What Would You Do? By: Claire Liskey
Situation #1 • In Class someone made fun of my clothes. What should I do? • Should I, • Yell back and tell them their clothes are uglier. • Or… • Calmy tell them that they’re hurting your feelings.
You made the wrong choice • I had an outburst and started yelling back at them and I got in trouble with the teacher. Bullying them back only makes things worse. <~ Make a better choice
You made the right choice • Next ~> Well I said back, “ I like my clothes even if you don’t.When you make fun of them it hurts my feelings. She did not bother me for the rest of the day. Even though you might feel hurt and angry, it is best to stay calm.
Situation #2 • At lunch someone called me names. What should I do? • Should I, • Yell names back and be mean to them also. • Or… • Stay calm and ignore them.
You made the wrong choice • I yelled names back and was mean back to them and the bully told the teacher and I got in trouble. <~ Make a better choice
You made the right choice • I stayed calm and ignored them and the bully stopped. When they don’t think they’re hurting your feelings and making you mad, they usually stop. Next ~>
Thanks for helping me make my choices • Thank you for reading. Bullying Presentation By: Claire Liskey Press escape to be done