so far based upon superframes using either DCF or PCF • HCF now being investigated • Likely to have no impact on Client, AP implementation only • Future plan • 5GHz Partnership Project now called 5WING Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  8. Monday Evening * Consent items Times shown are for guidance. Agenda shall be adopted as a General order. Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  9. Portland Agenda Times shown are for guidance. Agenda shall be adopted as a General order. Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  10. Motions • The SG recommends a motion to the 802.11 WG to reconsider the approval and forwarding to Exec Com of the PAR and 5 criteria for TGj (Doc 01-172, 01-173) • Approved in SG 13-0-13 • Motion to extend the 5GSG until the November plenary with the original goals as previously adopted, allowing a joint discussion with the other standards bodies (ETSI BRAN, MMAC) in the September 2001 meeting of the Joint SG to refine the aforementioned goals. • Approved in SG 21-2-2 Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  11. Reconsider • Reconsider – enables a majority in an assembly to bring back for further consideration a motion which has already been voted on. • The purpose of reconsidering a vote is to permit correction of hasty, ill-advised or erroneous action, or to take into account added information or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the vote • It can only be made by a member on the prevailing side during the session at which the original motion was approved. • This requires a two-thirds vote RONR (10th ed.), Section 37, pg 304 ff Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  12. Rescind • A motion by which a previous action or order can be canceled or countermended. • The effect of rescind is to strike out an entire main motion that has been adopted at some previous time • This requires a two-thirds vote RONR (10th ed.), Section 35, pg 293 ff Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  13. Amend something previously adopted • This is a motion that can be used if it is desired to change only a part of the text or to substitute a different version. • This requires a two-thirds vote RONR (10th ed.), Section 35, pg 293 ff Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  14. Motion • Motion to amend something previously adopted • Amend the motion to substitute “rescind” for “reconsider” resulting in the following motion: • The SG recommends a motion to the 802.11 WG to rescind the approval and forwarding to Exec Com of the PAR and 5 criteria for TGj (Doc 01-172, 01-173) Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  15. MMAC Notice of Reorganization and Activities • MMAC letter to ETSI BRAN and IEEE (BRAN24d140) • Announcing reorganization • The Convergence Ad-hoc Study Group of MMAC-PC (a.k.a CASG) met on 23rd May, 2001 to discuss how to proceed towards convergence of MMAC wireless systems, HiperLAN2 and IEEE802.11a using 5 GHz band • CSMA WG work is done and will be closed soon. • CSMA members shall directly participate in 5GSG/IEEE802.11 meetings representing each company for the globalization discussion, if necessary. • MMAC-PC will continue to work together with ETSI-BRAN and IEEE802.11 members within joint 5GSG framework for short term harmonization. • CASG participants agreed to create a new group to work toward a single standard of the next generation wireless LAN including wireless homelink applications using 5GHz band. This new group will be a joint group comprising HiSWANa members and Wireless Homelink members of MMAC-PC. Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  16. Leadership • Bruce Kraemer – current chair in 5GSG as authorized by IEEE 802.11 • Jamshid Khun-Jush is vice chair • Reorganization • Nominate TK Tan as chair in 5GSG • Nominate Bruce Kraemer as co-vice chair • Any other nominations from the floor? • A recommendation from 5GSG subject to approval by Stuart in 802 WG • Result: Unanimous consent (37 attendees) Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  17. 5GHz Study Group • Original Intent • Standard Harmonization - Single Global Standard • International effort • IEEE, ETSI, MMAC • Interim Objective • Interworking mechanism • Interworking Proposals • Legacy backward compatibility maintained • AT&T, Philips, Ericsson, hLAN, NEC, U of Aachen, Comprise, Magis • Principal approach so far based upon superframes using either DCF or PCF • No impact on Client, AP implementation only • Future plan • 5GHz Partnership Project now called 5WING Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  18. 5GHz Standardization Roadmap IW additions IEEE 802.11a (wireless Ethernet) IEEE 802.11e/f/h (QoS, Security, DFS/TPC, ..) Joint SG Requirements Coexistence Inter-working Spectrum 5WING Partnership Project (BRAN/IEEE/MMAC) single global standard Inter-working Standards Revisions 5GWIAG BRAN-HL/2 (wireless ATM, IP) Home Profile HE phase2 UMTS - interworking Public Access IW additions 2000 2001 MMAC also participating Today Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  19. Schedule of Standards Meetings May 8-9 – H2GF – Princeton May 14-18 – IEEE –Orlando June 12 - IAG - Helsinki June 26-28 – BRAN#24 – Sophia Antipolis July 9-13 – IEEE – Portland Sept. 17-21 – IEEE – Seattle Sept. 18-21 – BRAN#25 – Seattle Nov. 12-16 – IEEE – Austin Dec. 4-7 – BRAN#26 – Sophia Antipolis Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  20. 5GSG Portland Session Documents 5GSG Committee Report 11-01-363r0,r1 5GSG Joint Plenary Report 11-01-472r0 5GSG Closing Plenary Report 11-01-361r0 5GSG Minutes 11-01-349r0 Altman Submission 11-01-402r0 Mangold/Choi/Wolfgang/Ngo 11-01-414r0a (Submission) Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  21. History of 5GSG Formation • Liaisons on PHY during creation of 802.11a and HL2 (’98-’99) • Substantial harmonization • Initiated by 5GWLIAG (May 2000) – to address problems of multiple standards at 5Ghz space • Letters exchanged on request to recognize 802.11a as a member of HL2 (Jul 2000) • Led to ETSI joining the Sept 2000 IEEE meeting • Creation of Joint 5GSG (Sept 2000) • Alternative meeting venues • 5Ghz Global Standardization and Convergence discussion - IEEE September meeting, Scottsdale • Industry consensus towards global standardization at 5Ghz • Request for an 802.11 Study group (with coordination with ETSI BRAN and MMAC) to address these issues. • LMSC Nov 9, 2000 approved formation of 5GSG (with contingencies of forming similar groups at ETSI BRAN and MMAC were fulfilled) Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  22. IEEE Hilton Head Accomplishments March 12-16,2001 Motions: PProposed that we extend the 5GSG to the next joint plenary. Motion passed in study group 36/0/0 Motion passed in plenary 74/6/4 PProposed that we pursue the creation of a 5GHzPP as a vehicle for establishing a single global standard. Motion passed in study group 23/0/1 PPAR document (11-01-172) passed in plenary 41/8/17 P5 Criteria document (11-01-173) passed in plenary 42/6/13 Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  23. PAR of Global 5Ghz WLAN Standard Scope of Proposed Project: Establish coexistence and inter-working among the 802.11a, ETSI HiperLAN/2, MMAC CSMA and HiSWANa standards. Extension of each of the MAC and PHY layers of these standards will be defined collaboratively to achieve coexistence and inter-working. Purpose of Proposed Project: To establish coexistence and inter-working among the 802.11a, ETSI HiperLAN/2, MMAC CSMA and HiSWANa standards. A subsequent project under a separate PAR is to create a single converged standard in the 5GHz band. Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  24. 5GHz Study Group • Original Intent • Standard Harmonization - Single Global Standard for 5GHz WLANs • International effort • IEEE, ETSI, MMAC • Interim Objective • Interworking mechanism • Interworking Proposal Concepts • Legacy backward compatibility maintained • Approaches so far based upon superframes using either DCF or PCF • HCF now being investigated • Likely to have no impact on Client, AP implementation only • Future plan • 5GHz Partnership Project now called 5WING Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  25. Planning and Preparation • Motion that the officers of 5GSG, acting on the guidance and within the guidelines provided by the 5GSG membership, be empowered to prepare as necessary for • Closing plenary of the Portland,OR 802.11 meetings Friday July 13, 2001 • 802 Executive Committee meeting to be held in Portland, OR Friday July 13, 2001 • Prepare for joint meetings with ETSI BRAN in Seattle, WA September 17-21, 2001 With the understanding that status and presentation updates will be provided to the membership via the 802.11 website and email reflector. Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  26. BRAN #24 European Telecommunications Standards Institute BRAN#24 26 June to 29 June 2001 Sophia-Antipolis, France Executive Summary - BRAN24d141 1.      Defer decision to continue/discontinue the Inter-working project until after the IEEE meeting in Portland. It was noted that both BRAN and IEEE will be meeting during the same week in September in Seattle and a joint meeting at that time would be desirable and presumably easy to arrange. Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  27. Tentative Schedule for 5WING SG • Operational Procedures • IEEE802.11 May: Prepare material (e.g. relationship diagram) and kick-off discussion • BRAN#24/IEEE802.11 July: initial submissions • IEEE802.11 Sep/BRAN#25: first draft prepared for circulation • Project Requirements Definition • IEEE802.11 Nov/BRAN#26: initial submissions • IEEE802.11 Jan 2002/BRAN#27: first draft prepared for circulation • Terms of Reference Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  28. BRAN 24d141 – How has the WLAN Market evolved? 1.      A general discussion ensued as to what has happened in the WLAN market over the last quarter that may influence the answer to Jamshid’s question: a.       Wi-Fi (.11b) is selling faster than anyone expected particularly in the US but also in the rest of the world b.      Due to the high penetration if Wi-Fi it will be difficult to omit backward compatibility with .11b when new products are introduced c.       The market progression has been from the enterprise to SOHO and most recently Hot Spots such as airports, hotels, coffee shops, … d.      The market drivers have been:                                             i.      Enterprise – usable data rates, ease of installation (no wires!), mobility                                            ii.      Home – spreading of broadband access, ease of installation, low cost                                           iii.      Hot Spots – ease of installation, low cost, profit potential, emergence of WISP aggregators such as GRIC e.  The consensus expressed at the WECA meeting in Helsinki on 6-13,14 seemed to be that because of the perceived backward compatibility requirement new 5GHz products will likely be dual band (2.4 and 5 GHz) after the initial wave of 5GHz only products f. The multi-band solution scenario will impact .11b/.11a, H2/.11b, TGg, H2/.11a product definitions g. Andy Gowen noted that 2.4 GHz WLAN products are not legally used in public spaces in UK. h.  Telecom operators will resist the development of networked WLAN Hot Spot which begin to look like WANs Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  29. BRAN 24d141 – How did Interworking evolve?   “Why did IEEE authorize a task group, TGj, dedicated to developing an IW recommended practice given the apparent lack of interest?” Garth reviewed the history of how 5GSG bifurcated into TGj and 5WING with the bottom line being that in order to retain interest in the 5GS it was felt that a short term interim project needed to be identified and, IW was a good candidate because much of the work to define an IW standard could be reused in the 5GS project. Neither H2 nor .11a will likely be the final WLAN standard and probably the most important work activity going forward is to set up a framework to develop global standards and then apply that framework to developing the 5Ghz Global Standards (5GS). Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

  30. How did ETSI Relationship evolve? IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs To: Mr Jamshid Khun-Jush, Chairman, ETSI Project BRAN Date: July 13, 2000 Subject: re: IEEE P802.11 request to ETSI for considering the adoption of the IEEE P802.11a 5 GHz Wireless LAN standard as a member of HIPERLAN family of standards Dear ETSI BRAN Officers and Members, Thank you for your advice that considerations regarding several areas are needed for EP BRAN to be able to make an assessment on the further handling of the IEEE P802.11 request that the IEEE P802.11a 5 GHz Wireless LAN standard be adopted as a member of HIPERLAN family of standards. These areas include regulatory, application and technical aspects. Unfortunately the arrival of the liaison letter right at the end of the May meeting precluded its consideration until the July Plenary, and consequently we missed the opportunity to arrange attendance at the June BRAN meeting by an 802.11 delegation. We would be pleased to attend at the next available meeting, which we understand is in Stresa during October 3-6, 2000, to pursue a path to resolving the matters raised in your letter. We extend an invitation to BRAN members to attend any future IEEE 802.11 meetings, details of which are available on the IEEE 802 website (http://www.ieee802.org/11/). The next meeting will be in Scottsdale, Arizona, September 18-22, 2000. We also suggest that we explore the possibility of a joint ETSI BRAN/IEEE 802.11 meeting in the coming year. The IEEE 802.11 WG is working to address the key points raised in your liaison letter. In particular, the matters of TPC and DFS are being studied in TGe (MAC Enhancement) and an Ad Hoc Group has been established to consider the harmonisation of existing standards towards adoption of a single global standard. It is anticipated that the Ad Hoc Group will identify overlapping services and applications as well as look at issues of coexistence of the different standards. We anticipate that representations from the Ad Hoc Group will be made during the BRAN#20 meeting in Stresa. On the matter of IPR, IEEE P802.11 has obtained letters of assurance that owners of all IPR known to us will provide on request licenses without discrimination and for a reasonable fee. These letters ensure that all known IPRs were addressed in sufficient time to avoid the IEEE 802.11 family of standards being blocked at a later stage by the refusal of these IPR owners to grant licenses. As per your request, a full set of documentation, including standards IEEE 802.11 (1999), IEEE 802.11a and the set of IPR letters are provided as attachments to this liaison. Sincerely, Stuart Kerry, Chairman IEEE P802.11, Bruce Kraemer Intersil, TK Tan 3Com

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