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The Road to Windows 7

The Road to Windows 7. Jennelle Crothers. Who I Am Microsoft MVP for Windows Desktop Experience MCITP: Enterprise Administrator & MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7 Involved with PacITPros user group in San Francisco Blog: www.techbunny.com Twitter @jkc137 Who I Am Not

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The Road to Windows 7

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  1. The Road to Windows 7

  2. Jennelle Crothers • Who I Am • Microsoft MVP for Windows Desktop Experience • MCITP: Enterprise Administrator & MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7 • Involved with PacITPros user group in San Francisco • Blog: www.techbunny.com • Twitter @jkc137 • Who I Am Not • I am not amazing at Power Point. • I do not talk slowly.

  3. Disclaimer I can’t tell YOU how to deploy Windows 7 in YOUR enterprise. But I can tell you about tools, where to find them and how they might fit your needs.

  4. On The Agenda • Good tools for any deployment effort • Microsoft Assessment & Planning (MAP) • Automated Installation Kit (AIK) • Deployment Strategies • High-Touchvs. Lite-Touch • Additional deployment tools (MDT, USMT, WDS) • Surviving Application Compatibility Issues • Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) • Some MDOP Tools (MED-V, App-V) • Other useful tools • Asset Inventory Service (AIS)

  5. Windows 7 Touches Everything Applications Data & User Settings Hardware Operating System However, there are tools to reduce the amount of time you’ll have to spend touching computers during and after deployment.

  6. Windows 7 Deployment Enhancements IMAGING DELIVERY MIGRATION SOLUTIONS Deployment Image Servicing and Management Add/Remove Drivers and Packages WIM and VHD Image Management Windows Deployment Services Multicast Multiple Stream Transfer Dynamic Driver Provisioning User State Migration Tool Hard-link Migration Offline File Gather Improved user file detection Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Application Compatibility Toolkit Microsoft Assessment and Planning Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  7. Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit • Agent-less • Discovers computers using AD, scanning IP ranges, with Windows networking protocols or with manual lists of computer names. • Inventories using WMI, Remote Registry service and VmwareWebservice. • Uses a non-default instance of SQL Server 2008 Express to store information. • Install on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Server 2003 R2 and higher.

  8. MAP Assessments and Wizards Assessments Wizards • Windows Vista Hardware Assessment • 2007 Office Assessment • Windows Server 2008 R2 Readiness • MS SQL Server Discovery • Windows Server Role Discovery • Windows Server 2008 Readiness • Virtual Machine Inventory • Security Assessment • Windows 7 Readiness • Power Saving Assessment • Application Virtualization Assessment • Performance Metrics Wizard • Server Virtualization Wizard • Hardware Library Configuration Wizard • Prepare New Reports and Proposals Wizard • Inventory and Assessment Wizard

  9. Key Assessment Tools for Deployments • Windows 7 Readiness – indicates which computers can support Windows 7 and suggests any necessary hardware upgrades. Generates a report and a proposal. • Power Saving Assessment – describes power savings you can realize by migrating to Windows 7 • App-V Assessment – identifies applications and computers capable of supporting an App-V environment. • Inventory and Assessment Wizard – gather info about client computers

  10. Sample MAP Report

  11. Automated Installation Kit (AIK 2.0) • Installed the kit on any computer running Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Server 2003. • Supports file-based disk imaging • Includes tools to create: • answer files (Windows System Image Manager) • Windows PE boot disk • master image from reference installation (ImageX) • User State Migration Tool 4.0 is also included in the package.

  12. Deployment Strategies • High-Touch with Retail Media • Hands-on, very manual, less than 100 computers • High-Touch with Standard Image • Uses customized images, 100-200 computers • Lite-Touch, High-Volume • Interaction only at the start of process, 200-500 computers • Zero-Touch, High-Volume • No interaction, fully automated, 500 or more computers

  13. Where the Deployment Tools Fit Suggested tools from Microsoft’s “Choosing a Deployment Strategy” whitepaper.

  14. Start Easy: Hardware Will your hardware run Windows 7? And how do you find out? • Visit every computer and take a inventory. • Use your pre-existing inventory management software. • Use the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit (MAP)

  15. Refresh or Replace? • Refreshing - “wipe and install”, use the same hardware and just reinstall the OS, applications and user settings. • Replacing – providing a new computer and copying user data and settings to the new machine. • Bare Metal – no user settings, just a new installation

  16. Capturing User Data & Settings • Windows Easy Transfer (WET) • Included with Windows 7 • Also downloadable from Microsoft • Can be used on Windows XP or Vista • User State Migration Tool 4.0 • More robust and customizable then WET • Included in the AIK 2.0

  17. User State Migration Tool 4.0 • Hard-link Migration • Enables local file migration without copying or moving files • Processes migration jobs in third of the time or less • Offline User State Capture • Capture during Windows PE phase to improve speed • Volume Shadow Copy support • Migrates in-use files • Improved file detection • Uses dynamic algorithms to discover user documents.

  18. Installing the Operating System • Automated Installation Kit (AIK 2.0) • SIM, ImageX tools, Windows PE, etc. • Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) • Solutions Accelerator • Extends the AIK tools to include a deployment share for lite-touch or zero-touch deployments. • Windows Deployment Service

  19. Windows Deployment Services • Great for applying the same image to a bunch of computers with an answer file • Can inject some drivers, but doesn’t deploy applications outside of those installed on the image. • Multicast is improved with Windows 7, so you can deploy images faster. • WDS is a server 2008 Role and needs AD, DNS and DHCP to function. • Using WDS in conjunction with MDT extends it’s capabilities.

  20. Multicast WDS Server Multicast Transmission First client joins “transmission” Clients Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  21. Multicast WDS Server Multicast Transmission Waiting for other clients to join… Clients Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  22. Multicast WDS Server Multicast Transmission Transmission begins… Clients with multiple transfer speeds • Medium • Fastest Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  23. Multicast WDS Server Multicast Transmission Additional clients join stream Clients with multiple transfer speeds • Medium • Slowest • Medium • Fastest Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  24. Multicast WDS Server Multicast Transmission More clients to join Clients with multiple transfer speeds • Fastest • Fastest • Medium • Medium • Medium • Slowest • Medium Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  25. Multicast WDS Server Multicast First clients complete. Second broad-cast begins. One client removed. Clients with multiple transfer speeds • Medium • Medium • Medium • Slowest • Medium Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  26. Multicast WDS Server Multicast Last clients complete… Clients with multiple transfer speeds • Medium • Medium • Slowest Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  27. Multicast WDS Server Multicast All clients complete. Transmission ends. Clients Attribution- Microsoft TechEd 2008/9 Win7 Deployment by James Dent

  28. Microsoft Deployment Toolkit • Supports deployment of Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7, Server 2003 R2, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2. • Used in the Lite-Touch and Zero-Touch deployment models. • Includes a Deployment Workbench and Task Sequencer, which guides you through creating a deployment share for the operating system images, language packs, applications, device drivers, and other software deployed to the target computers. • Work in conjunction with the AIK 2.0 • Helps support thinner images.

  29. MDT – Deployment Process Overview From the “Using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit” whitepaper.

  30. How Many Images do you Need? • One for each version of the Windows OS • One for each edition of the OS • One for each processor type (32 or 64-bit) • One for each HAL type if deploying Windows XP or Server 2003. • For Vista or later, the HAL is determined dynamically at start up. • One for each localized language type for Windows XP or Server 2003. • For Vista or later, the core OS is language neutral and you can add language packs.

  31. Where the Deployment Tools Fit Suggested tools from Microsoft’s “Choosing a Deployment Strategy” whitepaper.

  32. Where the Deployment Tools Fit Suggested tools from Microsoft’s “Choosing a Deployment Strategy” whitepaper.

  33. What about those Applications? Starting with your list of applications, start sorting them out into buckets. • Applications that will run fine on Windows 7 as is. • Applications that have a Windows 7 compatible version you can upgrade to. • Applications that don’t run on Windows 7. How do we figure out which categories those applications fall into?

  34. Windows7 Builds on Vista • If your application works on Vista, it will probably work on Windows 7. • If your application doesn’t work on Vista. It won’t work on Windows 7. • Few Changes: Most software that runs on Windows Vista will run on Windows 7 - exceptions will be low level code (AV, Firewall, Imaging, etc). Hardware that runs Windows Vista well will run Windows 7 well. Few Changes: Focus on quality and reliability improvements Deep Changes: New models for security, drivers, deployment, and networking

  35. Some Common Compatibility Problems • User Account Control (UAC) • Limits the context in which processes run • Restricts users to Standard Users • Windows Resource Protection • Creates a temporary work area and redirects write action for applications. • IE Protected Mode • Defends against elevation-of-privilege attacks by only allowing write operations to the temporary internet files. • Operating System Versions • The OS version number changes with each release. (Vista is 6, Windows 7 is 6.1.)

  36. Application Compatibility Toolkit • Provides tools to inventory applications, hardware and devices in the production environment • Synchronizes collected inventory with current application and hardware compatibility data from Microsoft and the ACT community. • Includes tools to test and repair individual applications. • Reduces the cost and time involved in resolving application compatibility issues • Helps you determine how a Windows Update will impact your applications

  37. Evaluate Your Applications AgainstThe ACT Community

  38. Installing the Applications The “Easy” Applications The “Not So Easy” Ones • Include in Operating System Image (thick) or deployment process (thin). • Group Policy Deployments • System Center Configuration Manager or other 3rd-party software. • Shims • MED-V • App-V • RDS

  39. Compatibility Fixesaka “Shims” • Also known as compatibility fixes, they are flexible tools used to address issues. • Can not be used to bypass Windows security directly, but you can use them to loosen ACLs on a directory, redirect file access or feed alternate information to an application, etc. • Only run in user-mode, so they can’t be used to correct kernel-mode issues, like with device drivers. • The Application Compatibility Tool kit can help with this type of solution, but in general, a high level of expertise required to create compatibility fixes. • Some are documented on TechNet and included with the Compatibility Manager within the ACT.

  40. When Should I Consider MED-V?The challenge of upgrading to a new operating system First upgrade – then migrate! Test • Migrate Upgrade Test compatibility of all applications with the new OS Migrate or replace incompatible applications Upgrade the organization to the new OS

  41. How MED-V Relates to Windows XP Mode Windows Virtual PC (“XP Mode”) Provides the Ease of Use for End Users • A preconfigured virtual Windows XP SP3 (32bit) environment • Easy to install your applications on Windows XP and run from Windows 7 desktop • Well integrated into Windows 7 • Designed for small businesses and consumers MED-V – Application-OS compatibility for the Enterprise • Deploy virtual Windows XP images and customize per user • Provision and define applications and websites to users • Control Virtual PC settings • Maintain and Support endpoints through monitoring and troubleshooting • MED-V will not require PCs to have hardware assisted virtualization (e.g. Intel VT, AMD-V)

  42. Will App-V Help me Get to Windows 7? • Applications are packaged and delivered to the desktop on demand • Streamed bits are cached locally on the client and use the resources on the client directly. • Managed applications are easier to patch, upgrade and deploy. • Helps control the entire lifecycle of your application. • Applications must be able to run natively on the destination OS in order to work on that OS via App-V. • Decouples applications from the OS to reduce conflicts – ex: multiple versions of Office.

  43. MED-V vs. App-V What it is good for What it does What it is good for What it does • Creates a package of a single application • Isolates from all other applications • Resolve conflicts between applications, and reduces testing • Simplify application delivery (removes install) • Resolve incompatibility between applications and a new OS • Run two environments on a single PC • Creates a package with a full instance of Windows Applications Operating System Hardware ®

  44. Terminal Services orRemote Desktop Services • Well known technology. • TS on Server 2003 with 3rd party add-ons (like Citrix) can allow you to continue to serve legacy applications to users. • TS on Server 2008 with RemoteApp can support applications that run on Vista and provide the a more “seamless” experience. • RDS on Server 2008 R2 with RemoteApp will support Windows 7 applications and meets a different set of needs than App-V.

  45. Keeping Track of Applicationswith Asset Inventory Service (AIS) • AIS consists of two parts: • A Web-based service, onto which Desktop Optimization Pack subscribers can log to view inventories of software installed on client computers in their enterprises. • Client software that communicates with the Web-based service and supplies it with an inventory of programs that are installed on each client computer. • Supports XP, Vista and Windows 7 clients as well as Server 2003 and Server 2008.

  46. Some tools are part of the MDOP subscription • Translating software inventory into business intelligence • Enhancing group policy through change management • Dynamically streaming software as a centrally managed service • Proactively managing application and operating system failures • Powerful tools to accelerate desktop repair • Simplifying deployment and management of Virtual PCs

  47. Online Resources • “Using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.docx” • Solution Accelerators - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/solutionaccelerators/default.aspx • Microsoft Springboard – www.microsoft.com/springboard • Application Compatibility for Windows 7 - http://technet.microsoft.com/appcompat

  48. Questions? ? ? ? Jennelle Crothers www.techbunny.com jennelle@techbunny.com Twitter: @jkc137

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