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Portland, Oregon: Smart Transportation Planning

Portland, Oregon: Smart Transportation Planning. By: Eric Boucher Bryan Daupinais Andrew Hurczyn Matthew Pepin. Elements of Effective Transportation Planning. 2040 Growth Concept and The Metro. Broadly defined goals. a sense of community

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Portland, Oregon: Smart Transportation Planning

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  1. Portland, Oregon:Smart Transportation Planning By: Eric Boucher Bryan Daupinais Andrew Hurczyn Matthew Pepin

  2. Elements of Effective Transportation Planning 2040 Growth Concept and The Metro

  3. Broadly defined goals • a sense of community • the preservation of natural areas, forests and farmlands • quiet neighborhoods with easy access to shopping, schools, jobs and recreational opportunities • the “feel” of the region, with open spaces, scenic beauty and small town atmosphere

  4. Planned for desired outcomes “It was time to make a choice . . . to allow the current patterns to continue . . . or protect some of the community characteristics we valued.” • 121,000 UGB acres added from 1985-1990 • Additional 120,000 by year 2040 if patterns continue • 2040 plan adds only 19,000 acres to the UGB by 2040

  5. Maximizing Access • sustain economic health by providing access to jobs and industry • reduce the need to drive or travel long distances by making jobs and shopping more convenient to where people live • maintain access to the natural areas around the region.

  6. Bike lockers and racks at transit stations. Bicycle friendly service on all TriMet systems 150 miles of bicycle lanes and boulevards in Portland and 751 miles of bike paths in the metro area Priority treatment to cheaper, cleaner, and more efficient modes

  7. Choice through diversity of modes • a balanced transportation system providing a range of choices, including transit, walking, biking and cars. • expand transportation choices by providing safe and convenient alternatives to driving • target transportation investments to rejuvenate main streets and traditional downtowns

  8. Why is Government Involvement Important? • They represent the people • Money • Ability to regulate automobile use. • Decide where to implement different modes.

  9. Metro: What is it • Land use and transportation planning • Solid waste management • Manages parks and other centers of the arts. • Maintains UGB • Sustainability

  10. Portland Development Commission • What is it? • Urban Renewal Agency • Combine retail and residential uses near light rail. • Mixed use housing for people of different incomes. • Street side improvements • Transportation improvements • Construction of parks and similar services.

  11. Portland Development Commission • Created Courthouse Square

  12. Tom McCall • In the 1973, Governor McCall implements the Urban Growth Boundary for every metropolitan area. • This UGB separates urban areas with higher density from lower density


  14. Urban Greenspace Institute • Programs to integrate natural and built environments. • Protects/builds parks, trails, and green spaces

  15. Urban Greenspace Institute

  16. Hartford Programs • Travel Services • Park and Ride locations • Connecticut Highway Assistant Motor Patrol (CHAMP)

  17. Hartford Programs • Community Services • Adopt a Highway • Scenic Roads • Bridge Maintenance

  18. Public Transportation Portland • MAX Light Rail • TriMet Bus System • Streetcar • Aerial Tram Hartford • Free Star Shuttle • Amtrak and bus service to leave and enter city

  19. Hartford Transportation • Free Star Shuttle • Free bus service around city • Amtrak • Fast train service to New York and Boston • Bus Service • Greyhound, Peter Pan, Bonanza, etc.

  20. MAX Light Rail • Metropolis Area Express • 3 current lines with 1 in construction • Runs on reserved lanes • Offers quick travel to all areas of the city

  21. TriMet Bus System • Covers the city and its suburbs thoroughly • Handicap accessibility • Most buses are equipped with bike racks to make mass transit more user-friendly for the cycling set • Runs every 15 minutes or better throughout the day

  22. TriMet Bus System • Comfortable and accessible waiting areas at stops and shelters • Signal priority and roadway improvements help buses stay on time

  23. Portland Streetcar • Connects southern waterfront, through downtown Portland to residential and shopping districts to the north • Gives access for the residential area to the commercial area of the city • Created to reduce short inner-city automobile trips, ease traffic and parking congestion, and encourage more residential, commercial and business development in the areas through which it passes.

  24. Aerial Tram • Connects the south waterfront district to the Oregon Health and Science University. • Quicker travel up and down the mountainside. • Provides as a major transportation unit for the University and its riverfront campus sites.

  25. Fareless Square

  26. What is Hartford Missing? • Network of transportation and access • Attractive structures and facilities • More modes • Less reliance on automobiles • There is hope: Hartford 2035 plan

  27. Hartford 2035

  28. Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG ) CAPITOL REGION TRANSPORTATION PLAN A guide for transportation investments through the year 2035 http://www.crcog.org/publications/TransportationDocs/RTP2007/2007RTP-final.pdf

  29. Policy Reaffirmation More Travel Choices Better Transit Better Bike & Walk Options Better Systems Management Link Land Use & Transportation Freight Planning Environmental Justice

  30. Regional Growth of Centers Developement • Downtown Hartford • Rentschler Field area • Bradley Airport area • Griffin area • Health Center/WestFarms area • Bucklands area

  31. Ideas Within Complete Streets (Allowing for all users)

  32. Ideas Within Rapid Transit Line Proposed Busways

  33. Ideas Within Rapid Transit Line Proposed Busways

  34. The most important quotes I found:

  35. Along with these ideas there is a plan for a regional greenways system (Multiuse Trail System)

  36. Hartford’s Potential Hartford has a plan to rejuvenate their transportation system. Using many of the principles that Portland used to make there cities transportation so great. Now all they have to do is change these plans and ideas into reality!

  37. Conclusions • Portland = Good • Hartford = Poor right now with a 1.6 billion dollar potential

  38. Questions?

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