In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My magazine is specifically designed towards a target audience of late teens and young adults. The music magazine includes a varied music genre with bands and artists that a younger audience will know as very iconic and famous, something which many younger people have commented as a preference in a music magazine. My front cover includes many key conventions of a standard music magazine, it includes a main photo taking up most of the page. I decided to sharpen the photo to make it look brighter and stand out, I think it makes the photo look more professional and particularly suits the young audience I am aiming the magazine towards. I also made the red in the photo stand out by using a specific program to edit it; this works well as one of the main colours in my magazine is red. The photo does not have a genre of music related to it either which also helps the magazine as I did not want my magazine to be associated with any particular style of music. I have decided to have the artist in the photo remain eye contact this is so the reader feels connected to them. The cover lines i have used help show to the audience that they are getting there moneys worth with words such as ‘exclusive’ and in a fairly big font so as to stand out. I included a banner over my front cover image as many big music magazines do because it informs the audience of the important article inside that they must read.
Typical conventions of a contents page include images of the main story and other photos that relate to articles later in the magazine, page numbers are also important in a music magazine because it helps the reader know where to look for particular articles and stories. I have included both of these important factors in my magazine purposely trying to fill the contents page this is because if it appears more full the audience feels like they are getting more for their money and are therefore more likely to buy it. In my contents page I also include a competition a main feature of most magazines, readers will have to buy the magazine in order to participate even though they know they may not necessarily win so I included a competition to see a famous artist perform live. A double page spread should include a large image of the artist taking up most of the room and a large amount of writing on that particular person or group, I decided to do an interview in my magazine, I included the word ‘exclusive’ here as well so the audience feel like they are getting secret and new information on the particular artist; this is also useful because in real music magazines a main music act is put on the front cover so particular members of the audience that like that act will specifically buy that magazine to read the information on them. For my three pages I used more images than text this suits my audience because they are young it is stereotypical that they would prefer to see the photos than to read so I included less text and the text I did include, the interview, the front cover headlines are informal, fun and simple to read. Overall I have decided to stick to most of the typical conventions of best selling music magazines because they are all successful magazines and obviously sell a lot to their target audience.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? The type of media institution that may want to distribute my music magazine is Bauer Consumer media; this company also distributes music magazines such as Q, Kerrang and Mojo. These three magazines focus on the same genre of music as I have focused on for Loud! I think this company would be good for my magazine because they are one of the biggest music magazine institutions and they are very good at selling magazines similar to mine. They would also be a good company in helping to advertise the magazine and make it stand out for the particular target audience. Bauer Consumer media would want to distribute my magazine because it covers a variety of music genres from the past and present that will suit everyone’s music taste. Also Loud! are eager to promote new upcoming bands and give any information to the readers on their favourite bands all they have to do is visit the website and look up artists, news and events.
Who would be the audience for your media product? Loud! is aimed at an audience between 15-17 late school students and college students and these readers will be interested in a wide genre of music old, new, signed and unsigned artists. Readers will have an interest in concerts, gigs, celebrities and follow local bands and artists regularly as well as having an interest in modern well-known artists. The target audience will fit in a C1/C2 socioeconomic group who can afford to buy the magazine on a regular basis, they will also be able to enter the competitions inside. The magazine will be aimed at both genders so will include equal information on male and female artists; the magazine is aimed at a younger audience so will use less sophisticated, informal words.