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Holy Matrimony


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Holy Matrimony

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    1. The Sacrament of:Holy Matrimony By: Monica Vu Thomas Vo Dung Nguy?n Sang Nguy?n

    2. What is Holy Matrimony? Marriage “An exclusive, permanent and lifelong contract between a (validly baptized) man and a (validly baptized) woman in which they commit themselves to care for each other and to procreate and raise children; when the marriage takes place between baptized persons who enter into a covenant on that between Christ and the Church”1

    3. What does Holy Matrimony do? “It is a union of opposite sexes. (A bond) It is a lifelong union, ending only with the death of one spouse. It excludes a union with any other person so long as the marriage exists. Its lifelong nature and exclusiveness are guaranteed by contract.”2

    4. What’s Special About It? Essential sacramental symbol- exchange of marriage vows (words) It bonds two people from the opposite gender together A union Indissoluble Open to new life

    5. Who can receive it? A baptized man and a baptized woman Being married means both people ( a man and a woman) must wish to be married and have no obstacles that avert them from giving their free and whole approval (i.e. Pregnancy, mental illness, or a secret addiction)

    6. Who can administer it? Some people would rather get married before a justice of the peace, BUT this is not considered a SACRAMENTAL MARRIAGE The priest or deacon witnesses the marriage, as a representative of the Church, but in a Catholic wedding, the spouses are the ministers

    7. How many times can someone receive it ? ONCE ONLY… Unless Your spouse DIES If someone divorces a LIVING, lawful spouse and remarries then this person is living in direct contradiction to the laws of God. Divorcing a LIVING spouse and REMARRYING is a SIN (They can’t receive holy communion anymore)

    8. What is the Church’s teaching on this? The Church teaches us that marriage is part of God’s plan God wanted us to develop a union in which love can be present, that’s why He created men and women, so they can complement each other He wanted marriage so this bond could be “fruitful” and lead to new life God wants this marriage to last FOREVER unless your spouse dies

    9. Bible passages related to the sacrament John 2:1-12 Hebrews 13:4 Revelation 19:9 Genesis 2:18 Genesis 1:28

    10. Other important/ interesting facts God’s role- The Holy Spirit guides married people to do the right thing Married couple's role- To be able to do what is right and to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit “The fruits of the Sacrament -the graces needed to raise a family and live up to the marital vows.” 2

    11. Controversy on Holy Matrimony Prop 8: This proposition bans same-sex marriages in California Some believe this is wrong and want to have same-sex marriage Same-sex marriage is against the church. A sacramental marriage is a marriage between a validly baptized WOMAN and validly baptized MAN

    12. Holy Matrimony mentioned in the news Marriages are mentioned in the news, but the SACRAMENT of holy matrimony is not mentioned in the news

    13. Bibliography 1- The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth (2nd edition) 2-http://www.fisheaters.com/holymatrimony.html

    14. Class Activity Trivia Game Bible Meanings

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