Frost covers an aspen leaf on a cold October morning near Parker Lake.
Shadows from afternoon light darken fresh snow near Gem Lake.
The Milky Way and Banner Peak shine in the moonlight from Summit Lake.
At sunrise the Minarets reflect in a small pond near Cecile Lake.
Sunrise highlights the granite islands of Thousand Island Lake.
Reflections break the dawn’s stillness on a corner of Cabin Lake.
Shadow Lake remains shrouded as the morning sun hits the mountains beyond.
A waning moon sets over the granite cliffs near Donahue Pass.
Photographed from Nancy Pass, afternoon clouds form behind the Minarets.
Midday light streams through ripples on to the rocky bottom of the San Joaquin River’s Middle Fork.
Parker Creek flows past aspens shimmering in the October afternoon light.
Reflections of the sun form streaks in a small stream near the Clark Lakes.
An early snow melts on the forest floor of an aspen grove near Parker Lake.
Golden autumn leaves surround an old aspen tree near Parker Lake.
A white fungus outlines a plant flattened against a rock by winter snow.
Sleet from an October storm blankets aspen trees near Parker Lake.
Winds of up to 50 miles per hour move up a ridge near Summit Lake.
A Sierra wave cloud hangs over Rodgers Peak, left, and Mount Lyell.